Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Written Communication 1

Written Communication 1
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

The student can arrange an interview with the professor (Dr. Jiménez) by writing to the following email address:



This subject is intended to provide students with the tools and knowledge on oral and written communication that university learning requires and encourages an advanced level of language mastery.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-course requirements are needed to enroll in this subject.


Knowledge objectives:
1. Communicative competence. Language levels, degrees of knowledge and evaluations.
2. The text. Properties.
3. Define and identify the rhetorical techniques and strategies of exposition and argumentation.
4. Know the spelling, morphosyntactic, lexical and punctuation rules of the Spanish language, and identify the most frequent errors and those caused by interference with the Catalan language.
5. Academic writing.
6. Know the main resources of oral expression. the persuasion

Objectives of attitudes and skills:
1. Describe the functions of writing and recognize its importance in the field of Humanities.
2. Know the theoretical principles on learning written expression.
3. Define and identify the rhetorical techniques and strategies of the text types of academic discourse: description, narration, exposition and argumentation.
4. Development of the habit of reading.
5. Critically analyze literary, journalistic and essay texts to discern their typology and the main techniques used in them.
6. Writing with clarity, rigor and precision.
7. Acquire some habits of self-correction and care of the language.
8. Development of a constant, professional and responsible work, with respect in meeting deadlines.
9. Oral expression of ideas, clearly, in front of other people.
10. Knowledge of the main genres of academic discourse.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP05 - Students will be able to analyse socio-cultural, historical and artistic structures, from a respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, using language that avoids androcentricity and stereotypes.
  • HB02 - Students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • HB03 - Students will be able to develop a coherent understanding and expression of ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing.
  • HB06 - Students will be able to plan tasks and projects in an organised and structured manner.
  • HB12 - Students will be able to adequately and effectively apply methods and techniques specific to different humanities disciplines when problem solving and when elaborating critical and well-founded arguments.
  • HB18 - Students will be able to present the results of their research in a narrative way, following the critical standards of each discipline.
  • HB19 - Students will be able to analyse original texts or documents in their mother tongue and in other languages, with appropriate summaries and categorisation techniques.
  • HB20 - Students will be able to use sources of information in an international context.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Acquire oral communication skills.

2. Acquire written communication skills.

3. Develop techniques for public speaking.

4. Acquire the ability to understand, analyse and synthesise.

5. Ability to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques).

6. Develop critical analysis skills.

7. improve one of the mother tongues: Spanish.

8. Develop arguments and synthesis in oral debates and presentations.

9. Read and analyze classical works and essays. It is valued as they enrich their knowledge and vital experience.




1. Introduction 


2. Communication. 


3. The use of Spanish Language


4. Written Communication Skills



5. Academic writting


6. Oral Communication Skills

Persuasion. How to deliver a speech.


7. Rhetoric

Basics Concepts


8. Introduction to Critical Thinking

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Learning methodology

1. Lecture method.

2. Self-learning.

3. Debates.

4. Learning through the creation and development of work.

5. Texts analysis.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The competencies of the subject are evaluated according to the modalities of continuous evaluation and final evaluation.


It consists of monitoring and evaluating the progressive acquisition of competencies and will be carried out through the following exercises: written exercises, oral presentations, interventions in the classroom, and short exams of the readings.

Continuous assessment will account for 50% of the final grade.

TO PASS THE SUBJECT, 5 POINTS MUST BE OBTAINED IN THE CONTINUING EVALUATION. If the continuous assessment is suspended, the teacher will indicate the exercises that will be delivered to recover it on the day of the final exam.

This assessment is distributed as follows:

1) written and oral exercises: 20%

2) book reading exams: 20%

3) tasks: 10%

Written and oral exercises

In the written exercises the student will strive to do them neatly and according to the established presentation rules.

The delivery of an exercise will not be accepted after the fixed delivery date.

On the other hand, the following scoring criteria will be followed in the written exercises: -0.2 points, out of 10, for each spelling, syntactic and lexical error. Repeated errors count as one more error.

In the event that the teaching staff detects plagiarized work or a student copying during an exam, this will notify the Faculty Board which will take the relevant measures, including the automatic obtaining of a grade of 0.0 for that subject going directly to the next call.

The teacher will explain in the classroom the assessment of the oral exercises.


Reading books

Students will read various books throughout the semester. On the days indicated by the teacher, brief written questions will be asked to check that the students have read and understood them. The evaluation of this part will be 20% of the final grade. The same error correction criteria will be applied: -0.2 points, out of 10, due to spelling, syntactic and lexical errors. Repeated errors count as one more error.



The evaluation of the subject's competencies will be carried out by means of a written test and multiple-choice questions that will account for 50% of the subject's grade. TO PASS THE SUBJECT, 5 POINTS MUST BE OBTAINED IN THE FINAL EXAM. The following error correction criteria will be applied: -0.2 points, out of 10, due to spelling, syntactic and lexical errors. Repeated errors count as one more error.


Mobile phones or laptops will not be used in the classroom unless explicitly authorized by the teacher.

Three absences from class will be allowed. The fourth and following will be penalized each with -0.5 points, out of 10, the final exam grade. Two tardies equal one absence.

If for an unforeseen reason a student cannot attend class, she will inform the teacher by email the same day.



The student who fails the continuous assessment must deliver the activities set by the teacher. She can only get 5 points in this part of the course.

If the student fails the final exam and has passed the continuous evaluation, when he passes the final exam, the recovery mark will be the average of the continuous evaluation and that of the final exam.

Bibliography and resources

(To study)

Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María (2021). Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional. Pamplona: Eunsa. 2nd edition.



Anderson, Chris (2018). Charlas TED. Barcelona: Deusto ediciones.

Aristóteles. (1998). Retórica. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Casado, Manuel. (2012). El castellano actual: usos y normas. 10th edition. Pamplona: Eunsa.

Cassany, Daniel (2002). La cocina de la escritura. Barcelona: Anagrama.

Jiménez, Ricardo-María (2016). Escribir bien es de justicia. 2nd edition. Cizur Menor: Aranzadi Thomson-Reuters.

Queralt, Sheila (coordinadora) (2023). Lingüistas de hoy. Madrid: Síntesis.




Bustos, Jorge. Casi. Una crónica del desamparo. Barcelona: Libros del Asteroide. ISBN: 978-84-19089-84-7.

Delibes, Miguel. Las ratas. Barcelona: Destino.

García Márquez, Gabriel. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba.

(The student write a review) 

Jiménez-Yáñez, Ricardo-María (2020). Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional. Pamplona: Eunsa. 

Teaching and learning material