Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Community Nursing

Community Nursing
Second semester
Module Fundamentals of Care II
General Community Nursing
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students may contact teachers by appointment via e-mail or after the lessons.



In case that the health authorities decree a new period of confinement in the face of the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate the possible effects on training methodologies and activities, as well as on evaluation systems.

Community Nursing focuses on helping the individual, family and community to the satisfaction of basic needs throughout the life cycle, and in each of the health-disease processes that they may face. A constant objective of Community Nursing will be the prevention and promotion of self-care and personal responsibility in knowledge and health promotion itself. Because of this, health education is important. In this course the contents about the basics and main tools of health education will be developed.

The Community Nursing course aims to go into depth of the professional development of the student in Community Nursing and in their areas of action with the role of nursing within the primary care unit. In addition, it endeavors to provide the basis for the development and evaluation of health programs.

From the perspective of Applied Psychosocial Sciences, the course aims that students acquire a basic but accurate knowledge about personal, social and cultural human aspects and discover in psychology an aid in the field of health and rehabilitation.

In this course a joint effort will be made to the course of simulation labs, in which the student will face a nursing consultation in three different scenarios with the collaboration of a standard patient. This is a cross - training activity within a project of interdisciplinary teaching innovation.  

Additionally, in this course students will be able to make a solidarity practicum carrying out voluntary activities in NGOs or foundations (Places are limited. Students will receive the information about the selection process and the various possibilities at the beginning of the course).

The solidarity project of the UIC is an integral formative experience that promotes the acquisition of skills for personal development (such as responsibility, social commitment, service capacity, etc.).

Pre-course requirements

  • Not required
The Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has agreed that it is compulsory for all students taking a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, when participating in online classes, to turn on their camera and remain visible to lecturers and professors at all times.


Section I

  1. Describe the development of primary health care.
  2. Show the different areas of action of community nursing, helping to understand the important role of nursing in the family and in the community.
  3. Define the activities to develop community nursing, aimed at the individual, family and community care.
  4. Analyze the role of nursing within the primary care unit.
  5. Introduce the basis for health planning and health programming.
  6. Identify the different health programs and explain their meanings.

Section II

  1. Facilitate the keys to emotional communication: with patients, families and social groups, including those with communication difficulties.
  2. Reflect on the importance of rapport and social interaction that all health professions require.
  3. Provide expertise in the management and control of verbal and nonverbal factors that determine assertive communication styles.
  4. Introduce basic communication skills.

Learning objectives in solidarity practicum:

  1. Develop commitment to one's own values
  2. Develop an ability to make ethically informed choices
  3. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's own conduct and behavior
  4. Develop an ability to think for oneself
  5. Improve the ability to communicate, with special emphasis on listening
  6. Improve the ability to organize and use time effectively
  7. Develop a commitment to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a citizen, actively and willingly contributing to social, economic and environmental improvement.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

General competences (G), Basic competences (B) and especific competences (E)

 in the course of Community Nursing will develop and evaluate the following competencies:

  • 10. B - Protecting the health and welfare of individuals or groups by ensuring their safety.
  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 13. G - Know the principles of health-care funding and use resources appropriately.
  • 16. G - Know the health information systems.
  • 17. E - Perform nursing care based on comprehensive health care, which involves multidisciplinary cooperation, integration of processes and continuity of care.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 21. B - Oral and written communication.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 28. E - Leadership in nursing care and in nursing teams to improve quality care for people, participation in health policy and professional development.
  • 2. E - Plan and provide nursing care for individuals or groups, taking health outcomes into account and their impact, through guidelines for clinical practice and care, which describe the four processes by which a health problem is diagnosed or treated.
  • 3. E - Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principals of nursing.
  • 4. B - Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to their gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
  • 5. G - Design systems of care programed for people or groups, assessing their impact and making necessary modifications.
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • 9. E - Promote healthy lifestyles, self-care, as well as the maintenance of therapeutic and preventive behaviors.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course "General Community Nursing" students will be able to:

  • Assess the importance of families and community groups in health cures.
  • Recognize the importance of identifying the level of health of a community.
  • Describe the different functions of the members of a community and its responsibilities in maintaining health.
  • Recognize the role of the nurse within the scope of Primary Health Care (PHC).
  • Know experienced changes for primary care within healthcare.
  • Identify the different roles within the multidisciplinary health team.
  • Understand and become familiar with documentation and records used in PHC.
  • Identify the autonomous role of the nurse in Primary Care.
  • Understand the basic methodology of health education to develop intervention programs and community involvement.
  • Contact with the field of health monitoring and the role carried out by the nurse.
  • Understand the social reality of the working world.
  • Analyze social aspects that influence the behaviour of a healthy and sick person.
  • Understand the psychological aspects of the disease process and the importance of the professional health field in this process, a fact that will determine the relationship with the patient, family and multidisciplinary team with which you work.



Unit 1.1. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: historical background. Concept, features, functions and structure of Primary Health Care. Health Center. The unit of Primary Health Care. The nurse in the primary care unit. Records.

Unit 1.2. HEALTH PLANNING: Concepts; formulation of objectives; design activities; resource allocation; evaluation.

Unit 1.3. COMMUNITY NURSING: Professional model of community nursing. Action fields. Nursing care to the individual, family and community. Nursing consultation. Methods of Health Education.

Unit 1.4. PREVENTIVE NURSING: Immunizations, health screenings and advice


Unit 2.1. Communication. Theoretical Foundations, communication techniques.

Unit 2.2. Communication with the health professional. Burnout syndrome.

Unit 2.3. Communication with the patient and family. The process of becoming ill.

Unit 2.4. Relationship of healthcare with the patient in different situations: chronic patients, surgical patients, hospitalized patients, the patient before death.

Unit 2.5. Relationship of healthcare to the patient according to their developmental stage. The case of children and the elderly.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Methodology and training activities Section 1

  • The course is usually taught through theoretical sessions (lectures) and practical sessions.
  • The content of the lectures will be developed through main topics and concepts of the detailed course on the syllabus. The practical classes will be based mainly on the critical reading of articles, using exercises which familiarize students with some websites of interest to the course (e-learning) and group tutorials for guidance on conducting practical work.

Methodology and training activities Section II

  • This second part of the course is usually taught through theoretical sessions (master class) although class participation will be encouraged. The content of the lectures will consist of the main topics and concepts of the units which are detailed in the course syllabus. Readings and audiovisual material support are used to go into depth on the topics.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Final written exam: the content of the two Sections of the course will be assessed through multiple choice questions and / or short questions. This test represents 60% of the final mark for the course. It is essential to pass this exam to pass the course.

Written work on Section I of the course: the content, appropriateness of objectives, compliance with the guidelines given at the beginning of the course, methodology, job search information, business planning, presentation and written expression, originality and creativity will be valued. Evaluation of each of the group members are also taken into account. Failure to submit the same without justification amounts to failure in practice. The score of this work accounts for 15% of the overall mark of the course (10% oral presentation and 5% written work).

Those students who participate as volunteers in a workshop of Jornada de Promoció de la Salut will have 0.5 points more in the final grade of the work.

Motivational Interview Questionaire in Moodle: will involve 5% of the overall mark of the course.

Standard patient practice: It will have a value of 20%. (It will work competences: 11E; 12B; 25E; 7B)

For students who take the solidarity practicum:

- The overall mark of the course assessment (mentioned above) will count as 85% of the total and 15% applies to the solidarity practicum. It is an essential requirement to apply these percentages, having previously passed the overall mark of the evaluation of the course.

-The Evaluation of the solidarity practicum will take place: by the NGO or foundation where such practices are conducted and by performing a reflective journal (corrected by the coordinator of the course to which the practicum is associated).


For this resit, the marks of the passed parts of the 1st examination are counted and only the parts of the exam that were failed shall be re-taken. The theoretical exam will consist of a written 'test' with multiple choice questions, but may also have short questions. It will be essential to pass this part to pass the course. If failed on first examination of the continuous evaluation, you can recuperate it with the work that is indicated, but students must pass by more than 5 out of 10.

Honors qualifications will not be awarded during retakes.

Second and third resits, and if they are necessary, fourth and fifth (extraordinary cases)

The evaluation of the 1st and 2nd resits and if necessary, the 3th and 4th (if granted) will be equal to the 1st examination and 1st resit but in any case no mark of the previous year will be counted.


Honor Matrix Assignment Procedure (MH)

  1. The criterion for assigning Honorary Enrolments (MH) is based on the Excellent (9.0).
  2. The assignment is solely for the teacher and does not have to give it, even if the student has obtained a mark above 9.0.
  3. In case the teacher decides to award MH, he will not take into account the numerical mark and the highest, but will evaluate other factors. The HM might not match the highest numeric score.

Procedure for Non-presented Assignment (NP)

  1. To register an NP in the student's file, it must not have been submitted to any of the evaluation tests throughout the assignment.
  2. If a student has submitted to one of the evaluation tests, the corresponding percentages in the teaching guide will be applied, with a 0 in those not presented.

Procedure for plagiarism or academic fraud

Any assignment or activity (including exams) in which plagiarism, falsification or academic fraud is detected, will result in a failure of the activity and an academic sanction that will entail from the loss of enrolment rights in this subject, to the opening of a file process.

Bibliography and resources

Bibliography and resources Unit I

Caja López, C. Enfermería Comunitaria III: Atención Primaria. Manuales de enfermería (2 ed.). Barcelona, etc: Masson, 2003. 

Frías Osuna, A. Enfermería comunitaria. Barcelona: Masson, 2000.

García Suso, A; Vera Cortés ML; Campo Osaba MA. Enfermería Comunitaria: Bases teóricas. (2 ed.). Madrid: Difusión Avances de Enfermería, 2002.

Mazarrasa, A; Germán, B;  Sánchez M.; Sánchez G; Merelles T y Aparicio R. Salud Pública y Enfermería Comunitaria. Volúmen I. Madrid: McGraw-Interamericana, 1996. 

Martín Zurro, A; Cano Pérez J.F. Atención Primaria. Conceptos, organización y práctica clínica. (3ª ed.). Barcelona: Elsevier, 2010


Bibliography and resources Unit II

LLor, B. Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas a la Salud. Ed: Interamericana. 1998.

Nieto J, Abad MA, Esteban M, Tejerina M. Psicología para Ciencias de la Salud. Estudio del comportamiento humano ante la enfermedad. Ed: McGraw-Hill.Interamericana. 2004.

Bimbela JL. Cuidando al profesional de la salud. Habilidades emocionales y de comunicación. Ed: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública. Consejería de salud. 2005.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 14/03/2025 12:00h
  • E2 30/06/2025 12:00h