Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Module Fundamentals of Care I
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Make an appointment with the teacher: Rosalía Rodríguez (rrodriguez@uic.es)

Departament de Ciències Bàsiques

Farmacologia i Nutrició


Nurses are a key element in the whole process related to medication. They have a great responsibility in the administration of medication and active roles in assessing and monitoring their therapeutic and adverse effects, as well as an important role in educating the patient about the medication. For all these reasons it is essential that nursing professionals have a basic knowledge of pharmacology in order to effectively and responsibly develop this important function.

Pre-course requirements

The course of Pharmacology does not require any specific requirements.


At the end of the course of pharmacology, the student should be able to:

  1. Identify the characteristics of the most important medications for their affectivity and safe use.
  2. Know and apply the basic elements for achieving rational medication use.
  3. Know the methods of study in clinical pharmacology.
  4. Identify the pharmacological group to which each medication belongs.
  5. Identify the effects, indications and contraindications common to the pharmacological group.
  6. Describe the most important precautions and aspects to consider in medication administration.
  7. Know how to provide understandable information to patients and families about medications.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 16. G - Know the health information systems.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study

Learning outcomes of the subject

One of the major responsibilities of professionals in nursing is to teach the proper use of medication to patients, as well as the benefits and risks of these. Nurses are responsible for the administration of medical treatment, therefore must have learned to:

  • Recognize the mechanism of action, indications, pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of different pharmacological groups, as well as the most important medications in each group.
  • Know how to obtain evidence - based on the information relative to the medication.
  • Prepare and administer medication safely.
  • Recognize both the therapeutic effects and adverse effects that the medication can produce.
  • Educate the patient and family regarding the use of medications.
  • The course of pharmacology aims to serve the student to work with determination, responsibility and professionalism.


Unit 1. GENERAL PHARMACOLOGYIntroduction to pharmacology: concepts, objectives. Mechanism of drug action (pharmacodynamics). Pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs. Pharmaceutical forms and routes of administration. Toxicity and adverse drug reactions. Drug Interactions.

Unit 2. DRUGS ACTING IN THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEMS. Sympathomimetic. Adrenergic blockers. Cholinergic antagonists. Muscle relaxants.

Unit 3. DRUGS ACTING IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Narcotic pain relievers. Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs. Antidepressants. Antiparkinsonian. Anticonvulsivants. Antipsychotics.

Unit 4. PHARMACOLOGY OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. Diuretics. Antihypertensive drugs. Medication to treat heart failure and shock. Drugs to treat ischemic heart disease. Antiarrhythmic drugs. Medication to treat dyslipidemia. Medication to treat coagulopathy. 

Unit 5. PHARMACOLOGY OF INFLAMMATION AND ALLERGIES. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Corticoids. Antihistamines. 

Unit 6. PHARMACOLOGY OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Antiulcer. Antiemetic. Antidiarrheal. Laxative.

Unit 7. ANTI-INFECTIOUS PHARMACOLOGY. General concepts on antibiotics. Beta-lactams. Aminoglycosides. Other bactericidal antibiotics. Bacteriostatic antibiotics. Treatment of tuberculosis. Antifungal drugs. Antivirals. 

Unit 8. PHARMACOLOGY OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. Treatment of diabetes. Pharmacology of the thyroid gland. Pharmacology of osteoporosis. Pharmacology of female sexual hormones. 

Unit 9. PHARMACOLOGY OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Pharmacology of asthma. Mucolytic.



Unit 11. PHARMACOLOGY OF CANCER.  Antineoplastic drugs. Immunosuppressant.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

-       Lectures: on-site teaching with activities during the class.

-       Case method: ON-SITE teaching. Students, in groups, solve clinical cases that will be provided the same day of the class. In the classroom the students present their findings with the active participation of the teacher.


Bibliography and resources

Castells S; Hernández M. Farmacología en enfermeria. 3rd edition.Barcelona. Elsevier España, S.L.; 2012.

Lorenzo P; Moreno A; Leza JC; et al. Manual de Farmacología Básica y Clínica. Veláquez. 18th edition. Madrid: Médica Paramericana, D.L. 2012.

Katzung, Bertram G; Masters Susana B; Trevor, Anthony J. Farmacología básica y clínica. 11th edition. México, D.F: McGraw-Hill·interamericana; 2010.

Adams Michael; Holland Norman. Farmacología para enfermería: Un enfoque fisiopatológico. 2nd edition. Madrid: Pearson Educación S.A ; 2009.

Flórez Jesús. Farmacología humana. 5th edition. Barcelona: Elsevier España, S.L.; 2008.

Castells Molina, Silvia; Hernández Pérez, Margarita. Farmacología en enfermería. 2nd edition. Barcelona: Elsevier España, S.L.; 2007.

Mosquera González, José Manuel; Galdos Anuncibay, Pedro. Farmacología Clínica para enfermería.4th edition. Madrid: McGraw- Hill·interamericana; 2005.

Consejo general de colegios oficinales de farmacéuticos. Catálogo de medicamentos: Colección consejo. Madrid: CGCOF; 2011-2013.

Gobierno de España. Agencia española de medicamentos y productos sanitarios [sede web]. Madrid: AEMPS; 2003- [actualitzada 2013]. Available in: http://www.aemps.es

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 12/03/2025 12:00h
  • E2 01/07/2025 08:00h