Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Caregiving for Adults I

Caregiving for Adults I
First semester
Module Nursing Care from Birth to Death
Nursing Care for Adults
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Students may contact teachers by appointment via e-mail or after lessons.


The Adult Care I course aims to provide the tools necessary to complete the nursing activities aimed at the prevention of respiratory, cardiovascular, hematological and digestive problems in adults. Furthermore, with this course, the student will be trained to deal with patients who endure acute or chronic conditions with comprehensive care of the health systems mentioned above.

This course will also provide an introduction to chronicity and how to face its challenges in the current situation.

Pre-course requirements

Not required. However, to successfully study in this course, it is considered important to review the knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and hematologic.


  1. Students will develop cognitive and psychomotor abilities, as well as relationships that enable them to integrate knowledge of basic general pathology in the adult, so to provide adequate nursing care skills, and promote the development of autonomy, health maintenance, disease prevention and welfare of the patient, family and community.
  2. Knowing the most common diseases in the following body systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, hematological and digestive systems while taking into account the the data from influence and prevalence from the geographical and social context
  3. Integrate specific knowledge of health and disease based on the holistic concept of the person
  4. Develop care plans based on the Nursing Care Process.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 15. B - Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary professionals and other staff of health care are organized.
  • 16. G - Know the health information systems.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 2. E - Plan and provide nursing care for individuals or groups, taking health outcomes into account and their impact, through guidelines for clinical practice and care, which describe the four processes by which a health problem is diagnosed or treated.
  • 3. E - Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principals of nursing.
  • 4. B - Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to their gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
  • 5. G - Design systems of care programed for people or groups, assessing their impact and making necessary modifications.
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • 8. B - Promote and respect the right of participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in decision-making of people treated, according to the way they live their health - disease process..

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, Adult Care I, students will be able to:

  • Apply educational methods to promote healthy behaviors of individuals, families and communities
  • Develop intervention programs
  • Know the basic methodology of health education to develop intervention programs and community participation
  • Know the primary and secondary measures of prevention aimed at adults
  • Implement an intervention program
  • Know specific techniques to support nursing care in respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and hematopoietic diseases
  • Apply the Nursing Process to patients with specific respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and hematopoietic diseases
  • Know the potential complications
  • Establish measures to prevent complications.
  • Know the main diagnostic tests for the images and applied analytical tests particularly in the care for respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and hematological patients.


  1. Overview of the chronicity and its challenges.

  1. Nursing care to patients with acute respiratory disease.
  2. Primary Health Care in prevention, health promotion and monitoring for patients who have a respiratory disease.

  1. Nursing care for patients with acute cardiovascular disease.
  2. Primary Health Care in prevention, health promotion and monitoring for patients who have a cardiovascular disease.

  1. Nursing care to patients with acute hematologic pathology.
  2. Primary Health Care in prevention, health promotion and monitoring to patients who present a hematologic disease.

  1. Nursing care for patients with acute gastrointestinal pathology
  2. Prevention, health promotion and monitoring from Primary Health Care, for patients with a digestive pathology.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The subject will be developed through theoretical sessions (master classes), practical sessions, virtual, guided and autonomous learning. The content of the master classes will consist of the development of the main themes and concepts of the subject detailed in the syllabus. The methodology of cases, group discussion, role playing and text analysis, among others, will be used. The expert patient will also be brought into the classroom. In addition, questionnaires will be carried out throughout the course to facilitate the student's self-assessment and self-regulation.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The course will be evaluated during the semester by continuous assessment, a written work and a through exams. 

Each instance of evaluation has a relative weight in the overall evaluation

  • Resolution of a case 15% (case in CISA) 
  • Questionnaire on patient in classroom 1: 5% (questions will be asked on moodle about the patient's presentation in the classroom) 
  • Questionnaire on patient in classroom 2: 5% (questions will be asked on moodle about the patient's presentation in the classroom) 
  • Moodle quizzes (5%) (each quiz can be taken up to two times. The grade will be the average of the two attempts). 
  • First exam (respiratory and hematology, 20h): 30%
  • Second exam (cardiovascular, digestive and chronicity syllabus, 26h): 40%. 

To be able to average between all the evaluation methods, at least a 48/100 must be obtained in each of the two exams.The theoretical exams will consist of written tests with multiple-choice questions and short questions.



  • For this resit, the marks of the passed parts of the 1st examination (exams and continuous assessment) will be kept and the part that was failed shall be re-taken. 
  • If failed either of the two exams or both, you will have to take the failed part, or both. If you fail the continuous assessment, you will be able to make it up with the work indicated to you, obtaining a maximum of 5 out of 10. If you have failed both the exam(s) and the continuous assessment, you must take the exam(s) and the work indicated. 
  • Honors will not be awarded on the first resit.

Third and fourth resits, and if they are necessary, fourth and fifth (extraordinary cases)

The evaluation of the 2nd and 3rd resits and if necessary, 4th and 5th resits in extraordinary cases(if granted) will be equal to the 1st exam and 1st resit, in no case will the previous year's mark be saved. Before enrolling, you must ensure the compatibility of courses.


Honor Matrix Assignment Procedure (MH)

  1. The criterion for assigning Honorary Enrolments (MH) is based on the Excellent (9.0).
  2. The assignment is solely for the teacher and does not have to give it, even if the student has obtained a mark above 9.0.
  3. In case the teacher decides to award MH, he will not take into account the numerical mark and the highest, but will evaluate other factors. The HM might not match the highest numeric score.

Procedure for Non-presented Assignment (NP)

  1. To register an NP in the student's file, it must not have been submitted to any of the evaluation tests throughout the assignment.
  2. If a student has submitted to one of the evaluation tests, the corresponding percentages in the teaching guide will be applied, with a 0 in those not presented.

Procedure for plagiarism or academic fraud

Any assignment or activity (including exams) in which plagiarism, falsification or academic fraud is detected, will result in a failure of the activity and an academic sanction that will entail from the loss of enrolment rights in this subject, to the opening of a file process.

Bibliography and resources

  • Gorzeman J, Bowdorn, C. Toma de decisiones en enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Interamericana / MacGraw-Hill. Madrid, 1993.
  • Long B.C., Phipps W.J. La enfermería médico-quirúrgica, 2 vols. Interamericana  / MacGraw-Hill, Madrid, 1992.
  • Smeltzer S.C., Bare B.G. Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica de Brunner y Suddarth. Octava edición. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 1998.
  • Carpenito L.J. Planes de cuidados y documentación en enfermería. Primera edición. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 1994.
  • Canobbio M.M. Trastornos cardiovasculares. Serie Mosby de Enfermería Clínica. Doyma. 1993.
  • Wilson S.F., Thompson J.M.Trastornos respiratorios. Serie Mosby de Enfermería Clínica. Doyma. 1993.
  • Luis M.T. Diagnósticos enfermeros. Ed. Masson. 2004.
  • Williams, LS. and Hopper, P. Enfermería Médico-quirúrgica. Ed McGraw - Hill. 2009
  • Brunner and Suddarth. Enfermería Médico-quirúrgica. Ed. MacGraw Hill. 2002
  • Caja López, C. Enfermería Comunitaria III: Atención Primaria. Manuales de enfermería (2 ed.). Barcelona, etc: Masson, 2003.
  • Frías Osuna, A. Enfermería comunitaria. Barcelona: Masson, 2000.
  • García Suso, A; Vera Cortés ML; Campo Osaba MA. Enfermería Comunitaria: Bases teóricas. (2 ed.). Madrid: Difusión Avances de Enfermería, 2002.
  • Mazarrasa, A; Germán, B; Sánchez M.; Sánchez G; Merelles T y Aparicio R. Salud Pública y Enfermería Comunitaria. Volúmen I. Madrid: McGraw-Interamericana, 1996.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 27/01/2025 10:00h
  • E2 01/07/2025 08:00h