Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Intervention in Addictions

Intervention in Addictions
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Mrs. RAMI PINA, Anna - arami@uic.es

Students may contact the subject coordinator (Anna Rami) for questions and/ or clarifications at the email address arami@uic.es.


Problems linked to drug-related and other addictive disorders, such as behavioural addictions, are one of the most important health and social problems in most societies. The increasing ease of access to new technologies contributes to the progressive increase in behavioural addictions. Addictive behaviour includes the abusive consumption of drugs, pathological gambling, and abusive use of both video games and the internet, as well as other behaviour such as compulsive shopping.

Both traditional drugs (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, etc.) and more recent ones (designer drugs) are a major social problem, which result in high costs for mental health services. There is also a growing and significant increase in the problems associated with sports betting, both in arcades and online.

On this course we will mainly focus on offering an overview of the origin, prevalence, diagnosis, and intervention in drug-related disorders, as well as on addictive gambling and internet use behaviour, in adults and in children and teenagers.


Pre-course requirements

Students must have completed and passed Introduction to Psychopathology and the Psychological Intervention in Adults, which contain specific modules on addictions.



- To provide students with the knowledge of the basic psychological processes involved in the appearance and continuation of addictive disorders.

- To provide students the validated procedures and techniques used in prevention and psychological intervention, both for drugs-related disorders and behavioural addictions.

- The subject will cover both the understanding and theoretical foundation of the addictive process, as well as the provision of methodological resources to identify, understand and intervene in the psychological behaviour of the person who is addicted.

Specific objectives

- To analyse and describe the addictive process, from an anthropological, biological, psychological, and social perspective.

- To identify the different types of addictions and addictive drugs, including a gender perspective.

- To explain the psychological processes that facilitate the appearance and continuation of the addictive problem.

- To be aware of and how to apply the different validated intervention protocols, including the differences between adults and the children/teenagers.

- To learn about the intervention and treatment programmes for dual pathologies.

- To have the basic knowledge of pharmacological intervention for addictive disorders.

- To know the different healthcare resources for the treatment of addictive behaviours that form part of the Drug Dependence Care Network (XAD) and the mental health network in our region.




- Conceptualisation of drugs from an anthropological perspective

- Basic concepts of addiction: neurobiology, associated factors, and drug use disorders

- Types of addiction and drugs: drug and behavioural addictions

- Addictions from a gender perspective: stigma and addictions to toxic substances and gender violence and addictions to toxic substances



- Child/teenager intervention in toxic and non-toxic addictions

- Dual pathology: treatment and intervention programmes

- Pharmacological strategies for intervention in addictions

- Outpatient psychological evaluation and intervention: the process of change in addictive behaviours, exploration and evaluation, motivational interviewing, and psychological interventions from an integrative perspective

- Resources for addictions and referral channels

- Evaluation and treatment from other healthcare resources

Teaching and learning activities

In person

- Theoretical presentations by different mental health professionals from Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa and Grup ATRA.

- Theoretical classes will be accompanied by recommended referencial and complementary reading.

- Theoretical presentations will be combined with practical examples and group activities to further the integration of knowledge through debate and group work.

- Use of other teaching aids such as the presentation of examples of real case studies or of social and gamified education services.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The acquisition of knowledge of the subject will be evaluated through a theoretical and practical exam. The evaluation will always respect the general regulations established in the Degree.

The content of the exam in the first call will be based on the subject explained in classes and on the study bibliography recommended in each topic by the teaching team. The minimum grade to pass is 5 points out of 10. The exam consists of 20 questions with four answer alternatives and 4 open questions to be developed. The score is equivalent to a maximum of 2 points for open questions and a maximum of 8 points for open questions, 2 points for each question.

The second exam call will have the same characteristics described for the first call.

It is an essential requirement to pass the final exam in order to pass the subject.

Bibliography and resources


American Psychiatric Association - APA. (2014). Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales DSM-5 (5a. ed. --.). Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.

Belloch, A., Sandín, B. Y Ramos, F. (2008): Manual de Psicopatología (vol. 1). McGraw-Hill. Madrid.

Belloch, A., Sandín, B. Y Ramos, F. (2008): Manual de Psicopatología (vol. 2). McGraw-Hill. Madrid.

Buela-casal, G., Caballo, V., Y Carrobles, J.A. (2002): Manual de psicopatologia y trastornos psiquiátricos. Siglo XXI. Madrid.

Caballo, V.E., Salazar, I.C., Carrobles, J.A. (2014): Manual de psicopatologia y trastornos psicológicos. Pirámide. Madrid.

Kaplan, H. Y Sandok, B. (1999): Sinopsis de la Psiquiatría. Editorial Médica Paramericana. Madrid.

Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) (1992): Clasificación internacional de las enfermedades (CIE-10). MS. Madrid.

Vallejo Ruiloba, J. (2011): Introducción a la psicopatología y la psiquiatría (7ªed). Masson. Barcelona.

Feixas, G., Miró, M. T. (2010). Aproximaciones a la psicoterapia. Una introducción a los tratamientos psicológicos. Barcelona: Paidós. Capítulo 3 La aproximación teórica (modelos humanístico-existenciales).


Nora D. Volkow et al. (2016, january). Neurobiologic Advances from the Brain Disease Model of Addiction. The New England Journal of Medicine, 374 (4). 

César Pereiro Gómez, Juan José Fernández Miranda (2018). Guía de adicciones para especialistas en formación. Valencia: Socidrogalcohol. 

César Pereiro Gómez (2010). Manual de adicciones para médicos especialistas en formación. Valencia: Socidrogalcohol. 

Becoña, E.; Cortés, M. (2016). Manual de adicciones para psicólogos especialistas en psicología clínica en formación. Socidrogalcohol. Capítulo 2 Instrumentos para la evaluación en adicciones.

Becoña, E.; Cortés, M. (2008). Manual de adicciones para psicólogos especialistas en psicología clínica en formación. Socidrogalcohol. Capítulo 4 Los procesos de cambio en conductas adictivas.

Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2015). La entrevista motivacional. Ayudar a las personas a cambiar. Barcelona: Paidós. Parte I y Parte II.


Castaños, M., Meneses, C., Palop, M., Rodríguez, M. y Tubert, S. (2007). Intervención en drogodependencias con enfoque de género. Colección Salud 10. Instituto de la Mujer.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2006). A gender perspective on drug use and responding to drug problems. Publications Office of the European Union.

Martínez, P. y Arostegui, E. (2018). Manual para la prevención de recaídas desde la perspectiva de género. Deusto.

Infonova. Género y adicciones. ASOCIACIÓN DIANOVA ESPAÑA. Primer semestre 2019/ REVISTA Nº 35.


Echeburúa, E. y Requesens, A. (2012). Adicción a las redes sociales y nuevas tecnologías en niños y adolescentes. Madrid: Editorial Pirámide. 

Asociación Proyecto Hombre (2021). Propuesta de intervención con adolescentes, jóvenes y familias en los programas de prevención indicada de Proyecto Hombre. Madrid. 

Fernández-Hermida J. R., Martínez-Loredo V. y González- De La Roz A. (2021). Conductas adictivas en la infancia y la adolescencia. Libro Blanco de la Salud Mental Infanto-Juvenil, 1, 38-53.


Patología dual (2011). En Becoña Iglesias, E. y Cortés Tomás, M. (Coord.) Manual de adicciones para psicólogos especialistas en psicología clínica en formación. Socidrogalcohol. 97-111. ISBN 978-84-933094-3-5.

Roncero, C. (2016). Patología Dual: fundamentos clínicos y terapéuticos. Marge Books. ISBN 9788415004547.

San Molina, L. y Casas, M. (2002). Recomendaciones terapéuticas en patología dual. Ars Médica. ISBN: 978-84-9706-032-5.

Santis, R. y Casas, M. (10-12 de noviembre de1999). Diagnóstico dual. VI Encuentro nacional sobre drogodependencias y su enfoque comunitario. Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz.

(2014) Informaciones psiquiátricas; IV Jornadas de patología dual: ¿red o redes? De la conexión a la integración. 215(1), 242 p. ISSN 0210-7279.


Comas, D. (2010). La metodología de la Comunidad Terapéutica. Fundación Atenea ISBN: 978 84 614 6831-7

(2009). Bones Pràctiques: comunitats terapèutiques i pisos amb suport per a persones amb problemes de drogodependències. Col·lecció Eines; 3. Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut Català d’assistència i Serveis Socials

Ledesma A et alt. Model català d’atenció integrada: cap a una atenció centrada en la persona. Versió 4.0 de 25 de maig de 2015. Generalitat de Catalunya. Pla interdepartamental d’atenció i interacció social i sanitària.

Model de Servei de Centre de Dia per a persones amb addiccions (2016). Direcció General de Protecció Social. Departament de Treball, afers socials i Famílies. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Projecte de Servei Experimental d’Acompanyament a la Vida Autònoma per a Persones amb Conducta Addictiva (SAVA). (2018) Direcció General de Protecció social. Departament de Treball, Afers socials i Famílies. Generalitat de Catalunya.


Marín, A. (2006) Manual práctico de Psicoterapia Gestalt. Desclée de Brouwer. Bilbao.

Peñarrubia, F. (1998) Terapia Gestalt: la vía del vacío fértil. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.

Lozano, J. G. (2000). Actitud en terapia Gestalt con drogodependientes. Informació psicològica, (74), 32-36.


www.droguesgencat.cat (https://drogues.gencat.cat/ca/professionals/estigma


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 16/01/2025 I3 08:00h