Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Interdisciplinary Team and Health System Resources
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
This course explains the nature and interdisciplinary functioning of palliative care, which is essential for addressing the diverse needs of patients with advanced chronic illnesses, as well as the development and functioning of the care resources that make up the Catalan model of palliative care.
Pre-course requirements
● To train students in the Palliative Care (PC) model based on multidimensional care through interdisciplinary teamwork. To develop an interdisciplinary view of the end-of-life situation.
● To provide students with skills, knowledge and methods of team intervention for the appropriate detection and relief of suffering through the clinical management of symptoms, emotional, social and spiritual needs in an advanced situation and their family.
● To provide students with solid training in relation to the care potential of the health system's devices in order to optimise palliative care.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN02 - Identify advanced systems in the development of palliative care (PC) programmes.
- CN03 - Identify the resources of the health system related to palliative care (PC)
- CP05 - Work individually and in teams, assuming responsibilities, within the area of PC.
- HB03 - Integrate multidimensional care to the problems of patients in advanced illness.
- HB05 - Demonstrate capacity for interdisciplinary collaborative teamwork in palliative care.
Learning outcomes of the subject
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1.1 Define the palliative care model of care from a holistic perspective, taking into account all dimensions of the patient and their family.
1.2 Recognise the interdisciplinary nature of the palliative care team as a basis for being able to work in an interdisciplinary manner.
1.3 Identify in depth the resources of the health system relating to palliative care.
1. Structure of Palliative Care teams: interdisciplinary team, interdisciplinary view of the end of life.
1a. Introduction interdisciplinary assessment
1b. Medicine: Multidimensional Assessment of Palliative Needs (MAP)
1c. Nursing
1d. Psychology
1e. Social work
1f. Occupational therapy
1g. Physiotherapy
1h. Nutrition
Faculty: María Jimeno, Mariona Guerrero, Ingrid Ramo, Silvia Mateu.
2. Interdisciplinary work:
Elaboration of the Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Plan.
Interaction of Palliative Care teams with referring specialities.
Teamwork and multidimensional care.
Faculty: Silvia Mateu, Natalia Iriarte.
3. Current devices and resources of the health system in Palliative Care:
Areas of care
Resources of the health system in palliative care.
Care transitions in the field of advanced chronic illness.
Scientific societies / Chairs in Palliative Care.
Faculty: Jordi Trelis.
Teaching and learning activities
Asynchronous master classes
A synchronous session
Reading articles
Participation in discussion forum.
Evaluation systems and criteria
This master's degree is based on continuous assessment.
Participation in synchronous activities (score 30% of the mark): participation in individual tutorials and group sessions of at least 50%.
Asynchronous activities (70% of the mark):
1) Submission of written tests in the form of reports, reflective or analytical papers. These tests assess the students' ability to understand the main ideas of the contents taught, their ability to understand specific bibliography and literature and the content taught on specific concepts of the different subjects.
2) Completion of tests or questionnaires.
3) Participation in discussion forums and wikis: the degree of active participation of students in their own learning is assessed.
Bibliography and resources
Hui D, Hannon B, ZImmermann C, Bruera E. Improving patient and caregiver outcomes in oncology: Team-based, timely, and targeted palliative care. CA Cancer J Clin.2018 Sept;68(5):356-376.
Kaasa S, Loge J, Aapro M, Bruera E, et al. Integration of oncology and palliative care: a Lancet Oncology Commission. Lancet Oncol.2018 Nov;19(11):e588-e653.
Goni-Fuste B, Pergolizzi D, Monforte-Royo C, Alonso-Babarro A, Belar A, Crespo I, Güell E, Julià-Torras J, Moreno-Alonso D, Nabal Vicuña M, Pascual A, Porta-Sales J, Rocafort J, Rodríguez-Prat A, Rodríguez D, Sala C, Serrano-Bermúdez G, Serna J, Balaguer A. Development of a Guide to Multidimensional Needs Assessment in the Palliative CareInitial Encounter (MAP). J Pain Symptom Manage. 2023 Oct;66(4):361-369.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2023.07.011. Epub 2023 Jul 17.
Pla estratègic d’atenció pal·liativa especialitzada de Catalunya https://scientiasalut.gencat.cat/bitstream/handle/11351/9183/pla_estrategic_atencio_palliativa_especialitzada_catalunya_bases_model_futur_2023.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y