Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychoeducational Intervention in Behavior Disorders

Psychoeducational Intervention in Behavior Disorders
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students will be seen after class and/or by making an appointment by email.


An elective course designed for students interested in child and adolescent clinical psychology and for those who choose the Educational Psychology specialization. The objective is to delve into the main ways of intervening in behavioral disorders in the school setting. How to provide psychoeducational guidelines related to boundaries and rules. Techniques to maintain discipline in the school environment and in the family setting. Bullying: what it is and how to address it.

Pre-course requirements

Have passed Educational Psychology taught in the third year.


  • Understand the possibilities of school intervention to address behavioral problems and disruptive behaviors.
  • Understand the main behavioral disorders and their psychological intervention.
  • Understand psychological guidelines and techniques to achieve good family coexistence.
  • Understand, apply, and convey appropriate guidelines to help teachers create a positive classroom environment, know how to neutralize or minimize disruptive behaviors in the classroom, and maintain discipline.
  • Understand and acquire knowledge and techniques for coping with bullying.
  • Understand the repercussions of bullying.
  • Understand and apply techniques for preventing bullying.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • At the end of the course, students will be able to explain strategies to address classroom coexistence issues, bullying, and how to confront it.
  • At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the characteristics of child and adolescent behavior, their alterations, and the techniques and strategies to address adaptation and behavior problems in both school and family settings.
  • At the end of the course, students will be able to use various psychoeducational guidelines and behavior modification techniques, considering the specific characteristics of a simulated patient.
  • At the end of the course, students will be able to propose techniques and strategies for coping with behavior and/or coexistence problems through simulated real cases.


  • Introduction to behavioral problems in school and family settings.
  • Behavioral disorders.
  • Intervention in behavioral problems.
  • Bullying and its repercussions. Intervention and techniques to address it.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theoretical lessons (TL)

Freelance learning (FL) 

Individual work (IW)

Debate and discussion (D&D)

Academic Personal Counselling (APC)

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

For the evaluation of this subject the following things will be considered:

  • Final exam (100%)

The final exam must be passed (5 out of 10) to pass the course.


Exam deferral: 

A mark of 5 or more is required to pass the course.

Bibliography and resources

  • Piñuel y Zabala, Iñaki y Cortijo Peris, Óscar. (2016): “Cómo prevenir elacoso escolar. La implantación de protocolos antibullying en los centrosescolares: Una visión práctica y aplicada”. CEU Ediciones. Colección General. ISBN: 9788416477364. 

  • Zabay Bes, María. Casado Mena, José Antonio. (2018). “Todos contra elbullying. Claves para detectar, evitar y solucionar el acoso escolar”. Alianza editorial. ISBN:9788416928583. 

  • Ortega, Rosario. (Coord.) (2010): “Agresividad injustificada. Bullying yviolencia escolar”. Alianza Editorial. ISBN: 9788420654614. 24.Teruel Romero, Jerónima. (2007): “Estrategias para prevenir el Bullyingen las aulas”. Editorial Pirámide. ISBN: 9788436821413. 

  • Doménech, Montse. “Bullying: ¿Por qué a mí?”. Editorial libros cúpula.  Colección: padres e hijos. ISBN: 9788448024796. 

  • Loizaga Latorre, Félix. (2009): “Intervención Psicoeducativa confamilias. Programa para mejorar la salud de los hijos”. Editorial CCS. Colección: Educación, Orientación y Terapia familiar. ISBN: 9788498422917. 

  • Bilbao, Álvaro. (2015). “El cerebro del niño explicado a los padres”. Plataforma editorial. ISBN: 9788416429561. 

  • López Moratalla, Natalia. (2019). “El cerebro adolescente”. Editorial Rialp. ISBN:9788432151224. 

  • Quintero, Javier. (2020). “El cerebro adolescente: una mente enconstrucción”. Editorial Shackleton book. ISBN: 9788417822903. 35.De Acevedo, Annie. (2016). “¿Cómo funciona el cerebro de los niños?”. Editorial de bolsillo. ISBN: 9789588940557. 

  • Díaz Marta, Isabel; Ruiz, M.ª Ángeles; Villalobos, Arabella. (2017): “Manual de Técnicas y Terapias Cognitivo-Conductuales.” Editorial Desclée de Brouwer. ISBN: 9788433029508. 

  • Labrador Encinas, Francisco Javier; Cruzado Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Muñoz López, Manuel. (2001). “Manual de técnicas de modificación yterapia de conducta”. Ediciones Pirámide. Colección Psicología. ISBN: 9788436813746. 

  • Méndez Carrillo, Francisco Xavier; Espada Sánchez, José Pedro; Orgilés Amorós, Mireia. (2006). “Intervención psicológica y educativa conniños y adolescentes. Estudio de casos escolares.” Ediciones Pirámide. Colección: Psicología. ISBN: 9788436820690 

  • Martínez Reguera, Enrique. (2017). “Criterios básicos en la educación dechicos rebeldes.” Editorial Popular. Colección Quilombo. ISBN: 9788478846931. 

  • J. Siegel, Daniel. Payne Bryson, Tina. (2018). “La disciplina sinlágrimas”. Editorial B de bolsillo (Ediciones B). ISBN: 9788490704523.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 09/01/2025 A12 12:00h