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Our teaching and research team


Professor Associat
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medicine
  • Academic training
    • Competitive
    • Non-competitive
    • Articles
  • Subjects taught

Academic training

  • Graduat en Fisioteràpia
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Màster Universitari en Fisioteràpia de l'Esport i Readaptació a l'Activitat Fisica
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


  • Creación y validación de una nueva herramienta ecográfica de detección precoz de cambios patológicos en los principales tendones de la extremidad inferior: fascia plantar, tendón de Aquiles y tendón rotuliano. Estudio observacional de validez diagnóstica.
    PI: Ragazzi, P. Start date: 01/12/2023 End date: 01/12/2025
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña
    PI: López-de-Celis, C. Start date: 19/12/2022 End date: 19/12/2024
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña Financing entity code: 79002
  • Efectividad de un protocolo de fisioterapia invasiva en pacientes de atención primaria con síndrome del túnel carpiano. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado controlado.
    PI: Rodríguez-Sanz, J. Start date: 19/12/2022 End date: 19/12/2024
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña Financing entity code: 79013


  • Multi-systemic rehabilitation approach
    PI: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; López-de-Celis, C.; Gonzalez-Rueda, V. Start date: 15/03/2022 End date: 15/03/2024
    Financing entity: Wintecare


  • International journal of environmental research and public health, Foam Rolling vs. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching in the Hamstring Flexibility of Amateur Athletes: Control Trials
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Ragazzi, P.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; Hidalgo-García, C.; Canet, M.; Caballero, I.; Pacheco , L.; López-de-Celis, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023
    Vol.: 20 No.: 1439
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Effects of dry needling of latent trigger points on viscoelastic and muscular contractile properties: Preliminary results of a randomized within-participant clinical trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; Rodríguez, J.; Ortiz I, S.; Meca, T.; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 17
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Scientific Reports, Normative data and correlation between dynamic knee valgus and neuromuscular response among healthy active males: a cross-sectional study
    Name: Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Aiguadé, R.; Seijas, R.; Casasayas, O.; Labata-Lezaun, N.; Alvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 10 No.: 1
  • Journal of investigative sugery, Anterior illiac spine avulsion fracture treatment options in young athletes
    Name: Anduaga, I.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 159 End page: 163 Vol.: 33 No.: 2
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, Neuromuscular response. What is it and how to measure It?
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Simon, M.; Navarro, R.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • HIP international, Feasibility of 3d printed models of the proximal femur to real bone. Cadaveric study
    Name: Sallent, A.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Oliva, E.; Casasayas, O.; Escalona Marfil, C; Ares, O Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 452 End page: 455 Vol.: 29 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1120-7000
  • Journal of Sports Science, Clinical Characteristics in U19 Elite Soccer Players, Implications on Injury Prevention
    Name: Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Aiguadé, R.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Peillon, O.; Ortiz I, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 6 End page: 15 No.: 7
  • Skeletal radiology, High-resolution ultrasound in the assessment of the distal biceps brachii tendinous complex
    Name: Blasi, M.; De La Fuente, J.; Perez-Bellmunt, A.; Zabalza, O.; Martinez, S.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel-Perez, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 395 End page: 404 Vol.: 48 No.: 3
  • Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Effectiveness of low-frequency electrical stimulation in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques in in healthy males: a randomized controlled trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Martín-Sánchez, JC; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Blasi, M.; Ortiz I, S.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pacheco , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 469 End page: 475 Vol.: 59 No.: 3
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Tractament fascial en l'esport. Revisió bibliogràfica.
    Name: Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel, M.; Ortiz, S.; Blasi, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 11 End page: 17 No.: XIV
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Introducció al teixit fascial
    Name: Perez-Bellmunt, A.; Blasi Brugue, M.; Blasi Cabus, J.; Ortiz, S.; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Casasayas, O.; Kuisma, R.; Miguel, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 14 End page: 20 No.: XIII
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809

Subjects taught

Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Nervous System, the Endocrine and the Feeling Organs
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Nervous System, the Endocrine and the Feeling Organs
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II

Academic training

  • Graduat en Fisioteràpia
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Màster Universitari en Fisioteràpia de l'Esport i Readaptació a l'Activitat Fisica
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona



  • Creación y validación de una nueva herramienta ecográfica de detección precoz de cambios patológicos en los principales tendones de la extremidad inferior: fascia plantar, tendón de Aquiles y tendón rotuliano. Estudio observacional de validez diagnóstica.
    PI: Ragazzi, P. Start date: 01/12/2023 End date: 01/12/2025
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña
    PI: López-de-Celis, C. Start date: 19/12/2022 End date: 19/12/2024
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña Financing entity code: 79002
  • Efectividad de un protocolo de fisioterapia invasiva en pacientes de atención primaria con síndrome del túnel carpiano. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado controlado.
    PI: Rodríguez-Sanz, J. Start date: 19/12/2022 End date: 19/12/2024
    Financing entity: Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Cataluña Financing entity code: 79013
  • Multi-systemic rehabilitation approach
    PI: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; López-de-Celis, C.; Gonzalez-Rueda, V. Start date: 15/03/2022 End date: 15/03/2024
    Financing entity: Wintecare


  • International journal of environmental research and public health, Foam Rolling vs. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching in the Hamstring Flexibility of Amateur Athletes: Control Trials
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Ragazzi, P.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; Hidalgo-García, C.; Canet, M.; Caballero, I.; Pacheco , L.; López-de-Celis, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023
    Vol.: 20 No.: 1439
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Effects of dry needling of latent trigger points on viscoelastic and muscular contractile properties: Preliminary results of a randomized within-participant clinical trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Rodríguez-Sanz, J.; Rodríguez, J.; Ortiz I, S.; Meca, T.; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 17
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Scientific Reports, Normative data and correlation between dynamic knee valgus and neuromuscular response among healthy active males: a cross-sectional study
    Name: Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Aiguadé, R.; Seijas, R.; Casasayas, O.; Labata-Lezaun, N.; Alvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 10 No.: 1
  • Journal of investigative sugery, Anterior illiac spine avulsion fracture treatment options in young athletes
    Name: Anduaga, I.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 159 End page: 163 Vol.: 33 No.: 2
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, Neuromuscular response. What is it and how to measure It?
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Simon, M.; Navarro, R.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • HIP international, Feasibility of 3d printed models of the proximal femur to real bone. Cadaveric study
    Name: Sallent, A.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Oliva, E.; Casasayas, O.; Escalona Marfil, C; Ares, O Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 452 End page: 455 Vol.: 29 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1120-7000
  • Journal of Sports Science, Clinical Characteristics in U19 Elite Soccer Players, Implications on Injury Prevention
    Name: Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Aiguadé, R.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Peillon, O.; Ortiz I, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 6 End page: 15 No.: 7
  • Skeletal radiology, High-resolution ultrasound in the assessment of the distal biceps brachii tendinous complex
    Name: Blasi, M.; De La Fuente, J.; Perez-Bellmunt, A.; Zabalza, O.; Martinez, S.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel-Perez, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 395 End page: 404 Vol.: 48 No.: 3
  • Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Effectiveness of low-frequency electrical stimulation in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques in in healthy males: a randomized controlled trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Martín-Sánchez, JC; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Blasi, M.; Ortiz I, S.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pacheco , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 469 End page: 475 Vol.: 59 No.: 3
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Tractament fascial en l'esport. Revisió bibliogràfica.
    Name: Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel, M.; Ortiz, S.; Blasi, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 11 End page: 17 No.: XIV
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Introducció al teixit fascial
    Name: Perez-Bellmunt, A.; Blasi Brugue, M.; Blasi Cabus, J.; Ortiz, S.; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Casasayas, O.; Kuisma, R.; Miguel, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 14 End page: 20 No.: XIII
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Nervous System, the Endocrine and the Feeling Organs
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Nervous System, the Endocrine and the Feeling Organs
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II
    • - Splachnological Structure and Function
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System I
    • - Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System II