Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Intervention in Learning Difficulties

Intervention in Learning Difficulties
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Contact with students will be through email and after lessons.


This subject is aimed at students interested in clinical work with children and teenagers and Educational Psychology. It examines the disorders that have a direct or indirect influence on the learning process in children or young adults. Moreover, it aims to analyse the treatment of these disorders in re-education centres, and the treatment and rules needed in order to ensure inclusiveness in schools and the right teaching process to follow, as well as the best educational and professional guidance.

Pre-course requirements

Students should have previously completed and passed the third-year Educational Psychology course.


  1. To study the possible interventions, techniques, methodologies, and resources in LD and disorders whose characteristics influence learning.
  2. To learn about the different strategies to pay proper attention to diversity and be aware of how to advise schools and teachers correctly.
  3. To learn about and understand the difficulties faced by children and young adults and the impact that they have in different contexts. To know what implications LD have emotionally and the co-morbidities that can exist.
  4. To be able to provide useful guidance to the families of these children or young adults.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN05 - At the end of the Degree, the student will be able to explain and identify the main stages of human development, their progression and identify the characteristic signs and symptoms of the most frequent psychological conditions in each stage of development.
  • CP06 - At the end of the Degree, the student will be able to develop psychological intervention strategies based on the context or service, taking into account the knowledge, skills, defence of arguments, problem solving and self-evaluation of psychology.
  • HB05 - At the end of the Degree the student will be able to apply theoretical knowledge of psychology to professional practice with simulation of real cases.
  • HB07 - At the end of the Degree the student will be able to prepare actions or psychological interventions based on effective communication and a good relationship of help and support.

Learning outcomes of the subject

-At the end of the subject, students will be able to describe the symptoms of the learning difficulties of the child and adolescent population, as well as the intervention in the school and family environment.

-At the end of the subject, students will be able to apply the appropriate intervention guidelines and methods, taking into account the specific characteristics of a simulated patient.

-At the end of the subject, students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the field of learning difficulties, in simulated real contexts.

-At the end of the subject, students will be able to carry out appropriate interventions in neurodevelopmental disorders, adapting the necessary communication skills (oral and written) to simulated real cases.


  • Introduction to learning difficulties, educational needs and disorders of neuro-development that affect learning.
  • Intervention in intellectual giftedness.
  • Intervention in ASD.
  • Intervention in ADHD.
  • Intervention in specific learning disorders with difficulties in reading.
  • Intervention in specific learning disorders with difficulties in writing.
  • Intervention in specific learning disorders with difficulties in maths.
  • Intervention in language disorders.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Written exams (WE) 

Class participation (CP) 

Case resolution (CR) 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


The final exam has a value of 100%.There will be a written exam where students will have to answer competence questions in a simulated case.

A grade of 5 or higher must be achieved in the exam to pass the subject.


Second call:

A grade of 5 or higher must be achieved in the exam to pass the subject.

If it is suspended in the second call, the subject must be repeated in its entirety.

Bibliography and resources

García López, Cristina. (2020): “Familias de niños con TEA. Programa de Psicoeducación emocional y apoyo mutuo”. Editorial CEPE. ISBN: 9788418044205. 

2. Esquivel Ancona, Fayne. (2020): “Entrevista clínica: Infantil, adolescente, de la salud, familiar y grupal”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Manual Moderno. ISBN: 9786074488487. 

3. Outon Oviedo, Paula. (2018): “Programas de Intervención con Disléxicos. Diseño, implementación y evaluación”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación Especial y Dificultades de Aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478694327. 

4. Llopis Paret, Ana María. De Pablo Marcos, Carmen. Fernández Baroja, Fernanda. (2017): “La dislexia: origen, diagnóstico y recuperación”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788485252121. 

5. González Navarro, Ana. Martos Pérez, Juan. Llorente Lomí, María. Ayuda Pascual, Raquel. Freire, Sandra. (2018). “Los niños pequeños con autismo. Soluciones prácticas para problemas cotidianos.” Equipo Deletrea. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. Editorial CEPE. ISBN: 9788478696734. 

6. Llopis Paret, Ana María. De Pablo Marcos, Carmen. Fernández Baroja, Fernanda. (2012). Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478698530. 

7. González, María. Llorente, María. Raposo, José. Martos, Juan. Ayuda, Raquel. Freire, Sandra. (2017). Equipo deletrea. “Trastornos del espectro autista de alto funcionamiento”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478698547. 

8. Garrido Landivar, Jesús. (2017) “Programa de actividades para educación especial”. Editorial: CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788486235857.

9. Orjales Villar, Isabel. (2017). “Déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Manual para padres y educadores.” Editorial: CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN:9788478692941. 

10.Gonzalez Navarro, Ana María. (2017). “El síndrome de Asperger. Guía para mejorar la convivencia escolar dirigida a familiares, profesores y compañeros. Equipo deletrea. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478697267. 

11.Orjales Villar, Isabel, Polaino Lorente, Aquilino. (2018): “Programa de Intervención Cognitivo-Conductual para niños con Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Programas de Intervención Psicopedagógica y Educativa. ISBN: 9788478693597. 

12.Elices Simon, Juan Antonio. Palazuelo Martínez, María Marcela. Del Caño Sánchez, Maximiliano. (2013). “Alumnos con AACC intelectuales, características, evaluación y respuesta educativa.” Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478699667. 

13. Magaz Lago, Ángela. García Pérez, Emmanuel. (2016). “Niños y adolescentes inatentos (TDA) características, diagnóstico y tratamiento psico-educativo”. Editorial CEPE. Colección: Educación especial y dificultades de aprendizaje. ISBN: 9788478695881. 

14. Andreu i Barrachina, Llorenç. Aguado Alonso, Fernando. Claustre Cardona i per, María. (2013). “El trastorno específico del lenguaje. Diagnóstico e intervención.” Editorial VOC. ISBN:9788490640890. 

15. Mendoza Lara, Elvira. (2016): “Trastorno Específico del lenguaje, Avances en el estudio de un trastorno invisible”. Editorial Pirámide. ISBN: 9788436836196. 

16. Galve, José Luis. Trallero, Manuel. (2008). “Fundamentos para la intervención en el aprendizaje de la ortografía (Manual Ortoleco)”. Editorial CEPE. ISBN: 9788478696666. 

17. Díaz Marta, Isabel; Ruiz, M.ª Ángeles; Villalobos, Arabella. (2017): “Manual de Técnicas y Terapias Cognitivo-Conductuales.” Editorial Desclée de Brouwer. ISBN: 9788433029508.

18. Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Cruzado Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Muñoz López, Manuel. (2001). “Manual de técnicas de modificación y terapia de conducta”. Ediciones Pirámide. Colección Psicología. ISBN: 9788436813746. 

19. Méndez Carrillo, Francisco Xavier; Espada Sánchez, José Pedro; Orgilés Amorós, Mireia. (2006). “Intervención psicológica y educativa con niños y adolescentes. Estudio de casos escolares.” Ediciones Pirámide. Colección: Psicología. ISBN: 9788436820690 






Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 15/01/2025 A04 08:00h