Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Family and Couple Therapy

Family and Couple Therapy
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff









We present this subject that aims to train students, making known the systemic relational model and providing tools for family and couple evaluation and intervention, and training in the competencies that, based on experience in training, we firmly believe, are the most appropriate and the most capable, in terms of knowledge and experience, and the ones that bring the student closer to the most suitable profile of family therapist




In the training sessions it is intended to replicate the conditions of a psychotherapy achieving a theoretical and practical training. Based, in addition, on the student's own experience in the training space.

Structured in two parts:



From a broad and integrating view of the existing theoretical frameworks, the contents of the relational-systemic theory will be taught.



Continuous exposure of the various clinical situations from which to observe and practice with the techniques learned in the theoretical space.




Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites to take this subject, although it is recommended that you have passed the subjects of previous courses  


Provide students and students with modelo that they provide the instrumentos suitable for understanding the people and their relationships. In addition to the necessary intervention techniques in the therapeutic work for users, parientes and families.


Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Establish a solid foundation at the theoretical level of the concepts of the systemic relational model.
  • Relate the basic concepts with situations of the clinical practice itself.
  • Provide specific knowledge, the main techniques and procedures used in family, couple and individual intervention.
  • Establish a solid foundation on relational diagnostics
  • Understand psychopathology from different theoretical frameworks.
  • Acquire tools for relational diagnosis.
  • Get in touch with clinical work.
  • Participate in the reflection and decision on the appropriate clinical interventions for each case.
  • Recognize personal qualities and limitations in the role of psychotherapist.
  • Reflect on the relationship between the position of the therapist in one's own family and his professional role under the concept of isomorphism.



Topic 1. Basic concepts and Family Therapy Schools. - Know the most important aspects of family and couple interactions, the meaning of symptoms and relational difficulties, as well as the different types of family structures and become familiar with the vocabulary, approaches and techniques used by the different schools of family therapy. Communicational, structural, processual, constructivist and game theory model. - The meaning of the symptoms. Topic 2. Family assessment and evaluation: - Analysis of referral and demand to develop indications for intervention formats. - Analysis of the family structure. - Analysis of the family narrative. - Clearly and impartially evaluate conflicts, analyzing their impact on the overall functioning of the family and on the state of its members. - Analysis of family communication with communication scales validated in our country by the teaching team in charge of teaching the subject. Unit 3. Relational diagnosis. Unit 4. Techniques for conducting the first family and couple interview. Precise methodology in obtaining the necessary data for the identification, assessment and formulation of problem areas. Unit 5. Construction of hypotheses. Topic 6. Therapeutic contract, construction and conditions. The redefinition as a construction technique. Topic 7. Preparation of reports with the evaluation of the conflict and the appropriate therapeutic orientation    

Teaching and learning activities

In person




(CM) Theoretical classes

(CP) Practical classes with direct visualization of cases, through the mirror

(EC) Case study with indirect review of sessions carried out by the teacher and visualization of clinical proposals through films

(TRC) Role-play techniques

   (LH) Laboratory of simulations and

    clinical skills.

   (TA) Autonomous Work

   (LC) Critical reading and bibliographic review.

  (PRE) Preparation and performance of

   assessable activities. Elaboration of

   summaries of the theoretical parts and the

   sessions of practical cases

   (TG) Group work:

Preparation of cases and simulations


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade for the course will be comprised of the sum of the final exam grade, the written work and the grade Referring to ATTENDANCE and participation. The final exam will have two differentiated partes, a practical Parte and a Theoretical Parte, and will represento 80% of the grade, specifically 40% the practical Parte and 40% the Theoretical parte. The work consisten of writing a diary, a memory of the activities and casas that we see in class, with a reflective note at the end of the daily report. It will represento 10% of the note. The date to presente it is November 12 Attendance and participation will represento 10% of the final grade To count the work and participation, it will be necessary to have PASSED each of the partes of the exam. In the case of not passing año of the partes of the exam, the recovery will be made of the suspended Parte Evaluation systems and criteria Written tests (PE) Practical tests (PP) Class participation (PC) Written assignments (TE)  

Bibliography and resources

CKERMAN, N .: Diagnosis and treatment of family relationships. Ed. Hormé, B. Aires, 1971.5 ANDOLFI, M .: (1977) Family Therapy. Ed. Paidós, Barcelona, 1985.9. BATESON, G.: (1956) Steps towards an ecology of the mind. Ed. Carlos Lohlé. B. Aires, 1972.13. BATESON, G .; JACKSON, D .; HALEY, J. and WEAKLAND, J .: (1956) Towards a theory of Schizophrenia. In G. Bateson, op. cit., 1972, pp. 231-256.14. BATESON, G. and RUESCH, J .: (1951) Communication. The social matrix of psychiatry. Ed. Paidós, Barcelona, 1984. 15  

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 19/01/2024 A12 12:00h
  • E2 25/06/2024 A10 12:00h