Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Clinical Data Management
Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish
Teaching staff
For any question, please contact: Marisa Martin - marisamf@uic.es
The subject features of 3 credits ECTS and teached in the first semester of the academic course. It is designed to offer strategies and general resources for the research. It constitutes one of the subjects of the module 1 of Fundamentals of Clinical Research and, more precisely, ascribed to the subject denominated Applied Scientific Methodology in the clinical field.
Pre-course requirements
They are not required.
The students have to compromise to take part actively in the activities proposed.
This subject pretends to contribute the knowledge and skills to initiate in the research, look for bibliographic information to the national and international bases, critically analyze the information, prepare a manuscript for its publication and look for the scientific evidence more relieving for its application in Health Sciences.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN04M - Identify the quantitative and qualitative tools and methods necessary for the design and development of a research study in the clinical field of emergencies.
- CP02M - Communicate clinical findings, health outcomes and/or research project in new, specialized and non-specialized settings clearly and unambiguously.
- CP03M - Design advanced research projects on clinical aspects capable of generating new and specific knowledge for disciplinary, professional and institutional development, considering the differences in the expression of diseases in men and women and the consequent health care and treatment needs.
- HB03M - Demostrar iniciativa y proactividad por parte del alumnado de manera autònoma y autodirigida en el proceso de aprendizaje mediante la capacidad de investigar, analizar información, sintetizar conocimientos y resolver problemas
- HB05M - Demonstrate the use of tools related to information and communication technologies and their application to specific fields of knowledge
Learning outcomes of the subject
The student will be able to:
- Design an advanced research project on clinical aspects following ethical standards and scientific rigour and respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values, using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- Use tools to critically evaluate projects, protocols and research articles, both qualitative and quantitative, in the field of health sciences.
- Identify health problems that can be investigated.
- Apply the scientific method, research design, advanced biostatistics, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis tools to solve a question or test a hypothesis in the clinical setting.
- Concept of sources of information. Source types.
- Procedure to realise the searches. Interrogation language.
- Databases in health sciences.
- Critical thought and take of informed decisions.
- Critical reading of the scientific information.
- Preparation of questions.
- Systematic searches of information.
- Bibliographic manager.
- The management of the scientific documentation.
- Importance of the bibliographic mention.
- Appointments and bibliographic references.
- Norms of citation more used in sciences of the health.
- Vancouver’s style.
- APA’s style.
- Type of articles.
- Main parts of a scientific article.
- Scientific quality evaluation. The factor of impact.
- Ethical of the scientific publication. Concerning the scientific creation.
- Critical reading of research works.
- Norms of publication of biomedical magazines.
- A manuscript’s preparation.
- Electronic process of sending manuscripts.
- Letter to the director.
- Process of review for pairs. Procedure and answer to the publisher.
Teaching and learning activities
Master classes: online adaptation (CT) (CP) |
Individual tutorials |
Group tutorials |
Autonomous learning: online adaptation (ML) |
Case Method: Online Adaptation (EC) |
Cooperative learning: online adaptation (RP) |
Project-based methodology: online adaptation (PBL) |
Evaluation systems and criteria
1 |
Continuous assessment:Forum participation 10% online adaptation (GP) |
Weighting |
10% |
2 |
Written work: Final work 60%online adaptation (PT) |
Weighting |
60% |
3 |
Written tests: Participation in continuous evaluation exercises 30% online adaptation (OM) (PA) |
Weighting |
30% |
Bibliography and resources
Burns, N. (2012). Investigación en enfermería. Desarrollo de la pràctica infermera basada en la evidencia, 5a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier España.
Faus, F. & Santainés, E. (2013). Búsquedas bibliográficas en bases de datos. Primeros passos en investigación en bases de datos. Barcelona: Elsevier España.
Jiménez, J., Argimon, J. M., Martín A. & Vilardell, M. (2015). Publicación científica en biomedicina. Cómo escribir y publicar un articulo de investigación., 2ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.
Mabrouki, K. & Bosch F. (Coord.) (2007). Redacción científica en biomedicina: Lo que hay que saber. Cuadernos de la Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve Nº 9. Barcelona. Recuperado de: http://www.esteve.org/redaccion/
Polit, D. F. & Hungler, B. P. (2000). Investigación científica en ciències de la salud, 6a ed. México: Mc Graw-Hill Interamericana.
Öchsner, A. (2013). Introduction tp Scientific Publishing, Backgrounds, Concepts, Strategies. NY: Springer.
Salkind, N. J. (1999). Métodos de investigación, 3a ed. México: Prentice Hall.
Strauss, S. E., Richardson, W. S. (2006). Medicina basada en la evidencia, 3a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier.