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Our teaching and research team
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of
Tractament i rehabilitació de l'invàlid oral i Maxil.lofacial
Academic training
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Màster en Endodòncia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Postgrau en Oclusió, disfunció temporomandibular i dolor orofacial
- Societat Catalana d´Odontoestomatologia de L´Academia de Ciències Mediques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de Balears
- Universitat de Barcelona
Doctora en Odontologia per la UIC
Màster en Endodòncia i Postgrau en Pròtesi Bucal i ATM per la UIC
GRC - Grupo de Investigación en Biomateriales y Técnicas en Restauración Dental y Endodoncia
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 01/05/2017 End date: 01/05/2020Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Financing entity code: 2017 SGR 1313 Grup Consolidat -
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 07/05/2014 End date: 30/05/2017Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2014 SGR 981
Spectrophotometric analysis of tooth discoloration induced by white MTA and Biodentine
PI: Roig Cayon, M; Vallés, Marta Start date: 01/05/2013 End date: 01/05/2014Financing entity: Septodont
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Impact of design and length on the accuracy of closed tray transfer copings
Name: Roig, E.; Álvarez-Maldonado, N.; Garza, L.; Vallés, Marta; Espona, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: e707 End page: e712 Vol.: 11 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Journal of Endodontics, Development of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth with and without periodontal involvement: a retrospective cohort study
Name: Ruiz, X.F.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Shemesh, H.; García Font, M; Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1246 End page: 1249 Vol.: 43 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Brazilian Oral Research, Six-month color change and water sorption of 9 new-generation flowable composites in 6 staining solutions
Name: Arregui, M.; Giner Tarrida, L; Ferrari, M.; Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: e123 End page: e134 Vol.: 30 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1806-8324 -
Journal of Endodontics, Color Stability of Teeth Restored with Biodentine: A 6-month In Vitro Study
Name: Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Martínez, S.; Mercade, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 1157 End page: 1160 Vol.: 41 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Endodoncia, Análisis espectrofotométrico de la decoloración dental inducida por MTA blanco y Biodentine
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Suárez, C.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 111 End page: 115 Vol.: 32 No.: 3ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Odontology, Evaluation of the effectiveness of an in-office bleaching system and the effect of potassium nitrate as a desensitizing agent
Name: Palé, M.; Mayoral Molina, J; Llopis, J.; Vallés, Marta; Basilio Monné, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 203 End page: 210 Vol.: 102 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1618-1247 -
Endodoncia, Análisis espectrofotométrico de la decoloración dental inducida por MTA blanco y Biodentine
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Suárez, C.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 111 End page: 115 Vol.: 32 No.: 3ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Clinical Oral Investigations, Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Bourdelande, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1155 End page: 1159 Vol.: 17 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1432-6981 -
Journal of Endodontics, Influence of light and oxygen on the color stability of five calcium silicate-based materials
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Bourdelande, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 525 End page: 528 Vol.: 39 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Endodoncia, Comparación in vitro de la deformación producida por instrumental de Níquel-Titanio. Análisis de las limas K3 (Kerr) y GT (Dentsply)
Name: Herrera , P.; Basilio Monné, J; Vallés, Marta Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 37 End page: 44 Vol.: 22 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1130-9903
Subjects taught
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - CAD-CAM Prosthesis
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Periodontology and Dental Aesthetics
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - TMJ
- - Tooth Whitening
- - Clinical Case Planning I
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Pathology
- - Operative Dentistry
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Direct and Indirect Surgery
- - Basic Adhesion
- - CAD-CAM Prosthesis
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Prostheses On Implants
- - TMJ
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Direct and Indirect Surgery
- - TMJ
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Multidisciplinary Restorative Treatment. Clinic II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Theoric Session II
- - Basic Adhesion
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Clinic II
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Traumatology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Scientific Review
- - Introduction to Clinic I
- - Theory Session I
- - Literary Review II
- - Reading Articles
- - Literature Review I
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Research Protocol.
- - Laboratory Instruction - Preventive
- - Scientific Review
- - Literary Review II
- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Laboratory
- - Theory Session I
- - Literature Review I
- - Reading Articles
- - Introduction to Clinic I
- - Clinic I
- - Clinic II
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Surgey- - Laboratory Instruction - Preventive
- - Prosthetic Laboratory
- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Laboratory Instructor Work Placement
- - Laboratory
- - Scientific Review
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Reading Articles
- - Theory Session I
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Anatomia Dental I
- - Instrucción de Laboratori - Preventiva
- - Laboratori
- - Laboratori Estètica
- - Laboratori Pròtesi
- - Pràctica d'Instructor de Laboratori
- - Lectura d'articles
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Control del Dolor en Endodòncia
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Scientific Research, Communication and Methodology I
Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Revisió Científica
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Control del Dolor en Endodòncia
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Surgery
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Traumatology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - Scientific Research, Communication and Methodology II
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Traumatología Dental
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Laboratori Estètica
- - Lectura d'articles
- - Introducció a la Clínica I
- - Clínica I
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Revisió Científica
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Clínica en Endodòncia I
- - Clínica en Endodòncia II
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Revisió Literatura II
- - Sessió Conjunta d'Estètica II
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Surgery
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 3
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 2
Máster en Operatoria y Estética Dental- - Introducció Clínica I
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Revisió Literatura II
- - Revisió Científica II
- - Sessió Conjunta d'Estètica II
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Sessió Conjunta de Endodóncia I
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 3
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Surgery- - Rehabilitación Dental Avanzada
- - Ensenyament Tutel·lat
- - Técnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Màster en Endodoncia- - Clínica en Endodòncia
- - Clínica en Endodòncia
- - Rehabilitació Dentària Bàsica
- - Anatomia Dentaria
- - Ensenyanza Tutelada
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Máster en Estética Dental- - Sesión Clinica
- - Bibliografia
- - Rehabilitación Dental Avanzada
- - Anatomía Dentaria
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
FC. Estética Dental - Módulo I- - Estética Dental
- - Estética Dental
- - Intensivo en Endodoncia
- - Rehabilitació Dentària Bàsica
- - Rehabilitació Oral I
- - Anatomia Dentària III
- - Bases de la Investigación
- - Clínica Assistida
- - Bases de la Investigació IV
- - Lectura de la Literatura
- - Revisió Bibliográfica
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 4
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Orthodontics 4
- - Orthodontics 5
Máster en Endodoncia- - Fundamentos de Operatoria Dental
- - Clínica Endodoncia 2
- - Fundamentos de Operatoria Dental
- - Operatoria Dental
- - Revisión Bibliográfica
- - Bases de la Operatoria Dental
- - Seminario Clínico 3
- - Sesión Clínica
- - Clínica de Operatoria Dental
- - Sesión Clínica
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 4
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
Máster en Endodoncia- - Técnicas Básicas en Endodoncia
- - Introduccion a la Clinica de Endodoncia
- - Investigacion en Endodoncia 1
- - Técnicas Avanzades en Endodoncia 1
- - Tecnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 3
- - Clinica en Endodoncia 1
- - Tecnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 4
- - Bibliografia Científica Actual 5
- - Técnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 5
- - Sesion Clinica 6
- - Clínica Endodoncia 5
- - Preclínico de operatoria dental 1
- - Bases de la operatoria dental
- - Restauración dental avanzada 1
- - Clinica de operatoria dental 1
- - Seminario clinico 1
- - Restauración dental avanzada 2
- - Clinica de opertoria dental 5
- - Periodoncia i estética
- - Materiales para la restauración dental
- - Preclíco de Operatoria Dental 1
- - Bases de la Operatoria Dental
- - Seminario Clínico 1
- - Revisión Bibliográfica 3
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry
F.C. IV Curso Intensivo de Endodoncia para el Clínico General- - INSTRUMENTACIÓN MECÁNICA
- - Introduccion a la clinica de endodoncia
- - Capacitacion, manejo instalaciones RX
- - Sesion clinica 5
- - Investigacion en endodoncia 1
- - Revision Literatura 4
- - Técnicas avanzades en endodoncia 1
- - Bases biológicas de la Morfogénesis dentaria
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Course 2000-2001 - Period: 01/09/2000 - 31/08/2001
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Màster en Endodòncia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Postgrau en Oclusió, disfunció temporomandibular i dolor orofacial
- Societat Catalana d´Odontoestomatologia de L´Academia de Ciències Mediques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de Balears
- Universitat de Barcelona
Doctora en Odontologia per la UIC
Màster en Endodòncia i Postgrau en Pròtesi Bucal i ATM per la UIC
GRC - Grupo de Investigación en Biomateriales y Técnicas en Restauración Dental y Endodoncia
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 01/05/2017 End date: 01/05/2020Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Financing entity code: 2017 SGR 1313 Grup Consolidat -
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 07/05/2014 End date: 30/05/2017Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2014 SGR 981
Spectrophotometric analysis of tooth discoloration induced by white MTA and Biodentine
PI: Roig Cayon, M; Vallés, Marta Start date: 01/05/2013 End date: 01/05/2014Financing entity: Septodont
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Impact of design and length on the accuracy of closed tray transfer copings
Name: Roig, E.; Álvarez-Maldonado, N.; Garza, L.; Vallés, Marta; Espona, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: e707 End page: e712 Vol.: 11 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Journal of Endodontics, Development of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth with and without periodontal involvement: a retrospective cohort study
Name: Ruiz, X.F.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Shemesh, H.; García Font, M; Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1246 End page: 1249 Vol.: 43 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Brazilian Oral Research, Six-month color change and water sorption of 9 new-generation flowable composites in 6 staining solutions
Name: Arregui, M.; Giner Tarrida, L; Ferrari, M.; Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: e123 End page: e134 Vol.: 30 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1806-8324 -
Journal of Endodontics, Color Stability of Teeth Restored with Biodentine: A 6-month In Vitro Study
Name: Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Martínez, S.; Mercade, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 1157 End page: 1160 Vol.: 41 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Endodoncia, Análisis espectrofotométrico de la decoloración dental inducida por MTA blanco y Biodentine
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Suárez, C.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 111 End page: 115 Vol.: 32 No.: 3ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Odontology, Evaluation of the effectiveness of an in-office bleaching system and the effect of potassium nitrate as a desensitizing agent
Name: Palé, M.; Mayoral Molina, J; Llopis, J.; Vallés, Marta; Basilio Monné, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 203 End page: 210 Vol.: 102 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1618-1247 -
Endodoncia, Análisis espectrofotométrico de la decoloración dental inducida por MTA blanco y Biodentine
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Suárez, C.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 111 End page: 115 Vol.: 32 No.: 3ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Clinical Oral Investigations, Color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Bourdelande, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1155 End page: 1159 Vol.: 17 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1432-6981 -
Journal of Endodontics, Influence of light and oxygen on the color stability of five calcium silicate-based materials
Name: Vallés, Marta; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Bourdelande, J.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 525 End page: 528 Vol.: 39 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Endodoncia, Comparación in vitro de la deformación producida por instrumental de Níquel-Titanio. Análisis de las limas K3 (Kerr) y GT (Dentsply)
Name: Herrera , P.; Basilio Monné, J; Vallés, Marta Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 37 End page: 44 Vol.: 22 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1130-9903
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - CAD-CAM Prosthesis
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Periodontology and Dental Aesthetics
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - TMJ
- - Tooth Whitening
- - Clinical Case Planning I
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Pathology
- - Operative Dentistry
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Direct and Indirect Surgery
- - Basic Adhesion
- - CAD-CAM Prosthesis
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Prostheses On Implants
- - TMJ
- - Tooth Whitening
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Basic Adhesion
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Direct and Indirect Surgery
- - TMJ
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Multidisciplinary Restorative Treatment. Clinic II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Theoric Session II
- - Basic Adhesion
- - Clinical Case Planning I
- - Clinic II
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Operative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Traumatology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Scientific Review
- - Introduction to Clinic I
- - Theory Session I
- - Literary Review II
- - Reading Articles
- - Literature Review I
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Pathology
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Research Protocol.
- - Laboratory Instruction - Preventive
- - Scientific Review
- - Literary Review II
- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Laboratory
- - Theory Session I
- - Literature Review I
- - Reading Articles
- - Introduction to Clinic I
- - Clinic I
- - Clinic II
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Operative Dentistry
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Basic Adhesion Techniques
- - Scientific Evidence in Operative Dentistry
- - Direct and Indirect in Vitro Operative Techniques I
- - Final Master's Degree Project
- - Final Master's Degree Project I
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Surgey- - Laboratory Instruction - Preventive
- - Prosthetic Laboratory
- - Aesthetic Laboratory
- - Laboratory Instructor Work Placement
- - Laboratory
- - Scientific Review
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Reading Articles
- - Theory Session I
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Anatomia Dental I
- - Instrucción de Laboratori - Preventiva
- - Laboratori
- - Laboratori Estètica
- - Laboratori Pròtesi
- - Pràctica d'Instructor de Laboratori
- - Lectura d'articles
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Control del Dolor en Endodòncia
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Scientific Research, Communication and Methodology I
Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Revisió Científica
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Control del Dolor en Endodòncia
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Surgery
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 1
- - Dental Traumatology
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning II
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - New Technologies in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry II
- - Scientific Research, Communication and Methodology II
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Traumatología Dental
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Resolució de Problemes en Endodòncia
- - Operatòria Dental Bàsica
- - Laboratori Estètica
- - Lectura d'articles
- - Introducció a la Clínica I
- - Clínica I
- - Sessió Teòrica II
- - Revisió Científica
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Surgery
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Clínica en Endodòncia I
- - Clínica en Endodòncia II
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Revisió Literatura II
- - Sessió Conjunta d'Estètica II
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Dental Surgery
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 3
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 2
Máster en Operatoria y Estética Dental- - Introducció Clínica I
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Revisió Literatura II
- - Revisió Científica II
- - Sessió Conjunta d'Estètica II
- - Sessió Teòrica I
- - Clínica II
- - Sessió Conjunta de Endodóncia I
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 3
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Online Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Surgery- - Rehabilitación Dental Avanzada
- - Ensenyament Tutel·lat
- - Técnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Màster en Endodoncia- - Clínica en Endodòncia
- - Clínica en Endodòncia
- - Rehabilitació Dentària Bàsica
- - Anatomia Dentaria
- - Ensenyanza Tutelada
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Traumatología Dental
Máster en Estética Dental- - Sesión Clinica
- - Bibliografia
- - Rehabilitación Dental Avanzada
- - Anatomía Dentaria
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
FC. Estética Dental - Módulo I- - Estética Dental
- - Estética Dental
- - Intensivo en Endodoncia
- - Rehabilitació Dentària Bàsica
- - Rehabilitació Oral I
- - Anatomia Dentària III
- - Bases de la Investigación
- - Clínica Assistida
- - Bases de la Investigació IV
- - Lectura de la Literatura
- - Revisió Bibliográfica
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 4
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Aesthetics
- - Orthodontics 4
- - Orthodontics 5
Máster en Endodoncia- - Fundamentos de Operatoria Dental
- - Clínica Endodoncia 2
- - Fundamentos de Operatoria Dental
- - Operatoria Dental
- - Revisión Bibliográfica
- - Bases de la Operatoria Dental
- - Seminario Clínico 3
- - Sesión Clínica
- - Clínica de Operatoria Dental
- - Sesión Clínica
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 4
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
Máster en Endodoncia- - Técnicas Básicas en Endodoncia
- - Introduccion a la Clinica de Endodoncia
- - Investigacion en Endodoncia 1
- - Técnicas Avanzades en Endodoncia 1
- - Tecnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 3
- - Clinica en Endodoncia 1
- - Tecnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 4
- - Bibliografia Científica Actual 5
- - Técnicas Avanzadas en Endodoncia 5
- - Sesion Clinica 6
- - Clínica Endodoncia 5
- - Preclínico de operatoria dental 1
- - Bases de la operatoria dental
- - Restauración dental avanzada 1
- - Clinica de operatoria dental 1
- - Seminario clinico 1
- - Restauración dental avanzada 2
- - Clinica de opertoria dental 5
- - Periodoncia i estética
- - Materiales para la restauración dental
- - Preclíco de Operatoria Dental 1
- - Bases de la Operatoria Dental
- - Seminario Clínico 1
- - Revisión Bibliográfica 3
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 1
- - Dental Pathology and Therapeutics 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry
F.C. IV Curso Intensivo de Endodoncia para el Clínico General- - INSTRUMENTACIÓN MECÁNICA
- - Introduccion a la clinica de endodoncia
- - Capacitacion, manejo instalaciones RX
- - Sesion clinica 5
- - Investigacion en endodoncia 1
- - Revision Literatura 4
- - Técnicas avanzades en endodoncia 1
- - Bases biológicas de la Morfogénesis dentaria
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Course 2000-2001 - Period: 01/09/2000 - 31/08/2001
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry