Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Advanced Psychological Care

Advanced Psychological Care
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Acquire advanced and specific knowledge in symptom control (physical and emotional) and in communication and patient and family care.
  • CN05 - Acquire knowledge in the management of complex end-of-life situations including the wish to bring forward death and considering all dimensions of the patient
  • CN07 - Identify advanced techniques of assessment and management of physical, psychological (including spiritual) and social needs with a multicultural vision.
  • CP02 - Apply the principles of intellectual honesty and scientific integrity in the professional field of PCs.
  • CP09 - pply solutions to problems that may arise when carrying out tasks in the field of PCs.
  • HB03 - Integrate multidimensional care to the problems of patients in advanced illness.
  • HB04 - Analyse complex problems in the care area with a multidimensional vision in order to solve them in a tactical and strategic manner.