Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Fundamentals of Human Communication II
Teaching staff
Personal attention in the classroom and by email: jpuigdomenech@uic.es
Pre-course requirements
The aim of the subject is to focus on the connection of the elements and the basic techniques of human communication, presenting as a referent the ambits of three mitjans: television, radio and cinema.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 01 - The ability to plan technical resources
- 02 - The ability to plan human resources
- 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
- 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
- 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
- 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
- 07 - The ability to work in a group
- 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
- 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
- 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
- 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
- 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
- 13 - Reading skills
- 14 - Ability to analyse
- 15 - The ability to synthesise
- 16 - The ability to detect newsworthy events
- 17 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
- 18 - The ability to work under pressure
- 19 - The ability to memorise
- 20 - The ability of concretion
- 21 - The ability of abstraction
- 27 - The ability to contextualise historical events of the world and of contemporary Spain
- 29 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse the products of the audiovisual industry
- 30 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse current events
- 50 - The ability to understand and apply the different narrative elements of a project
- 51 - The ability to understand and apply the theories and techniques of image
- 53 - The ability to design and critique an audiovisual or media product
- 54 - The ability to design and critique original and viable content
- 58 - Knowledge and mastery of the static image and its ability to communicate
- 64 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic repertories
- 65 - Knowledge and mastery of the different resources of historical investigation
- 82 - The ability to define and manage a communication budget
- 83 - The ability and capacity to give form to a creative message
- 85 - The ability and skill to act as experts in the strategic management of corporate image
- 86 - The ability and capacity to identify, value, manage and protect the intangible assets of a company
- 87 - The ability and capacity to use technology and communicative techniques
- 97 - To be able to read and understand literature in the field of communication in the English language
Learning outcomes of the subject
1st session
Presentation: objectives, methodology and evaluation
Advertising communication and human sciences
Analysis of radio advertising content I
2nd session
Local and global communication
Analysis of radio advertising content II
3rd session
Artistic creation and advertising: materialism and idealism
Analysis of radio advertising content III
· 4th session
La Querelle comunicativa: ancient against modern
Analysis of cinematographic advertising content I
5th session
The role of the unconscious in advertising
Analysis of cinematographic advertising content II
· 6th session
Theoretical-practical exercise of continuous assessment
· 7th session
Dynamics of human communication I
Analysis of cinematographic advertising content III
8th session
Dynamics of human communication II
Analysis of television advertising content I
· 9th session
Music as a communicative phenomenon
Analysis of television advertising content II
· 10th session
Meaning of audiovisual language
Analysis of television advertising content III
11th session
Audiovisual advertising and materialization of the spot
Analysis of general advertising content I
12th session
Psychological effects of advertising communication
Analysis of general advertising content II
13th session
Brand philosophy or style
Analysis of general advertising content III
14th session
Rhetoric and dialectics: language and communication in the 21st century
Analysis of general advertising content IV
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Masterclass. In master classes, the teacher not only transmits content or knowledge, but also, and above all,
attitudes, motivation, aptitudes, values, etc. It also makes it easier Attendees can express their opinions and
arguments in front of the rest of the students.
Coaching. Monitoring, individually or in very small groups,
of how students assimilate the subject contents. In the coaching sessions, defects will be corrected, doubts
will be clarified, Exercises and activities necessary to achieve the set objectives will be proposed.
Guiding Jr. To encourage review and deepening of skills and knowledge, as well as the development of habits
of social commitment and responsibility, the most advantaged students They will guide students from lower
grades, especially if they have some type of personal handicap (physics etc...). 2 ECTS
Focused praxis. Periodic delivery of exercises to learn theory through practice. each exercise It will be destined to acquire
very defined knowledge and adapted to the circumstances.
Seminar. This activity will consist of delving into specific topics monographically, of special relevance-in some cases,
socially debated, through active work in small groups.
Peer learning. This activity is intended for students to gain
analytical skills and critical ability. One way to achieve this is to correct exercises, products, etc. from their own
peers. Each student will obtain a double evaluation: as a receiver and as a transmitter of critical knowledge.
0,5 ECTS
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Following the continuous assessment model, the student will answer a questionnaire about each of the practical sessions (40%). At the end of the course, there will be a multiple choice written a work or test on some of the topics proposed in the program (60%). For the second call, the student who has not passed the exam must pass a written a work or test similar to that of the first call. Due to the fact that class attendance is not mandatory, the weighting of the continuous evaluation for the students who do not follow the classes regularly may require a complementary written work.
In the second and third calls, those parts of the subject that have remained pending in the 1st and subsequent calls must be recovered, following the same methodology and evaluation criteria.
Bibliography and resources
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles: La felicidad paradójica: ensayo sobre la sociedad de hiperconsumo. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2010.
MARÍAS, Julián: Persona. Madrid: Alianza, 1996.
McLUHAN, Marshall: Comprender los medios de comunicación. Las extensiones del ser humano. Barcelona: Paidós, 1996.
ORTEGA y GASSET, José. La rebelión de las masas. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2009.
PUIGDOMÈNECH, Jordi: Lecciones preliminares de Estética. Ensayos sobre la belleza. Madrid: EAE, 2012.
SEMPERE, Pedro J.: La comunicación audiovisual. Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Publicidad, 1968.