Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Formació Pràctica Rotatoria

Formació Pràctica Rotatoria
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Contact by email: Dr. Boi Ruiz boi.ruiz@uic.es


The student will go through different areas of management in selected hospitals, accredited and active agreements with the university.

Future managers should be able to translate knowledge into professional practice, providing initiative, innovation, motivation for change, ... actively involved in the different stages that influence the improvement of organizations, all necessary and responds to growing social demand for effectiveness and efficiency in health  

Pre-course requirements

The student should have knowledge of theoretical and methodological module before starting the practice, but may start the placement center at the convenience of practices and in accordance with the student himself although he has not finished.  


The objective of this module is to achieve practical approach to the professional students and develop their own ways of doing it. To ensure that we achieve these goals, students will be assigned a tutor who will plan activities so as to ensure the attainment of skills that lead to professional formation. The guardian is appointed or assigned by the school management committee which made the practice.

During the practical period is intended to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired in the first module, ensuring that they have built and set the specific powers of each of the functional areas. It also promotes specialization and career guidance to some of the functional areas.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Identify sources of financing for health care, payment systems and different health insurance.
  • CN02 - Identify the portfolio of services and the key healthcare processes of each organisation and level of health level.
  • CP01 - Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and have the ability to resolve problems in new or little known environments within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to the area healthcare management.
  • CP02 - Communicate correctly in a professional and multidisciplinary context, both orally and in writing and with the correct terminology and the specific concepts of the healthcare management environment, in a national or international context, being able to read, understand and synthesise specific literature.
  • CP04 - Use the concepts of economic management confidently in a real environment, within the framework of the public and private management of a healthcare company.
  • CP05 - Apply the techniques for the correct management of people in a real healthcare management situation, respecting fundamental equal rights between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values inherent in a peaceful society of democratic values using inclusive, non-discriminatory language without stereotypes.
  • HB01 - Apply a multidimensional view to planning (planning, organising and directing) in order to develop the capacity for autonomous and multidisciplinary work with agile decision-making in the field of health management
  • HB04 - Use reliable sources of information for appropriate decision-making at all levels of the healthcare organisation, and use these sources to form the basis for innovation and research management in their centre. In doing so, identify ideas that generate new products or services and that can be transferred to society through patents, the creation of new start-ups, spin-offs or companies.
  • HB05 - Propose an action plan to ensure coordination between different levels of care in the field of health management.
  • HB06 - Apply assessment and quality control (technical, perceived, overall) and patient safety models.
  • HB07 - Relate learned concepts to real situations and apply them properly. Keep informed of the aspects that directly or indirectly influence healthcare organisations (budget management, regulatory applications, environmental health situations, etc.).

Learning outcomes of the subject

Que el alumno:

-Sea capaz de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, llegando a actuar con autonomía y profesionalidad.

-Enriquezca e incluso amplíe los conocimientos teóricos recibidos, en un entorno real de gestión.

-Adquiriera una formación avanzada, especializada, multidisciplinar y profesional que aumente su maestría, favoreciendo su empleabilidad en el futuro.

-Actúe con iniciativa y se integre en un entorno laboral competente.




The student will rotate through the maximum functional areas of the center, related to the Assistive management area, namely:


Knowing the overall organization and operation of:

Organizational structure and general operation of the

Clinical and diagnostic support services

Functional areas: surgical unit, emergency and ambulatory activity

Nursing care

Teaching and Research

Multidisciplinary teamwork



Understand the main processes and clinical management tools:

Clinical guidelines in primary care

Clinical guidelines in hospitals

Clinical guidelines in geriatric care and dependency

Encoding activity (MDS)

Pharmaceutical guide

Protocols for the prevention of infection

Operation of the Committees of care and clinical sessions

Informed Consent Procedure



Understand the main processes and criteria:

Patient admission process

Demand Management

Continuity of care management

How to manage the rights and duties of patients

Collection and monitoring of Advance Directives

Circuit addressing and resolving complaints and

Results of satisfaction surveys



Knowing how the organization prepares and works to improve quality:

Accreditation standards for the quality of the Department of Health

Quality Plan

How to evaluate the quality of medical records

Draft patient safety in the hospital system involving the collection of adverse events

The student will rotate through the maximum functional areas of the center, related to the Assistive management area, namely:




Have a basic knowledge of the following processes:

Strategic Plan

Interpretation of contracts

Management of billing systems

Cash management and payments

Development and budget monitoring

Accounting process

Suppliers selection and evaluation



 Know the basic operation and main indicators of the areas of:

Hospitality: food, cleaning and laundry

Maintenance: General, preventive, medical imaging

Infrastructure and constructions

Procurement and supplies

Plan for Building and Facilities Management

Environmental Policy and Management


The student will rotate through the maximum functional areas of the center, related to the Assistive management area, namely:



Understand the key processes of human resources management:

Planning and selection

Job description and competency

Establishment of training plan

MBO (Management per objectius): instruments

Performance Evaluation

Working environment measurement and analysis work. Occupational hazards

Teaching and learning activities

In person

AP: Attendance at practices

The student observes and recognizes the knowledge and skills acquired in the theoretical module. Seen in practice, applying what they have learned and see among others the following aspects: focusing on problems, discussion and group work, proposed resolution, discussion of proposals, prioritization, decision making, results actions...

AAP: self-learning activities

These activities are designed for students to solve problems by itself, with the help of the tutor, the material has to be facilitating or module that provides theoretical, and the information he acquired during practice. Do not forget the consultation document libraries or practices related to performing.


For each rotation, students will be assigned a tutor (which may be unique or different for each rotation) that will be making the monitoring and supervision of the student through a personal relationship for support and practice. Initially, this action is very targeted and as practice progresses, the student must be more autonomous, integration and showing initiative, taking to the tutor as a reference only.

FB: Feed-back:

The mentor should not only make the supervisor and front passenger, but must give the student feedback whenever deemed appropriate, to guide, redirect or push the student to take initiative and provide input, vision or knowledge.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The student will be assigned a mentor in the center to conduct practices.

1. After the rotation, the placement tutor will mark the knowledge, skills and competencies specifically worked in the check-list that will be provided.

2. He will complete a report evaluating the following:




-Other aspects to note.

3. The student must perform a self-assessment report reflects:

-Knowledge and skills which have developed during practice, linking the various areas he has worked in Module I of theoretical and methodological.

-The new knowledge gained during the internship.

-Other Considerations


The committee will evaluate the reports determine fitness. If necessary the student will be oriented in relation to their potential and capabilities.

The rating system is simply practical module:

A: Competent

N: Not competent.