Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

English II

English II
First semester
ESARQ Module
English 2
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff

On Wednesdays, before or after class, by appointment via email to the corresponding teacher:

-        Samuel Molist:            smolist@uic.es

-        Josep Ramón Solé:     jrsolé@uic.es



-        Mandatory subject

-        3er Course of the Grade in Architecture

-        1st Semester

-        4.5 credits ECTS.

-        Responsible professor: Dr. Josep Ramón Solé,

-        Professors: Dr. Josep Ramón Solé, Samuel Molist Forcada


The general objective of English 2 is the acquisition of structural technical vocabulary through the study of hyperstatic structures.

The analysis of hyperstatic structures allows the student to understand the impact of rigidity on equilibrium and on their deformation.

It will begin with the study of very simple problems to end with the analysis of frames with various degrees of freedom.

The work will allow the student, in turn, to express in English the main terms included in the analysis of frames.


Pre-course requirements

-        Have passed the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Structures I and English I.

-        Speak fluently about architectural projects in English.

-        External balance of isostatic structures.

-        Internal balance of isostatic structures (axial, shear and moments)

-        Concept of Inertia

-        Basic mechanical properties of structural materials

-        Determination of dead reckoning deformations due to bending.

-        Ability to pre-size main elements of an isostatic structure

-        Understanding of structural plans

-        Ability to draw structural plans from an architectural project


-        Ability to defend a structural project in English

-        Speak fluently with the vocabulary of complex structures in English.

-        Analyze a hyperstatic continuous beam with different degrees of freedom manually and computationally, with the help of common software, mainly Wineva and Cype.

-        Analyze a hyperstatic gantry with different degrees of freedom, various openings and heights manually and computationally, with the help of common software, mainly Wineva and Cype.

-        Determine the reactions and internal stress laws of hyperstatic structures manually and computationally, understanding the different cause-effect relationships involved, at the end of the subject.

-        Ability to understand the keys to the design and structural calculation of frames.

-        Ability to understand and draw structural plans.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

- 12-T - Aptitude to conceive, calculate, design, integrate into buildings and urban complexes and execute building structures.

- 17 - Aptitude to apply technical and construction standards.

- 24 - Adequate knowledge of the mechanics of solids, continuous media and soil, as well as the plastic, elastic and resistance qualities of heavy-duty materials.

- 70 – Understand the main ideas of complex texts in the English language on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in the field of professional specialization of architecture.

- 71 – Express yourself with a degree of fluency and spontaneity in the English language that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible without causing tension for any of the interlocutors.

- 72 – Produce clear and detailed texts in the English language on a wide range of topics, especially on architecture, express a point of view on the issue in English, exposing the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Learning outcomes of the subject

- Calculate a hyperstatic continuous beam of different spans and degrees of freedom manually and computationally with Wineva and Cype 

- Calculate a hyperstatic gantry with different degrees of freedom, various openings and heights manually and computationally, with the help of common software, Wineva and Cype mainly. 

- Analyze the behavior of simple hyperstatic structures in a reliable manner. 

- Correctly judge and understand the response of a hyperstatic structure once calculated. 

- Develop, defend and explain a calculation project in English. 

- Speak fluently about the entire calculation process of a complex structure. 

- Analyze the response of a complex structure and explain it in English


-    Topic 1: Deformation in bars in bending.

1.1 Mohr's first theorem

1.2 Mohr's second theorem

-    Topic 2: Superposition principle

-    Topic 3: Hyperstatic structures

3.1 Flexibility analysis of simple cases

-    Topic 3: Flexural rigidity of a bar

-    Topic 5: Analysis using the Cross method

5.1 Partition coefficient

5.2 Transmission coefficient

5.3 Continuous beams

5.4 Symmetrical frames and non-translational frames

5.5 Translational frames.

-    Topic 6: Comparison of manual calculations with calculation programs: Wineva and Cype

-    Topic 7: Matrix analysis and computational analysis

7.1 Fundamentals of matrix analysis

7.2 Keys to computational analysis of frames


Note: The explanation of the theoretical topics will be combined with the performance of practical exercises in class, of direct application of this knowledge, both manually and computationally.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Structures in architecture practically always have an eminently hyperstatic character.

We will work in stages in terms of size and difficulty, the set of hyperstatic frames and, in particular, the frames formed by beams and columns.

To do this, theoretical problems will be solved in class manually and computationally. They will also have to solve a special case at home, as course work.






12-T 15-T 17 24


Participatory class

12-T 15-T 17 24


Practical class

12-T 15-T 17 24



12-T 15-T 17 24


Individual work or in group

12-T 15-T 17 24


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


The evaluation will be continuous, assessing the degree of participation and attendance during the course, the results of the practical and theoretical tests that will be carried out during the course and at the end of the course.


Best grade of:

-    Final theoretical and practical exam 60% + Practice during the course 40%

-    Final theoretical and practical exam 40% + Practice during the course 60%

 To take into account:

-    Minimum exam grade for average 4.00

-    Minimum practical grade for average 4.00

-    Class attendance +5% for average grades above 5.00

The exam, strictly in-person, will consist of a theoretical part (TEST) and a practical part regarding the set of problems carried out in class.

All practical exercises will have to have a minimum correction in class with one of the two teachers to be corrected. Otherwise, the maximum grade will be 4.00.

Work delivered after the date set for delivery (first call exam day) will have a maximum grade of 5.00, as long as they have a minimum correction in class.


-    Exam call 1: According to the UIC exam calendar

-    Exam call 2: According to the UIC exam calendar 

Bibliography and resources

Basic bibliography:

-        Morán Cabré, F.: Análisis matricial de estructuras en ordenador, Ed. Rueda.

-        Navés Viñas, F; Llorens Sulivera, M; Càlcul d'estructures, Publicacions Aula d'Arquitectura, Ed. UPC

-        López Almansa, F; Urbano Salido, J; Càlcul d'estructures introducció, Publicacions Aula d'Arquitectura, Ed. UPC

-        Moya Ferrer, Ll. Análisis matricial d’estructuras de barras. Ed. UPC

-        Torroja Miret, Eduardo: Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales, Madrid, Instituto Eduardo Torroja de la Construcción y del Cemento, 1976.


Additional bibliography:

-        Cervera Ruiz, Miguel; Blanco Díaz, Elena: Mecánica de Estructuras, Libro 2. Métodos de Análisis. Ed. UPC.

-        Cervera Ruiz, Miguel; Blanco Díaz, Elena; Suárez Arroyo, Benjamín: Análisis Matricial de Estructuras. CIMNE