Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Fundamentals of Palliative Care and Anthropology of Death

Fundamentals of Palliative Care and Anthropology of Death
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


This course aims to introduce the basic and essential theoretical concepts of palliative care for people with palliative needs facing a threatening illness as well as the anthropological reflection of the human being at the end of life.

Pre-course requirements

No prior knowledge is required.


  • To understand the concept and the different models of Palliative Care as well as its historical and clinical-care evolution.

  • Explain in depth the natural history of chronic illnesses susceptible to being cared for by PC teams. 

  • Early detection of palliative care needs in patients facing a threatening illness.

  • Know the main characteristics of people with advanced disease and associated poor prognosis, as well as their relatives.

  • To understand the concepts of fragility and complexity, as well as to know how to use the corresponding assessment tools and instruments.

  • To understand the fundamental concepts of philosophical anthropology and to reflect critically on these concepts within the framework of palliative care.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP01 - Work in a self-directed or autonomous manner in PC teams, formed by peers, specialists or not, and other professionals, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
  • CP02 - Apply the principles of intellectual honesty and scientific integrity in the professional field of PCs.
  • CP05 - Work individually and in teams, assuming responsibilities, within the area of PC.
  • CP09 - pply solutions to problems that may arise when carrying out tasks in the field of PCs.
  • HB01 - Make a critical reflection on the theory and its applications in the care of the patient at the end of life

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, students will be able to: 

1.1 Define the palliative care model of care from a holistic perspective, taking into account all the needs that have emerged in the multidimensional assessment of the patient and their family. 

1.2 Recognise how death has been approached throughout history and in different cultures. 


Fundamentals of Palliative Care:

  • Definition of Palliative Care, models of care and conceptual transitions of PPCC. Historical and clinical developments.

  • Disease trajectories 

  • Concept of frailty and transitions between degrees of frailty. 

  • Concept of complexity. Tools.

  • Instruments for identifying patients with advanced disease and palliative needs.

  • Instruments and tools for prognostic assessment.

  • Levels of appropriateness of the therapeutic effort

Anthropology of death:

Lesson 1. Anthropology and philosophical knowledge

Lesson 2. Animal life and human life

Lesson 3. Human dignity

Lesson 4. Being, doing and having

Lesson 5. Human corporeality

Lesson 6. Vulnerability

Lesson 7. Pain

Lesson 8. Human relationality

Lesson 9. Death

Teaching and learning activities


  1. Asynchronous master classes: based on short videos (10-15 minutes) on key contents. 

  2. Individual reading of articles. 

  3. Discussion forum

  4. Participation in the synchronous session. 

  5. Autonomous study work and exercises.

Evaluation systems and criteria


This master's degree is based on continuous assessment. 

- Participation in synchronous activities (score 30% of the mark): participation in individual tutorials and group sessions of at least 50%.

- Asynchronous activities (70% of the mark): 

Fundamentals of Palliative Care:

- Test of basic knowledge acquired.

- Reflection exercise on one of the proposed articles. 

- Participation in discussion forums and wikis: the degree of active participation of students in their own learning is assessed. 

Anthropology of death: 

- For each topic there will be assigned readings and the student will have to critically read this material and answer the Moodle questions.

- There will be a final exercise for the course in which the student must, based on any of the topics covered during the course, write an essay in which he/she reflects on his/her clinical practice).

- Continuous assessment activities: at least 50% (minimum) participation in individual and group tutorials will be required in order to guarantee synchronous participation with the teaching staff and asynchronous activities. 

Bibliography and resources

  1. Bibliography and specific readings to be handed out by the faculty in the different sections.
  1. Manual control de síntomas en pacientes con cáncer avanzado y terminal. 4º edición (2019). Ediciones Aran.

  2. Manual Oxford de Cuidados Paliativos: Tercera Edición (2020). Grupo Aula Médica.

  3. https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/palliative-care (último acceso 20 marzo 2024).

  4. https://www.secpal.org/ (último acceso 20 marzo 2024).

  5. NECPAL 4.0 - 2021 - ESP.pdf

  6. Gomez-Batiste X et al CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT PALL CARE Springer 2018 (1).pdf

  7. Gonzalez, J. Aproximación al tratamiento paliativo del enfermo con enfermedad oncológica avanzada (2).pdf

  8. Pla estratègic d’atenció pal·liativa especialitzada de Catalunya https://scientiasalut.gencat.cat/bitstream/handle/11351/9183/pla_estrategic_atencio_palliativa_especialitzada_catalunya_bases_model_futur_2023.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y

  9. Arregui, J. y Choza, J., Filosofía del hombre. Una antropología de la intimidad, ICF-UNAV, Rialp, Madrid, 1995.

  10. Yepes Stork, R., Fundamentos de antropología, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1997. 

  11. D’Ors, Pablo, Sendino se muere

  12. Tolstoi, Amo y criado

  13. Tolstoi, La muerte de Iván Illich

  14. Steinbeck, La perla