Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Group Psychology

Group Psychology
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Request an appointment by email.


Group Psychology is framed within the area of Social Psychology and involves the study of social interaction in group contexts. Much of human behavior takes place in more or less formalized groups, which implies the need to study groups from a scientific and professional approach. In the Group Psychology course, basic theories and processes are presented to understand the structure and development of groups, as well as intra-group and inter-group processes.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended to have taken the Social Psychology course.


The main objective of the course is to provide students with the basic content on research and intervention concerning the nature of groups, their functioning and development laws, as well as the relationships within each group and between different groups. In this way, the psychosocial bases of behavior are studied from group and intergroup approaches. Finally, students become familiar with intervention processes in contexts of social exclusion, marginalization, and inequality.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Recall the principles, procedures, theoretical models, functions, and characteristics of group influence on individual behavior. 
  • Recognize the theoretical approaches, methodologies, and models of group behavior study, as well as their development laws and interrelations with other groups. 
  • Develop a social intervention project.


Topic 1. Introduction to the Study of Groups 

  • The Study of Groups 
  • Composition and Structure of Groups 
  • Formation, Development, and Socialization 
  • Norms and Behavior 

Topic 2. Relationships within Groups 

  • Social Identity 
  • Leadership 
  • Group Performance 
  • Group Cohesion 
  • Social Influence 
  • Decision Making 

Topic 3. Intergroup Relationships 

  • Prejudice and Discrimination 
  • Intergroup Conflict 
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies 

Topic 4. Psychology of Social Intervention

  • Vulnerable Groups in the Social Context
  • Diagnosis and Analysis of Social Reality
  • Cohesion and Problem-Solving Strategies for Social Issues
  • Planning and Evaluation of an Intervention

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology used in this course will be active and student-centered, making students the protagonists in their learning and competence development process. This methodology combines lectures, practical teaching (case studies, group dynamics, seminars, analysis of audiovisual resources), group work preparation (project), and tutoring (both collective and personalized). The course requires both individual and autonomous work and group work from the students. In addition to the continuous work needed to prepare for and take advantage of the different theoretical and practical sessions, students must complete a project in groups of 5 ±1 people, with an empirical basis on a topic negotiated with the teaching staff. For this, they will have tutoring sessions with the professor during the semester. Finally, the project will be discussed with the rest of the classmates in class.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The assessment of the course is based on: 

  • Final exam (70%), including multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions 
  • Group work (30%): both the written work and the project presentation in class will be evaluated. 

In the second call, the same criteria and the same assessment methodology will be maintained. 

Repeating students who have passed the group work will not be required to repeat it. They can take the exam directly, which will account for 100% of the grade. If they have not passed the group work and the final exam, they will have to retake the course. 


  1. A minimum grade of 5.0 must be obtained in the final exam to average with the rest of the grades. 
  2. Group work is considered continuous assessment, and therefore, not submitting it by the established dates will mean that this part of the grade will not be possible. 
  3. The assessment will always respect the general regulations established in the Degree. 
  4. Plagiarism, copying, or any other action considered cheating will result in a zero in that part.
  5. In the second call, the grade of "Matrícula de Honor" cannot be obtained, so the highest possible grade will be "Excellent".



Bibliography and resources


  • Huici, C., Molero, F., Gómez, A., y Morales, J. F. (Coords.) (2012). Psicología de los grupos. Madrid: UNED
  • Myers, D. G. y Twenge, J. M. (2019). Psicología Social. Ed. McGrawHill

Further reading

  • Baron, R. A. y Byrne, D. (1998). Psicología Social. Madrid: Pearson.
  • Paterna Bleda, C., Martínez Martínez, M. C., Vera Martínez, J. J. (2003). Psicología social: De la teoría a la práctica cotidiana. Ediciones Pirámide.
  • Rodríguez, A., Morales, J. F., Delgado, N., y Betancor V. (Coords.) (2016). 50 Experimentos Imprescindibles para entender la Psicología Social. Alianza Editorial.
  • Smith, E.R. y Mackie, D.M. (1997). Psicología Social. Ed. Médica Panamericana

Others resources


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 10/01/2025 A10 10:00h