Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Literature Review I
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
Contact email: ssaez@csc.uic.es
Friday from 1 to 2 p.m
Biweekly discussion of recent articles published in specialized journals in Pediatric Dentistry with impact factor (JCR).
These are educational activities in which students actively participate in cognitive processes. Participation is promoted through the presentation of current articles, debates and subsequent discussion.
The purpose of these activities is to learn, interpret, resolve doubts, reflect and contrast opinions.
Pre-course requirements
Direct to Odontòlegs i Stomatòlegs
The graduate will be able to:
- Conduct a bibliographic search in the available databases of current scientific articles with scientific evidence on current and interesting topics.
- Develop appropriate search questions, using the main sources of bibliographic information to access scientific knowledge.
- Understand scientific publications with a critical spirit and knowing how to recognize their parts.
- Give an oral presentation of the articles in PowerPoint format, knowing how to structure their parts and with a critical spirit.
- Defend their oral presentation appropriately.
This subject is divided into two parts:
- Review of current literature
-Review of current topics that teachers find of interest
In the review of the current literature, the latest scientific publications on a topic of interest in the area of odontopediatrics will be reviewed. Articles from systematic reviews or meta-analysis, as well as publications from clinical or research studies, will be reviewed.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
The literature review classes will be taught in a participatory way by teachers and students.
The bibliography must be prepared to teach each class and all students will be required to have read the articles in order to participate in the class.
A student will present a summary of the articles, the teacher will discuss the articles with the students and the rest of the students will also participate in the class. The teacher will lead the activity to meet the objectives.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
For the evaluation of the subject, the following will be taken into account:
- The student's ability to search in databases and select current articles with scientific evidence.
- The student's ability to orally present and critically assess current articles with scientific evidence.
- The student's ability to critically analyze current articles.
- The student's ability to defend and respond to questions related to his/her article.
- The student's participation and attitude in class.
Bibliography and resources
International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Journal of Dentistry for Children
journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Odontología Pediátrica