Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Imaging Techniques

Imaging Techniques
First semester
Procedimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos
Técnicas de imagen
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email:

Responsable and Radiology section : Paloma Puyalto  (ppuyalto@uic.es)

Radiology section: Juan José Sánchez Fernández  

Nuclear medicine section: Cristina Gamez  

Radio physics section: Julio González González  


For the correct functioning and pursuit of the subject, the assistance to all the practical  meetings is obligatory. Only a punctual not assistance will be accepted and properly well-taken. Plenary lessons Williams be held online .

The specific bibliography for every CM, LH, MC or ABP will be hung on the Intranet in enough advance  so that the pupil could consult it before each sesion.


Imaging techniques include those disciplines that use the radiologic images  in a   diagnostic and therapeutic way and are the following:Radiology,Nuclear Medicine,  and other basic science disciplines such as Radiophysics, Radiobiology and Protection Radiology.

The knowledge of the different imagig techniques and how are they used in the clinical practice, constitute fundamental aspects for the diagnostic of the illnesses that affect to the human body.

The Medicine student should  acquire enough knowledge on the physical bases of the different diagnostic and therapeutic skills as well as of the different explorations indicated for the study of the different parts of the human body .

Pre-course requirements



The main aims of the course will allow  the student to:
1. Purchase the knowledges of the physical bases of the different imaging techniques(Radiophysics).
2. Know the therapeutic  (Radiotherapy) and adverse effects of the ionic radiations on the human body and how to avoid them (Radiology protection).
3. Identify the radiologic technic used, how it is performed, use of contrasts, anatomical area studied, preparation of the patient for the examination as well as main indications and contraindications (Radiodlogy /Nuclear Medicine).
4. Recognise the anatomical structures and realise a systematic reading of the different examinations performed (*Radiology/Nuclear Medicine).
5. Be able to indicate the more sensible and specific examination  in each clinical situation.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 05 - Recognize own limitations and the need to maintain and upgrade professional skills, with particular emphasis on autonomous learning of new knowledge and skills and motivation for quality.
  • 06 - Develop professional practice with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
  • 07 - Understand and recognise normal structure and function of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ and systemetic levels, at different stages of life and in both sexes.
  • 09 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
  • 11 - Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and their social environment.
  • 15 - Ability to formulate an initial diagnosis and establish a rationalised diagnostic strategy.
  • 16 - Recognize and deal with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention.
  • 17 - Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, applying principles based on the best information possible and safe clinical practice..
  • 23 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • 26 - Assume role in the prevention and protection from diseases, injuries or accidents and maintenance and promotion of health, both individual and at the community level.
  • 31 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health care information.
  • 32 - Know how to use information and communication technology in clinical, therapeutic, preventive health care and research.
  • 34 - Ability for critical thinking, creativity and constructive skeptisim with a focus on research within professional practice.
  • 36 - Be able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information for problem solving using the scientific method.
  • CTI-1 - To know how to communicate effectively through written and oral communication in a foreign language that will allow them to work in an international context.
  • CTP-3 - To develop critical thinking and reasoning as well as self-assessment skills.
  • CTS-2 - To demonstrate sensitivity to environmental issues and act accordingly.
  • CTS-3 - To promote and ensure respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination as well as the values of democracy and a culture of peace.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course the student will have purchased knowledges on the physical bases and technical aspects  of the different  imagin tests as well as of the indications, contraindications, biological risks of the different imagin techniques and of the therapeutic uses of the examinations and will know to recognise the main anatomical structures in the different imaging techniques studied during the course.



-Physical bases of the imaging techniques. The X rays.
-Physical bases of special imaging techniques.Ultrasonography. Computer tomography. Magnetic resonance.
-Imaging Techniques used in Nuclear Medicine: SPET, PET.
-Radiology Protection systems.
-Bases of the Radiotherapy. Utilities.


- Radiological study of the thorax
- Radiological study of the abdomen
- Radiology of the nervous central system
- Breast radiology
- Skeletal radiology 
- Emergency radiology

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The course is divided in: 

-CM1. Physical bases of the imaging techniquestechnical of basic image

-CM2. Radiological study of the thorax 
-CM3. Radiological study of the abdomen
-CM4.  Skeletal radiology  
-CM5. Radiology of the nervous central system and the breast.
-CM6.  Nuclear medicine

By means of division in reduced groups, will proceed to the discussion and presentation of clinical cases of the main fields of the radiology. Algorithms of use of the different tests  and theirs projections, sequences… in several clinical situations, theirsindications  and contraindications will be reviewed
-ABP1: clinical -radiologic cases: traumatisms
-ABP2: clinical -radiologic cases: total body


-MC1. Practical reading of thorax imaging studies. 
-MC2.Practical reading of an abdominal X-ray and CT 
-MC3. Practical reading of a spine X-ray and CT
-MC4. Practical reading of a Central Nervous System radiology examination 


-P1.Practical interpretation of explorations in nuclear medicine

-P2. Physical bases of special techniques in radiology
-P3. Protection radiology systems
-P4. Visit to the Radiotherapy department and CT (Radiotherapy Department)


During the whole semester there will be articles, links, clinical cases hung on the Intranet  which the pupil must consult oftelny as essential part of his/her formation




Evaluation systems and criteria

In person




- Theoretical evaluation (60 %)

Final examination in classroom with a theoretical content and the solution of clinical practical cases by means of 50 test questions.

It will be deducted 1/4 of the value of the question by every incorrect response. To overcome the test there is necessary a punctuation equal or superior to 5. It includes the content of the CM, MC, ABP, P and AV.

- Continuous evaluation(40 %)

    Assistance and resolution of   MC,P, ABP; AV that will be carried out during the whole course. (30 %). Not assistance to any of the practical meetings will suppose O in the punctuation of that meeting.
    Implication and participation in forum  (10 %) to criterion of the professorship


- one will keep the mark of the continued evaluation (40 %) only for the second call in the same year

- final examination (60 %) of the same characteristics as in the first call.


The qualifications  possess  the following distribution: 0-10 

Only the first decimal one will be born in mind, without roundings.

Only there will be able to choose to registration of honor those pupils who in the first call, havea quialification   9 o more by means of a work or complementary exercise to matching with the professorship

Bibliography and resources


-Squire. Fundamentos de radiología. Robert A. Novelline. Ed Masson. 2003.

-Diagnóstico Por Imagen. Compendio.César Sánchez Alvarez-Pedrosa McGRAW-HILL/INTERAMERICANA

-Manual de Radiología Clínica. Gil Gayarre. Ed Harcourt.

-Manual de Radiologia para técnicos, física , biología y protección.Stewart C.Bushong. Ed Elsevier

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 14/01/2025 I2 08:00h
  • E1 14/01/2025 I1 08:00h
  • E1 14/01/2025 I3 08:00h
  • R1 29/01/2025 A21 09:00h

Teaching and learning material