Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Design and Quality Assessment in Clinical Settings
Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,
Teaching staff
Half an hour before the class prior request by mail.
In the current society and healthcare organizations implementing systems of quality management is essential, ensuring the use of methodologies and tools for continuous quality improvement. Rated health scenarios with the intention of discovering possible areas of improvement is the basis of quality and enables the development of research. Quality defined as the utilization of appropriate means in order to get as many of progress in health show a clear relationship with the healthcare research. One of the main dimensions of quality effectiveness is defined as the probability that an individual in a defined population, benefit from the application of technology to a particular health problem experienced performance under ideal conditions. In short, knowledge of improvement tools, design and management indicators are elements that will enhance and facilitate research.
- Concept, organization and quality management applied to research.
- Concept of quality; quality of efficiency; quality of management; Total quality; historical foundations.
- Tools of continuous quality improvement.
- In short, knowledge of improvement tools, design and management indicators are elements that will enhance and facilitate research.
- Redesign of processes: plan and indicators of quality in research.
- Quality Management; processes; Main processes in which to investigate. Good quality development and procedures as a basis for research; group management; quality plan, its goals and its relation to the investigation; indicators.
Pre-course requirements
No incompatibilities.
It is necessary to attend class if you want to have the score exercises and perform the exercises in Moodle if you want to have the corresponding score.
- Tools-Manage quality improvement and identify research problems related to health.
- Meet-group management strategies.
- To draft quality improvement related research.
- Design-related indicators in health research.
- Relate projects to improve the quality research.
- Integrate the concept of quality in the research process.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN03RA - Identificar problemas de salud susceptibles de ser investigados
- CN04RA - Describe the main research protocols in the clinical setting
- CP02RA - Work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team on a research project clinical.
- CP03RA - Communicate the stages of a clinical research project to the public specialized and non-specialized clearly and unambiguously
- HB02RA - Use tools to critically evaluate projects, protocols and research articles, both qualitative and quantitative, in the field of Health Sciences
- HB03M - Demostrar iniciativa y proactividad por parte del alumnado de manera autònoma y autodirigida en el proceso de aprendizaje mediante la capacidad de investigar, analizar información, sintetizar conocimientos y resolver problemas
- HB03RA - Apply different bibliographic search strategies in a research project clinical research from the main databases in life sciences health.
Learning outcomes of the subject
The student at the end of the course will be able to:
- Identify health problems that can be investigated.
- Identify the ethical, legislative, and humanitarian foundations of health research.
- Use tools to critically evaluate projects, protocols and research articles, both qualitative and quantitative, in the field of health sciences.
- Communicate the stages of a clinical research project to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- Design an advanced research project on clinical aspects following ethical standards and scientific rigour and respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values, using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- Concept, organization and quality management applied to research.
- Concept of quality; quality of efficiency; quality of management; total quality; historical foundations.
- Tools of continuous quality improvement.
- Knowledge of improvement tools, design and management indicators are elements that will enhance and facilitate research.
- Redesign of processes: plan and indicators of quality in research.
- Quality Management; processes; Main processes in which to investigate. Good quality development and procedures as a basis for research; group management; quality plan, its goals and its relation to the investigation; indicators.
Teaching and learning activities
Master classes: online adaptation (CT) (CP) |
Individual tutorials |
Group tutorials |
Autonomous learning: online adaptation (ML) |
Case Method: Online Adaptation (EC) |
Cooperative learning: online adaptation (RP) |
Project-based methodology: online adaptation (PBL) |
Evaluation systems and criteria
1 |
Continuous assessment in online questionnarires/exercices (30%): online adaptation (GP) |
Minimum weighting |
30% |
2 |
Written work in online questionnarires/exercices (20%) and final evaluative test (40%): online adaptation (PT) |
Minimum weighting |
60% |
3 |
Oral presentation in syhchoronous sessions: online adaptation (GP)
Evaluation summary: Participation in synchronous classes Continuous evaluation: 10% Exercises and Questionnaires Continuous evaluation: 50% Final evaluative test: 40% |
Minimum weighting |
10% |
Bibliography and resources
Ayuso Murillo, D, Grande Sellera, R.F. La gestión de enfermeria y los servicios generales en las organizaciones sanitarias. Ed: Ediciones Diaz de Santos 2006 ISBN: 84-7978-756-2
Babio, G.O.; Bermúdez Tamayo, C.; García Gutiérrez, J.F.; Márquez Calderón, S. Selección y evaluación de sitios Web dirigidos a pacientes referidos al campo de la salud [en línea]. Sevilla: Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias de Andalucía, 2006. Informe 1/2006.
Disponible en: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicios/publicaciones/detalle/39590.html. [Fecha de consulta: 19/10/2012].
BIREME / OPS / OMS (Brasil). Criterios para Selección de Fuentes de Información en Salud Disponibles en Internet [en línea]. São Paulo: BIREME / OPS / OMS, 2005. Disponible en: http://bvsayuda.sld.cu/... [Fecha de consulta: 19/10/2012].
Ovalle Perandones, M.A.; Olmeda Gómez, C. "Los instrumentos de medida de calidad y accesibilidad de la información sanitaria en Internet aplicados a los contenidos sobre evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias" [en línea]. ISKO, Capítulo Español. Congreso (7º; 2005, Barcelona), 478-493. Disponible en: http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/handle/10016/10069. [Fecha de consulta: 19/10/2012].
Pérez Fernández de Velasco, José A. (2007): Gestión por procesos. Madrid: ESIC
Asenjo Sebastián, M.A. Gestión diaria del Hospital. 3ª Ed: Masson-Elsevier, 2006. ISBN: 84-458-1666-7
Cochrane, A.L. Effectiveness & Efficiency. Random Reflections on Health Services. Ed: The Royal Society of Medicine Press 2004. ISBN 1 85915 394 X
Wright, J. Hill, P. Gobierno Clínico. Ed: Elsevier 2005. ISBN 84-8174-906-0
Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P. Cuadro de Mando Integral (The Balanced Score Card). 2º Ed. Ed: Ediciones Gestión 2000, 2000. ISBN: 84-8088-504-1
BUENO, E Organización de empresas. 2ª Ed. Madrid: Ediciones pirámide, 2007.
Mintzberg, H. La estructuración de las organizaciones. 8ª Ed: Ariel Economía 2005. ISBN 84-344-6102-1
Vazquez Navarrete M.L. , Vargas Lorenzo, I. Organizaciones sanitarias integradas. Un estudio de Casos. Ed: Consorci Hospitalari de Catalunya, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-611-5728-0
Oteo Ochoa, L.A. (editor) Gestión Clínica: Gobierno Clínico. Ed: Diaz de Santos 2006. ISBN: 84-7978-750-3
Pearce, J. & Robinson, R (2007) Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation, and Control. 10ª Edit. New York: Mc Graw Hill
Yoder, P. (2003) Leading and Managing in Nursing. 3ª Edit. St Louis: Mosby
- Revista Calidad Asistencial http://www.calidadasistencial.es/
- Journal of Hospital Medicine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3265714/
- Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care
- International journal of health care quality assurance
- Quality & Safety in Health Care
- Quality in health care : QHC
Navarro Yepes J, Rubio Martinez Pl, Guias de actuacion clinica en el deterioro de la integridad cutanea; ¿dicen todas lo mismo?, Gerokomos 2012; 23 (3): 132-136
Hernandez Martinez-Esperanza E, Verdu Soriano j. Evaluacion de la calidad de las guias de practica clinicas españolas sobre ulceras por presion. Gerokomos 2012; 23 (1): 30-34.
- Joint commission MODELO AMERICANO http://www.fadq.org/
- EFQM MODELO EUROPEO http://www.efqm.org/
- MODELO CATALAN (SIMILAR EFQM) http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/salut