Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:

Dr Emilio Rojo: emiliorojo@uic.es

Dra Blanca Navarro: bnavarro@uic.es

Dra Montserrat Pàmias: mpamias@uic.es

Dr Ferran Viñas: fvinas@uic.es




Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. The boundaries between health and mental illness are not always clear. The course of Psychiatry aims to provide medical training content that will help students to know the symptoms and psychopathological manifestations; the methods of interview and evaluation of the mental disorders; and the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to these disorders. This course also seeks to provide students with the means to improve their communication skills both with the patient and family as with other people working in the multidisciplinary team. Practices in a clinical setting are performed on Medical Clinical Practice subject and Rotation in Medical Specialities.

Pre-course requirements


To pursue the matter of "Mental Health II: Psychiatry-" it is essential that the student has passed the subjects of "Mental Health I: Psychology"," Body Structure and Function: Integration Nervous and Endocrine Systems" and " Semiology and physiopathogenesis" 


1. The main objective of the course is to understand the various psychiatric disorders, including the clinical aspects: evaluation, diagnosis, classification, course and prognosis; and the physiological therapeutic bases.
2. Start students on interview techniques and assessment methods in psychiatry.
3. Learn the types, characteristics, indications, side effects, interactions and patterns of use of various psychotropic drugs, psychotherapies and others interventions.
4. Learn more frequent decision algorithms.
5. Set in clinical practice, learn an individualized therapeutic plan for each patient.

6. Learn about community mental health

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 03 - Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 04 - Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • 05 - Recognize own limitations and the need to maintain and upgrade professional skills, with particular emphasis on autonomous learning of new knowledge and skills and motivation for quality.
  • 08 - Recognize the basis of normal human behavior and its disorders.
  • 09 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
  • 10 - To understand and recognise the agents and risk factors which determine health status, and learn how they determine the symptoms and natural development of acute or chronic diseases in individuals and populations.
  • 11 - Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and their social environment.
  • 12 - Understanding the foundations for action, the indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, based on available scientific evidence.
  • 13 - Obtain and develop a clinical history that contains all relevant information.
  • 14 - Perform a physical examination and a mental assessment.
  • 15 - Ability to formulate an initial diagnosis and establish a rationalised diagnostic strategy.
  • 16 - Recognize and deal with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention.
  • 17 - Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the best information possible and safe clinical practice..
  • 18 - To indicate the most appropriate (pharmacological, surgical, psychological, social or other) treatments that are pertinent to the most prevalent procedures, in terms of rehabilitation and also terminally ill patients, including an evaluation of their effectiveness.
  • 19 - Propose preventive measures appropriate to each clinical situation.
  • 21 - Listen carefully, obtain and synthesize relevant information about the problems affecting the patient and understand the contents of this information.
  • 23 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • 25 - Recognize the determinants of public health; genetic and sex-dependent lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural determinants.
  • 26 - Assume role in the prevention and protection from diseases, injuries or accidents and maintenance and promotion of health, both individual and at the community level.
  • 29 - Understand national and international health organisations, and the environments and conditions of the different health care systems.
  • 31 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health care information.

Learning outcomes of the subject


At the end of this course the student should be able to:

1. Learn the basics of an interview and effective communication with patients with a mental disorder.

2. Do appropiate mental state exploration, basic psychopathological analysis and syndrome diagnosis.

3. Argue diagnostic tools applications in each psychiatric pathology.

4. Learn the different sections of a correct clinical history in psychiatry.

5. Argue therapeutic plan (necessary drugs and other measures). 

6. Make decisions together with other students into a simulation. 


This course is divided into the following thematic blocks

1. Introduction to the course. Mental Health and Psychiatry.

2. Psychiatric semiology: Symptoms, signs and syndromes. Clinical history and interview.

3. Psychiatric Knowledge Structuration and classification of mental disorders.

4. Psychosis. Schizophrenia and delusional disorders.

5 Mood Disorders: Depression and Bipolar Disorder.

6 Anxiety Disorders I: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

7. Anxiety Disorders II: Somatization Disorders. Hypochondriac Disorder. Sleep Disorders.

8. Eating Disorders.

9. Personality Disorders.

10.Alcoholism and Drug addiction.

11. Organic disorders and Dementias..

12. Child Psychiatry: Affective Disorders in children.

13.Child Psychiatry:  Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity.

14. Child Psychiatry: Developmental Disorders and Autism.

15. Organization and Management of psychiatric care.

16. Psychiatric Emergencies.

17. Psychopharmacology. Electroconvulsive Therapy.

18. Psychotherapies.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodologies that will be used for the development and acquisition of skills are:

Online Lectures (14)

- Case Method (8)

- Individual and group learning activities and works 

- Laboratory skills (1)


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

First call:

Midterm Examination: Questionnaire with multiple response questions, binary response questions (T / F, YES / NO) and questions with categorization or ordering of the answers (relate the categories or prioritize the answers by importance ...).

 Final Examination: Multiple choice test with 4 response options, giving +1 for correct answer and -0.33 for each error (MIR features). It includes all the material. 65% of the final grade. It is necessary to pass this exam to pass the curs. 20% of the examination questions may cover concepts not explained in the classroom but contained in the recommended reading.

Individual and group works: 5% of the final grade

Laboratory skills: 10% of the final grade. Attendance at laboratory is mandatory. The evaluation (good, adequate improvement) according to complete the tasks successfully (all, half or more, less than half).

Course attitude and participation: 5% of the final grade (quality and intensity of work-study, behavior..)



Midterm exam (15%), final exam* (65%), laboratory** (10%), individual-group works (5%) and attitude and participation (5%).

* Students must pass the final exam (grade ≥ 5.0) to approve the subject.

** Mandatory attendance to be evaluated

Distinction with Honours (DH): Grades with “excellent” will qualify for honors with a particular task (review or exposure).


Second call:

Final exam: 80% of the final grade. It is necessary to pass (grade ≥ 5) to approve the subject.

Individual and group works*** : 5% of the final grade.

Laboratory skills***: 10% of the final grade. Attendance at laboratory is mandatory. The evaluation (good, adequate improvement) according to complete the tasks successfully (all, half or more, less than half).

Class attitude and participation: 5% of the final grade.



Final exam* (80%), laboratory *** (10%), individual-group works *** (5%) and attitude and participation (5%).

 * Students must pass the final exam (grade ≥ 5.0) to approve the subject.

*** Ratings from first call.

Distinction with Honours (DH): In second call no DH.


Bibliography and resources

•KAPLAN and SADOK. Manual de psiquiatria clínica. 5ª edición. 2022 •PALOMO y JIMENEZ ARRIERO. Manual de Psiquiatria. https://clea.edu.mx/biblioteca/files/original/19e8cf657df192503cbea09f9f10532d.pdf. 2009 •GELDER, LOPEZ IBOR, ANSREASEN. Tratado de Psiquiatría. Gelder, Lopez Ibor, Andreasen. Ars Médica, 2003. •AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM-V). 2014 •ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD. CIE 11: Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades. 2023. https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/classification-of-diseases •HAYNES. Principios de neurociencia. 5 ed. 2019

Some online sources:


















Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 17/12/2024 I3 16:00h
  • E1 17/12/2024 I1 16:00h
  • E1 17/12/2024 I2 16:00h
  • R1 22/01/2025 A21 14:30h

Teaching and learning material