Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Head and Neck Anatomy (TRANSV)

Head and Neck Anatomy (TRANSV)
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Office hours

This subject will use the Moodle Platform to hang teaching content and deliver notifications to students

Head instructor

Dra. Maria Angela MAYORAL - amayoral@uic.es


The subject of Head and Neck Anatomy is a core subject taught in the first year of any of the following Dentistry Masters: International Master in Oral Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Periodontics,Endodontics, and TMJ Master.

The goals of the subject are deepen with the basic knowledge of anatomy of the head and neck, as well as learn how to apply this knowledge clinically.

Pre-course requirements

It's required to have the degree in Dentistry, which involves having the basic knowledge of  head and neck anatomy.


Theoretical objectives:

  • bones of the face 
  • mastication muscles and facial expression muscles 
  • dissection techniques 
  • oral cavity and oropharynx 
  • facial irrigation and innervation

Practical goals:

  • being able to identify the different anatomical structures 
  • to apply theoretical knowledge in clinical practice

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • Encourage students to update and train continuously 
  • pre-clinical work with phantoms in order to apply theoretical knowledge 
  • Practical application of theoretical knowledge daily


Learning outcomes of the subject

The knowledge gained in this course will give the student a three-dimensional view of the anatomy and development of the head and neck. This is essential for clinical diagnosis and also facilitate the detection and resolution of problems in clinical practice.


  • bones of the face 
  • mastication muscles and facial expression muscles 
  • dissection techniques 
  • oral cavity  
  • facial irrigation and innervation

Teaching and learning activities

In person

1. Lectures:  Theoretical basic knowledge in schematic form and with a wealth of supporting graphical material. A slot is dedicated to questions, clarification or extension of concepts at the end of the lecture, as required by the student.

2. Practical sessions: In the osteoteca, with phantoms,and in the dissection room we will implement practical knowledge.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

No attendance to class scores negatively

Evaluation will be continuous

There will be a multiple choice test.

Bibliography and resources

  • Anatomía de la Cabeza para odontólogos. Velayos JL, Santana HD. 4ª edición. Medica Panamericana: Buenos Aires;  Madrid: 2007
  • Netter. Anatomía de la cabeza y cuello para odontólogos. Norton NS. Netter FH.  Elsevier- Masson Barcelona. 2007.
  • Nervios Craneales. En la salud y la enfermedad. Wilson-Pauwels L, Akeson EJ, Stewart PA, Spacey SD. 2ª ed. Medica Panamericana: Buenos Aires; Madrid: 2008.
  • Atlas de Anatomía Humana. Sobotta Becher. Tomo I. 22 Ed. Medica Panamericana: Buenos Aires;  Madrid: 2007
  • Prometeus. Atlas de Anatomía. Tomo 3 cabeza y Neuroanatomia.  Schünke M,Schulte, Schumacher U. Medica Panamericana: Buenos Aires;  Madrid: 2007
  • Atlas  de Anatomía Humana. Estudio fotográfico del Cuerpo humano. Rohen JW, Lütjen-Drecoll, Yokochi C. 6ª ed. Elsevier. Barcelona. 2007.
  • Anatomía Humana. Texto y  Atlas en color. Gosling JA, Harris PF, Humpherson JR, Whitmore I, Willan PTL.  2 Ed. Tomo 2. (Cap 7: Cabeza y cuello). Mosby/ Doyma Libros. Madrid: 1994.
  • Principios de Anatomía y Fisiología. Tortora GJ, Derrickson B. 11ª ed. Medica Panamericana: Buenos Aires;  Madrid: 2006
  • Anatomía y Fisiología. Thibodeau-Patton Ed. Elsevier-Mosby. 6ª edición 2007
  • Tratamiento de Oclusión y afecciones temporomadibulares. Okeson JP.  4ª ed.  Harcourt Mosby. Madrid 1998
  • Anatomia Oral.  Sicher/ Du Brul. Du Brul E LL. Doyma  Barcelona: 1988
  • Fichas de Autoevaluación. Netter Anatomía. Cabeza y cuello. Hansen JT, Netter FH. 2ª ed. Elsevier- Masson Barcelona. 2007.
  • Laminas Mudas. Prometeus. Texto y Atlas de Anatomía. Tomo 3 cabeza y Neuroanatomia.  Schünke M,Schulte, Schumacher U. Medica.  Panamericana: Buenos Aires;  Madrid: 2007
  • Anatomy.tv powered by primal pictures .Anatomía en 3D online