Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Obstetric and Paediatric Emergencies

Obstetric and Paediatric Emergencies
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

You can contact by email the person in charge of the subject Dr. Jordi Castillo (jcastillo@uic.es)


This subject addresses the theoretical study of the main gynecological and obstetric acute pathological processes (and acute complications of chronic processes) (including outpatient delivery), as well as pediatric, all of them in their pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

Includes theoretical and practical training in advanced life support in pediatrics (SVAP).

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites for taking this subject

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB7 - Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired and have the ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • CB8 - Students should be able to integrate their knowledge so that they can deal with the complexity involved in making judgements based on information that may be incomplete or limited, and may therefore require considerations of the social and ethical responsibilities involved in applying knowledge or judgement.
  • CE01 - To have the ability to communicate with patients suffering from a disease that requires urgent treatment, managing resources for a patient-doctor conversation that is initially focused on the most important medical aspects.
  • CE02 - Planning emergency care, assessing the psychological dimension of the suffering of patients and family members
  • CE03 - When a patient has an intense or worsening condition, students should know how to identify and assess clinical indications of a risk to their life or a serious danger to their functions, establishing priorities for their treatment.
  • CE05 - To use a patient's medical history and physical examination to identify the signs and symptoms of the most common serious conditions and serious complications to chronic conditions, correctly interpreting the information.
  • CE06 - To demonstrate their knowledge and flexible and decisive handling of protocols and guidelines for clinical practice when dealing with the most serious or common conditions in urgent and emergency care.
  • CE07 - To carry out a continuous re-evaluation of the patient in urgent and emergency care in order to readjust the provisional diagnosis and consequent change to the treatment plan when necessary.
  • CE08 - To act decisively, accurately and efficiently when applying the invasive and non-invasive treatment techniques used in emergencies.
  • CE09 - To recognise the risks associated with operation procedures and the diagnostic techniques and treatments employed in emergencies, and to carry them out as safely as possible in terms of the safety of the student, other professionals and the patient.
  • CG1 - To know how to work in a multidisciplinary team in an independent way, and how to take the initiative to resolve any disputes or problems that arise between different professional perspectives.
  • CG2 - To act fairly, making sure to offer equal opportunities and universal access to patients who require medical attention, encouraging respect for human rights and a social and sustainable coexistence.
  • CG3 - To practice effective timekeeping and to manage activities so as to ensure efficient organisation and the best possible ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.
  • CG6 - To apply current healthcare legislation related to both pre-hospital and hospital care.
  • CT01 - To respect the ethical standards and laws that govern healthcare and the relationship with the patient in urgent and emergency care, as well as the ability to provide information on basic aspects of the same when required.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to pediatric emergencies: regurgitation, vomiting, food refusal, diarrhea, acute and exanthematic infections, febrile infant syndrome, febrile infant syndrome, allergic reactions, asthma, seizures, difficulty respiratory, stridor, abdominal pain, dehydration, poisoning.     
  • Manages the patient in an emergency: respiratory arrest and cardiorespiratory arrest in the newborn, infant, and child.     
  • Manages the patient in an emergency: severe trauma pediatric patient.     
  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to gynecological emergencies: acute gynecological infectious and inflammatory disorders, abnormal vaginal bleeding.     
  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to obstetric emergencies: threatened abortion, eclampsia, hyperemesis gravidarum, abdominal pain in the pregnant patient, mastitis.     
  • Knows the eutocic mechanism of childbirth and the main dystocia.


  • Pediatric Emergencies     
    • General assessment of the pediatric patient in the emergency department.     
    • Febrile syndrome     
    • Management of seizures in pediatrics. Febrile seizure     
    • vomiting Diarrhea     
    • Rash in childhood     
    • Epiglottitis. Laryngitis. Laryngotracheitis. Bronchiolitis. Bronchospasm. Pneumonia     
    • Sudden death of newborns
    • Management of dyspnea and respiratory failure in pediatrics     
    • Management of abdominal pain in pediatrics     
    • Management of food refusal     
    • Management of child abuse     
    • Reye's syndrome     
    • Urgent manifestations of congenital injuries     
    • Legal aspects of urgent care for pediatric patients     
  • Pediatric and Neonatal Life Support. Neonatal Life Support     
    • Initial Newborn Assessment. Vitality test. Apgar test     
    • Neonatal resuscitation     
    • Umbilical route     
    • Pharmacological treatment in the resuscitation of the newborn     
  • Life Support in Pediatrics (SVAP)     
    • Specific aspects of PCR in pediatrics     
    • ECG rhythms in pediatric advanced life support     
    • International recommendations     
    • Basic life support in pediatrics     
    • Use of the semi-automatic defibrillator in pediatrics     
    • Airway management     
    • Ventilatory support in pediatric SVA     
    • Vascular accesses in pediatrics     
    • Intraosseous route     
    • Electric treatment     
    • Pharmacological treatment in pediatric VAS     
    • Post-resuscitation care     
    • SVA surgical techniques     
    • CPR in the pregnant woman. Cesarean section perimortem     
  • Care for severe pediatric trauma     
    • Assessment of severe pediatric trauma     
    • Means of rescue, immobilization, and mobilization of the traumatized pediatric patient     
    • Analgesia, sedation, and relaxation in the initial management of severe pediatric trauma     
    • Head injury     
    • Spinal cord injury      
    • Chest trauma     
    • Abdominal trauma     
    • Pelvic trauma     
    • Skeletal trauma     
    • Management of shock in pediatric severe trauma     
    • Airway management in severe pediatric trauma     
  • Gynecological and obstetric emergencies     
    • Acute gynecological infectious and inflammatory disorders     
    • Abnormal vaginal bleeding: hypermenorrhea, polymenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, menometrorrhagia     
    • Ovarian torsion     
    • Urgent contraception     
    • Threat of abortion     
    • Hyperemesis gravidarum     
    • Eclampsia     
    • HELLP syndrome     
    • Abdominal pain in the pregnant patient     
    • Assessment of the progression of labor. Assessment of dystocia. Outpatient delivery care     
    • Acute postpartum complications     
    • Mastitis     
    • Gynecological trauma     
    • Assistance to the patient with sexual assault     
    • Assistance to victims of gender violence     
    • Trauma in the pregnant woman     
    • Drugs and pregnancy. Drugs and lactation     

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The following teaching methodologies will be used to develop the subject:

Theoretical class (CT) in the classroom: The teacher will present his syllabus with audiovisual help if he sees fit. In these activities, the student has a basically receptive role, although with the possibility of active participation individually or in groups.

Practical Workshop (TP). This training resource will be carried out mainly at the Comprehensive Advanced Simulation Center (CISA) available at the UIC. In this way, scenarios close to reality will be created in small groups of students, mainly oriented to the development of practical skills, using expository and interactive methodological resources such as role-play, group dynamics, and simulation resources.

Clinical Cases (CC). In the virtual classroom, activities scheduled for the student to solve clinical assumptions on their own or in teams, under the supervision of the teacher, thus contributing to advance in the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired and in The process of decision making.

Self-learning activities (AAP). For these activities, the UIC virtual platform "Moodle" will be your main tool. In it you will be able to find different resources (study material, discussion forums, multimedia resources ...) and various activities (evaluation questionnaires, carrying out tests ...) designed for the student to advance on his own, tutored by the teacher, in the development of its fundamentally theoretical competences.

Individual student activity (AIA). Outside or inside the academic space, activities carried out autonomously by the student tutored by the teachers, to achieve the objectives of the program.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


There will be a mixed evaluation that will have 3 parts:

1) Class participation and attendance (10%)

2) Theoretical examination of the subject (60%)

3) Pediatric Advanced Life Support Workshop - SVAP (30%)

If the student has the validated SVAP Workshop, the final exam will account for  90% of the subject's weight.

If you do not reach the minimum APT score in the Workshop, you will not obtain the Accredited Title. There is no option to take an Accredited Title on the second call.

The student must obtain a minimum score of 4 points in each of the components of the evaluation of the subject. To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.


The evaluation of this 2nd call will be made as follows:

1) Class participation and attendance = the grade from the 1st conv. (10%)

2) Theoretical examination of the subject (60%) = those students who do not exceed the minimum of 4 points in 1st conv., Will have to appear.

3) Workshops (30%) Those Workshops that have a grade lower than 4, will have to do a theoretical exam (there is no recovery of practical ability).

To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.


Bibliography and resources

They will be in the Virtual Platform "Moodle". Each teacher will generate their bibliography and resources depending on the subject taught.