

Department of Medicine



Teacher profile

Professor Pam

Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


M. Teresa Coll Sibina has a Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Autonóma de Barcelona (1988). She specialized in Pediatrics and specific areas at the Hospital General de Granollers (1990-1993) and trained in Pediatric Hematology at the Hospital Vall d'Hebron (1994-1997).

Professional experience

M. Teresa is Associate Professor at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya since 2012. She works as a Pediatrician at the Hospital General de Granollers in the area of ​​hospitalization and at external Pediatric Hematology consultations. She tutors resident pediatricians since 2010. She is a member of the Working Group of Pediatric Hematology of the Societat Catalana de Pediatria and of the Eritropathology Group of the Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología pediátrica, in which she develops educational and research activities.


Book chapters
  • Coll, M.; CORRAL, S.; CODINA, X., (2004), "Unidad de enfermedades infecciosas- VIH", Urgencias pediátricas en el VIH En Urgencias y VIH. 2ª edición, Fundació-Hospital Asil de Granollers.
  • Coll, M.; CORRAL, S.; CODINA, X., (2003), "Urgencias y VIH", Unidad de enfermedades infecciosas- VIH, Fundació-Hospital Asil de Granollers.
  • Coll, M., (2001), "Niña de 1 año con anemia, ictericia y hepatoesplenomegalia", Manual formativo en Hematología Pediátrica, pp. 363-373, Elsevier.
  • FLORENSA, L.; Coll, M.; WOESSNER, S., (2001), "Hematopoyesis. Morfología de los elementos formes de la sangre y órganos hematopoyéticos.", Hematología Clínica 4a Edición, pp. 1-35, Harcourt.

Projects and research

  • Creation of a catalan network for the diagnosis and clinical management of rare anaemias due to major haemoglobinopathies01/01/2009
    IP: VIVES, J.
    Fundació la Marató de TV3