Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

The Psichology of Talent Management

The Psichology of Talent Management
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


Ms. COLOMBO BONALDI, Valeria - hello@valeriacolombo.tech

Office hours:
Previous confirmation by email to:
Prof. COLOMBO BONALDI, Valeria - hello@valeriacolombo.tech

Prof. CLOSAS DIEZ, Sofía - sofiacd2@gmail.com 


This course focuses on the relationship between the company and the employee, from the first contact to the end of the relationship. During this relationship, the psychology of Human Resources applies assessment and intervention techniques and procedures that facilitate the direction and management of HR based on psychosocial principles of the functioning of people as individuals, groups and organizations.

Pre-course requirements

To have taken the course Psychology of Organizations.


  • Understanding the employee's life cycle in the company: from the moment the employee is a potential candidate to join the company; his or her development, training, teams, and leadership; to the employee's disengagement (total or partial / temporary or definitive) from the company.
  • Understanding the performance of the psychologist is a key tool to improve the management and development of talent in organizations.
  • Learn and identify the fundamental steps of the employee journey to design an employee experience that attracts and retains talent in organizations.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Project-oriented learning is a method based on experiential and reflective learning in which the process of researching a particular subject matter proves very important, with the aim of resolving complex problems based on open solutions or addressing complicated issues that enable students to generate new knowledge and develop new skills. Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members. The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible. Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session. Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking. A group dynamic in which students simulate or play out typical situations in order to give those who will intervene in such situations in real life a better understanding of the procedure.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will be able to:

  • Explain the role of the psychologist and its importance in organizations.
  • Describe the steps of the employee's life cycle within the company.
  • Identify the main practices and processes of attraction, selection, development, training, motivation, and leadership of talent.
  • Analyze behaviors and business decisions and evaluate them from the psychologist's point of view and from the economic, social, and ethical point of view.


  1. Workforce Planning
  2. Employer branding: talent attraction, value proposition, RRSS, candidate experience.
  3. Recruitment: inbound recruitment, RRSS, job portals, head hunting, internal recruitment, management software (ATS)
  4. Selection process: CV analysis, screening, tests and interviews, evaluation by competencies and values. Onboarding offer.
  5. Onboarding: design, preparation, follow-up.

  1. Training techniques: on-the-job, in the classroom, outdoor.
  2. Career development
  3. Team development
  4. Performance evaluation
  5. Compensation and benefits strategies
  6. Offboarding

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Project-oriented learning is a method based on experiential and reflective learning in which the process of researching a particular subject matter proves very important, with the aim of resolving complex problems based on open solutions or addressing complicated issues that enable students to generate new knowledge and develop new skills. Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members. The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible. Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session. Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking. A group dynamic in which students simulate or play out typical situations in order to give those who will intervene in such situations in real life a better understanding of the procedure.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Fully face-to-face mode in the classroom.
The evaluation of the course is based on:

  • Final exam (70 %) with multiple-choice questions and development questions.
  • Group work (20 %): The written work and the presentation of the project in class will be evaluated.
  • Practical activities (10 %) both individual and collective.

Plagiarism, copying, or any other action that can be considered cheating will mean a zero in this evaluation section. Doing it in the exams will mean the immediate failure of the course.
In the second call, it will not be possible to obtain the " Honours " grade so the maximum grade will be "Excellent".

Bibliography and resources

Bibliografía y recursos.

Talent Clue. Metodología Inbound Recruiting. Guía completa. Cómo implementar paso a paso una Estrategia de Inbound Recruiting en tu empresa. Recuperado en https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/252575/guia-completa-metodologia-inbound-recruiting.pdf

Candidate Journey: Cómo optimizar el proceso de solicitud de empleo. s.f. recuperado de  https://softgarden.com/es/blog/candidate-journeycomo-optimizar-el-proceso-de-solicitud-de-empleo/

Cómo diseñar el Candidate Journey Map. s.f. Recuperado de https://getwith.io/es/como-disenar-el-candidate-journey-map/ 

Martínez, C. (2019) Historia de un proceso de selección [PARTE 3: la post-contratación] Recuperado de http://blog.talentclue.com/candidate-journey-fases-experiencia-candidato-0-0 

The employee journey. S. Becker & W. Bolink. 2018 (en inglés)

Experiencia de Empleado. R. Vara García & I. Fernandez de Pierola. 2015

Delivering Happiness: ¿Cómo hacer felices a tus empleados y duplicar tus beneficios? T. Hsie. (2018)

Previsión y planificación de plantillas. Altea Pérez Serna (2019)

The Whole Brain Business Book. Ned Herrmann and Ann Herrmann- Nehdi. McGraw Hill Education. 2015

Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva. Stephen R. Covey. Paidós.

Strengthsfinder 2.0 from Gallup Tom Rath. Don Clifton. Gallup Press 2017.

Reinventar las organizaciones. Frederic Laloux. Arpa y Alfa Editores.

Start with Why. How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Simon Sinek. Penguin Random House.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 10/01/2025 A04 12:00h