Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:

Dra María Begoña Juaneda: mbjuaneda@uic.es

Dr Juan Antonio Peña: japena@uic.es

Dra Isabel Trias: itrias@uic.es

Dra Paloma Puyalto: ppuyalto@uic.es

Dr Josep Maria Galcerán: jmgalceran@uic.es

Dra David Salinas: dsalinas@uic.es


The Urological subject is a medical-quirurgic speciality that studies the pathology of urinary and reproductive system

Pre-course requirements

Have overcome:

  • Structure and function of Cardiovascular, respiratory and renal system.
  • Structure and function of the reproductive system.


- The subject of urology has the objective of gradually acquiring the student theoretical and practical knowledge sufficient to ensure a proper understanding of diseases of the urinary system, in terms of prevention, diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment.
- Mastering the urologic medical and surgical terminology.
- Get the right skills to further the art of questioning with the objective of developing an urological medical history with the most relevant information.
- Teaching appropriate technical skills to look for signs and symptoms in urological pathology.
- Perform a directed physical examination to get a correct diagnosis of urological pathology.
- Acquire sufficient capacity to recognize a particular urological disease through their various imaging techniques.
- Facilitate the acquisition of attitudes that lead to analysis and solution of different clinical problems.
- To acquire the fundamental knowledge in urology as well as the different techniques to solve the most frecuent clinical urological problems.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 15 - Ability to formulate an initial diagnosis and establish a rationalised diagnostic strategy.
  • 17 - Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the best information possible and safe clinical practice..
  • 18 - To indicate the most appropriate (pharmacological, surgical, psychological, social or other) treatments that are pertinent to the most prevalent procedures, in terms of rehabilitation and also terminally ill patients, including an evaluation of their effectiveness.
  • 19 - Propose preventive measures appropriate to each clinical situation.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Mastering medical terminology and  language of urology
  • Ask some questions  about urologic pathology in order to develop an urological medical history with the most relevant information, so you can find a proper diagnosis of the disease.
  • To acquire the capacity to recognize a specific urological disease through their various imaging techniques.
  • Performing and interpreting diagnostic urological tests: Cystoscopy, urodynamic ...
  • Know the different surgical and urologic indications.
  • Arguing the indications of surgery.
  • Learn the technique of catheterization and its realization.





Unit 1.

 Master Class. 

Urology: Concept and History. Anatomy and Urological Semiology.


Unit  2 .

 Master Classe

Urogenital Birth Defects. Upper and lower urinary tract. Renal anomalies of number, size, position and fusion. Hydronephrosis. Ectopia. Ureterocel.Vesicoureteral reflux. Bladder extrophy. Epi and hypospadias. Urethral valves. .Cryptorchidism.


Unit 3

- Master Class 

Urological tumors I: renal and prostate tumors


Unit 4

-  Master Class 

Urological Tumors II : Bladder tumors. Excretory tumors.Penile Tumor. Testicular tumor.


Unit 5

 Master Class 

Urinary tract infections. Upper urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) and lower (cystitis, prostatitis, orchitis). Urinary tuberculosis. Fournier's gangrene


Unit 6

 -Master Class 

Urolithiasis. Concept. Epidemiology. Renal colic. Metabolic studies. Medical and surgical treatment.


Unit 7

- Master Class 

Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Anatomy. Physiology. Clinic. Medical and surgical treatment.


Unit 8

- Master Class 

Urogenital Trauma: Injury Kidney, Urethral, bladder, urethral and testicular.

Testicular  no tumoral pathology. Cryptorchidism. Varicocele. Hydrocele.


Unit  9

- Master class:

Renal transplantation. Surgical technique .

Renal transplantation. Nephrologic Aspects 



Unit 10

- Class magistral

Penile pathology and andrology. Erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, priapism.


Unit 11

- Master class

Male infertility.


Unit 12

- Master Class.

Urologic emergencies. Renal colic. ARU. Anuria Hematuria. Paraphimosis.





Case Method


Unit 1

 - Case-method 1

Kidney and prostate tumors (Pathology)


Unit 2

- Case-method 2

Urothelial tumors, testicular and penile tumors (Pathology)


Unit 3

- Case method 3

Back pain & fever.Obstructive uropathy.


Unit 4

- Case-method 4 



Unit 5

- Case method 5

 Urodynamic test. Stress Incontinence. Overactive bladder. Neurogenic bladder. Medical treatment . Surgical treatment.



Unit  6

 - Case method 6  .

Urinary symptoms and treatment / Pharmacology.






Unit 1


Elevated PSA


Unit 2


- Renal Masses, Bladder tumors , and others. 







Unit 1

- Urinary Catheterization

- Digital rectal examination: indications, technique. TNM prostate.



Unit 2. 

Endoscopic and laparoscopic surgical technique advanced.
- Endourology: Cystoscopy and endoscopic images

- Laparoscopy (sets laparoscopy).


Unit 3

Diagnostic Imaging: Urology



Teaching and learning activities

In person

- The lecture is the scenario in which a teacher transmits knowledge in a classroom to the entire group of students. The format, however, allows the introduction of small group activities within the classroom and the deployment of strategies that encourageactive student participation.

- The case method is the process of solving clinical cases or specific to theprofession. There are group activities that are solved with the active participation of the teacher after the deliberation of the students.

Problem-based learning has similarities with the case method, but differs in thatstudents are responsible to find the solution. The teacher acts as mentor to facilitate the process of learning from their metacognitive skills. It is also done in groups.

- The skills lab is an area in which the student can develop basic communication skills and physical examination based on mannequins and robots simulator real diseases.They are held in small groups.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation Criteria
We ask the student punctuality, attention and active participation in class. Attendance is not mandatory, but is highly recommended, especially when active learning methods are used. In clinical skills laboratories presence control can be implemented.


The assignature is approved at 5.00.



- Midterm Exam (20%): multiple-choice test (25 questions) of theoretical issues, radiologic images, microscopic or macroscopic resolution of clinical cases.

  • The exam is all about the subject to date. 
  • Omission of a midterm test means loss of the percentage of the test.
  • The questions have four possible answers. 
  • The multiple-choice test is scored as one point for each correct question, for every wrong question will be deducted 1 / 3 of the value of the response.

- Final Exam  (60%): multiple-choice test ( 50 questions) of theoretical issues, radiologic images, microscopic or macroscopic and resolution of clinical case.

  • The final exam is about all matter of course.
  • To pass the course will need to pass the final exam
  • The questions have four possible answers. 
  • The multiple-choice test is scored as one point for each correct question, for every wrong question will be deducted 1 / 3 of the value of the response.


- Collaborative work 20%  


SECOND CALL: 80% The evaluation of the 2nd call may consist of a review of short questions in an examination or test of theoretical issues, radiologic images, microscopic or macroscopic and resolution of clinical cases.

  • The exam is second call on all matter of course. 
  • To pass the course will need to pass the second call exam


Alternatively, an  oral exam may be considered

- Collaborative work 20 %.The notes be saved for the evaluation , buy you lose the continuous assessment


Bibliography and resources

· Recommendations for the study:

1 - "UROLOGY". Campbell-Walsh. Pan Ed (11 th Ed)

2 - "Tratado de Urologia." Jimenez Cruz. Proust Editors. Barcelona 


3- “Urologia. Libro del Residente”. Editorial Asociación Española de Urología.



· Recommendations for the query:


 1-     www.uroweb.org 

2-      www.actasurologicas.info

3-      www.arch-espanoles-de-urologia.es

4-      www.bjui.org

5-      www.jurology.com

6-      www.excelenciaclinica.net



Teaching and learning material