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Professor Adjunt
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medicine
  • Academic training
    • Competitive
    • Articles
    • Book chapters
  • Subjects taught

Academic training

  • Cirugía
  • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Medicina del Deporte, Traumatología Deportiva, Artroscopia de Rodilla, Cadera, Tobillo y Hombro
  • ISAKOS-Approved Teaching Center
  • Como optimizar el rendimiento de un consultorio privado
  • Centro de Estudios Colegiales del Col.legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona
  • Especialiasta en Cirugía Ortopedica y Traumatologia ( MIR 1999) Hospital del Mar.UAB
  • Licenciatura en Medicina
  • Universidad de Barcelona


  • Estudio de evaluación de cicatrización en ligamentoplastia de cruzado anterior de rodilla. Maduración de plastia de ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) por técnica de injerto con ligamento rotuliano de hueso-tendón-hueso (HTH)
    PI: Cugat, R. Start date: 01/01/2013 End date: 31/12/2015
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat; Cytori Therapeutics Inc
  • A prospective, Randomiz, doble-blind, multicenter Clinical Trial to evaluate the Safety an effecacy of the Z-lig medical device comared whit allograft for the reconstrucction or ruptura Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2012
    PI: Stone, K. Start date: 01/01/2012 End date: 31/12/2013
    Financing entity: Aperion Biologics
  • Función y contractibilidad muscular del paciente futbolista afecto de ruptura del LCA antes y después de su cirugía de reconstrucción
    PI: Álvarez-Díaz, P. Start date: 01/01/2011 End date: 31/12/2012
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat
  • Estudio ACTIFIT
    PI: Verdonk, R. Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012
    Financing entity: ORTEC Sports Medicine
  • Factores mecánicos en relación con el desgaste del polietileno en las prótesis totales de rodilla
    PI: Álvarez-Díaz, P. Start date: 01/01/1998 End date: 31/12/1998
    Financing entity: Fundación SECOT
  • Preservación del injerto hepático
    PI: Peralta, C. Start date: 01/01/2017
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2017SGR-551
  • Celution Device for the Processing of Adipose Derived Regenerative Cells for Meniscal Tears
    PI: Cugat, R. Start date: 01/01/2015
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat; Cytori Therapeutics Inc
  • Estudio del desgaste del polietileno en las prótesis totales de rodilla. Influencia en las anomalías torsionales
    PI: Ballester, J. Start date: 01/01/1998
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)


  • Arthroscopy Techniques, Circumferential-Surrounding (“Sandwich”) Meniscal Repair: A Salvage Technique to Save the Meniscus
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Cuscó, X.; Navarro, J.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; Samitier, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramírez, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: e1467 End page: e1473 Vol.: 9 No.: 10
  • Journal of investigative sugery, Anterior illiac spine avulsion fracture treatment options in young athletes
    Name: Anduaga, I.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 159 End page: 163 Vol.: 33 No.: 2
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, A novel autologous-made matrix using hyaline cartilage chips and platelet-rich growth factors for the treatment of full-thickness cartilage or osteochondral defects: Preliminary results
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Navarro, J.; Cuscó, X.; Steinbacher, G.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Laiz, P.; Samitier, G.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 28 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1022-5536
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, Effects of autologous adipose-derived regenerative stem cells administered at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on knee function and graft healing
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Martinez-De la Torre, A.; Cusco, X.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Navarro, J.; Serra Renom, J; Nishishinya, B.; Català, J.; Laiz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 27 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1022-5536
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, Neuromuscular response. What is it and how to measure It?
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Simon, M.; Navarro, R.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • Annals of Sports and Health Science, Possible relationship between an increased alpha angle and the anterior cruciate ligament injury
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Fernández, L.; Ortiz I, S.; Ragazzi, P.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 1 End page: 2 Vol.: 1 No.: 1
  • Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, validation, and measurement properties of the Spanish version of the anterior cruciate ligament-return to sport after injury (ACL-RSI-Sp) scale
    Name: Sala, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Webster, K.; Cugat, R.; Tomás Sábado, J Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, The presence of patellar tendinopathy in the bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft may increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligament graft failure
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Gotecha, D.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Seijas, R.; Cusco, X.; Samuelsson, K.; Lazarides, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 766 End page: 772 Vol.: 27 No.: 3
  • Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Effectiveness of low-frequency electrical stimulation in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques in in healthy males: a randomized controlled trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Martín-Sánchez, JC; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Blasi, M.; Ortiz I, S.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pacheco , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 469 End page: 475 Vol.: 59 No.: 3
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Meniscal fixation is a successful treatment for hypermobile lateral meniscus in soccer players
    Name: Steinbacher, G.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Alvarado Calderón, M.; Barastegui, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 354 End page: 360 Vol.: 27 No.: 2
  • Clinical biomechanics, Dimensional changes of the carpal tunnel and median nerve during manual mobilization of the carpal bones - Anatomical study
    Name: Bueno-Gracia, E.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Shacklock, M.; Salas-López, A.; Simon, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tricas, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 56 End page: 61 Vol.: 59
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessing long-term return to play after hip arthroscopy in football players evaluating risk factors for good prognosis
    Name: Barastegui, D.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Rivera, E.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 963 End page: 968 Vol.: 26 No.: 3
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Gluteus maximus contraction velocity assessed by tensiomyography improves following arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement.
    Name: Seijas, R.; Marin, M.; Rivera, E.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Barastegui, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 976 End page: 982 Vol.: 26 No.: 3
  • Arthroscopy Techniques, Articulated bone block for posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft: surgical technique to facilitate graft passage
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Cusco, X.; Navarro, J.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: e131 End page: e137 Vol.: 7 No.: 2
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Is tensiomyography a useful assessment tool in sports medicine?
    Name: Martín-Rodríguez, S.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Tous-Fajardo, J.; Samuelsson, K.; Marín, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 3980 End page: 3981 Vol.: 25 No.: 12
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Tractament fascial en l'esport. Revisió bibliogràfica.
    Name: Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel, M.; Ortiz, S.; Blasi, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 11 End page: 17 No.: XIV
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809
  • Musculoskeletal Surgery, Hip arthroscopy complications regarding surgery and early postoperative care: retrospective study and review of literature
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O.; Sallent, A.; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tejedor, R.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 119 End page: 131 Vol.: 101 No.: 2
  • Case Reports in Orthopedics, Treatment of knee osteochondral lesions using a novel clot of autologous plasma rich in growth factors mixed with healthy hyaline cartilage chips and intra-articular injection of PRGF
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; Navarro, J.; Laiz, P.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Vol.: 2017
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2090-6749
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Return to prelesional Tegner level after anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 1695 End page: 1699 Vol.: 136 No.: 12
  • Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, Iliotibial band syndrome following hip arthroscopy: An unreported complication
    Name: Seijas, R.; sallent, A.; Galan, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 486 End page: 491 Vol.: 50 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0019-5413
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Comparison of tensiomyographic neuromuscular characteristics between muscles of the dominant and non-dominant lower extremity in male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 2259 End page: 2263 Vol.: 24 No.: 7
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Effects of anterior cruciate ligament injury on neuromuscular tensiomyographic characteristics of the lower extremity in competitive male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Ares, O; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 2264 End page: 2270 Vol.: 24 No.: 7
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Gluteus maximus impairment in femoroacetabular impingement: a tensiomyographic evaluation of a clinical fact
    Name: Seijas, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Marín, M.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 785 End page: 789 Vol.: 136 No.: 6
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Return to play after all-inside meniscal repair in competitive football players: a minimum 5-year follow-up
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Llobet, F.; Granados, N.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 1997 End page: 2001 Vol.: 24 No.: 6
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Return to sports after arthroscopic capsulolabral repair using knotless suture anchors for anterior shoulder instability in soccer players: minimum 5-year follow-up study
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Doblas, J.; Steinbacher, G.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Jose Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 440 End page: 446 Vol.: 24 No.: 2
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Effects of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on neuromuscular tensiomyographic characteristics of the lower extremity in competitive male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 3407 End page: 3413 Vol.: 23 No.: 11
  • Surgical Innovation, Patellar fractures: an innovative surgical technique with transosseous suture to avoid implant removaf
    Name: Buezo, O.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Sallent, A.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 474 End page: 478 Vol.: 22 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1553-3506
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessment of gastrocnemius tensiomyographic neuromuscular characteristics as risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury in male soccer players
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 2502 End page: 2507 Vol.: 23 No.: 9
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessment of neuromuscular risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury through tensiomyography in male soccer players
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 2508 End page: 2513 Vol.: 23 No.: 9
  • Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic and related sugery, Biologic enhancement of cartilage repair: The role of platelet-rich plasma and other commercially available growth factors.
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Ares, O; Wang, A.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 777 End page: 783 Vol.: 31 No.: 4
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Female Athlete Triad Syndrome: Prevention
    Name: Muradas, K.; Costa, L.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 205 End page: 209 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Arthroscopic Treatment and Injection of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in the Treatment Femoroacetabular Impingement of the Hip: Results with Two Years of Follow-up.
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Sallent, A.; Tejedor, R.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 182 End page: 187 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Etiopathogenesis of Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation in Professional Rugby Players
    Name: Figuerola Ferrer, M.; Ferrer, M.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 202 End page: 204 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Pathogenesis and Prevention of Scaphoid Fractures in Motocross
    Name: Ramos Martin, J.L; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 188 End page: 190 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Role of Growth Factors in Bone-Tendon-Bone ACL Surgery: Time for Maturation of the ACL Graft and the Patellar Tendon Donor Site
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Català, J.; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 196 End page: 201 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • Foot and ankle international, Endoscopic Repair of Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome Due to Os Trigonum in Soccer Players
    Name: Lopez-Valerio, V.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Steinbacher, G.; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 70 End page: 74 Vol.: 36 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1071-1007
  • Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Calentamiento neuromuscular estructurado como prevención de lesiones en futbolistas profesionales jóvenes
    Name: Mayo, M.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 336 End page: 342 Vol.: 58 No.: 6
  • World Journal of Orthopaedics, Partial anterior cruciate ligament tears treated with intraligamentary plasma rich in growth factors
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 373 End page: 378 Vol.: 5 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2218-5836
  • Orthopedics, Adductor tenotomy as a treatment for groin pain in professional soccer players
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Lopez, V.; Carmont, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: e1189 End page: e1197 Vol.: 36 No.: 9
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Treatment and evolution of grade III acromioclavicular dislocations in soccer players
    Name: Pereira, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 1633 End page: 1635 Vol.: 21 No.: 7
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of patellar tendon graft remodelling after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with or without platelet-rich plasma
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Catala, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 10 End page: 14 Vol.: 21 No.: 1
  • Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, Non-surgical treatment options in mechanical hip pathology: medical and infiltration treatments, role of rehabilitation
    Name: Sallent, A.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 25 End page: 40 Vol.: 64 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0026-4911
  • American journal of sports medicine, Successful treatment of painful irreparable partial meniscal defects with a polyurethane scaffold two-year safety and clinical outcomes
    Name: Verdonk, P.; Beaufils, P.; Bellemans, J.; Dijan, P.; Heinrichs, E.; Huysse, W.; Laprell, H.; Siebold, R.; Verdonk, R.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012
    Start page: 844 End page: 853 Vol.: 40 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0363-5465
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Conservative treatment of lumbar spondylolysis in young soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Pellisé, F.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 2111 End page: 2114 Vol.: 19 No.: 12
  • International orthopaedics, Reply to: comments on Alentorn-Geli et al.: anteromedial portal (AMP) versus transtibial (TT) drilling techniques in ACL reconstruction: a blinded cross-sectional study at two- to five-year follow-up.
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Samitier, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 453 End page: 454 Vol.: 35 No.: 3
  • Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, Treatment of fractures of the tibial tuberosity in adolescent soccer players.
    Name: Ares, O; Seijas, R.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Aguirre, M.; Catala, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 78 End page: 82 Vol.: 77 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0001-6462
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Arthroscopic meniscal allograft transplantation without bone plugs
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Rius, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 174 End page: 182 Vol.: 19 No.: 2
  • Clinical journal of sport medicine, Arthroscopic meniscal transplant in soccer players: outcomes at 2-to 5 year follow-up
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 340 End page: 343 Vol.: 20 No.: 5
  • International orthopaedics, Anteromedial portal versus transtibial drilling techniques in ACL reconstruction: a blinded cross-sectional study at two- to five-year follow-up
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Samitier, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 747 End page: 754 Vol.: 34 No.: 5
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Osteocartilaginous lesions of the talus in soccer players
    Name: Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 329 End page: 333 Vol.: 130 No.: 3
  • American journal of orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.), Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the knees in monozygotic twins: the genetic factor and review of the etiology
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Mann, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009
    Start page: E152 End page: E155 Vol.: 38 No.: 9
    ISSN or title: 1078-4519
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Septic arthritis with Staphylococcus lungdunensis following arthroscopic ACL revision with BPTB allograft.
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Mann, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Ballester, S.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 15 End page: 18 Vol.: 16 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0942-2056
  • European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Bilateral osteochondrosis of radial head
    Name: Popescu, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 367 End page: 371 Vol.: 17 No.: 4
  • International orthopaedics, Influence of autograft removal on rabbit patellar tendon length
    Name: Monllau, J.; Hinarejos, P.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alameda, F.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 7 End page: 10 Vol.: 28 No.: 1
  • Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, Fibrosarcoma at the site of a metallic fixation of the tibia--a case report and literature review
    Name: Hinarejos, P.; Escuder, M.; Monllau, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Lloreta, J.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000
    Start page: 329 End page: 332 Vol.: 71 No.: 3
  • Journal of biomechanics, Load distribution across the knee relationed to torsional deformity. Experimental study
    Name: Ballester, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998
    Start page: 95 End page: 95 Vol.: 31 No.: 1
  • Journal of biomechanics, Distribution of stresses at the periphery of the polyethylene of total knee prostheses
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Molina, A.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998
    Start page: 89 End page: 89 Vol.: 31 No.: 1
  • Revista de Patologia de la Rodilla, Estudio Experimental de las tensiones epifisarias de la rodilla antes y después de la colocación de un implante protésico en normoeje, componente tibial varizado, componente femoral torsionado
    Name: Molina, A.; Escuder, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ribau, M.A.; Tey, M.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997
    Start page: 10 End page: 18 Vol.: 2 No.: 4
    ISSN or title: 1136-3231


  • Role of Growth Factors in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Sports Injuries. Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation
    Name: Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 10/01/2015
    Start page: 1653 End page: 1660
    ISBN: 978-3-642-36569-0
  • Common reasons of groin pain in sports. Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation
    Name: Cugat, R.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 10/01/2015
    Start page: 723 End page: 739
    ISBN: 978-3-642-36569-0
  • Osteochondral ankle injuries in footballers. Cartilage Lesions of the ankle
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2015
    Start page: 67 End page: 75
    ISBN: 978-3-662-46331-4
  • PRP in Football Players. Football Traumatology: New Trends
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2015
    Start page: 275 End page: 291
    ISBN: 978-3-319-18244-5
  • Patellofemoral Injuries in Soccer Players. The Patellofemoral Joint
    Name: Cugat, R.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2014
    Start page: 267 End page: 273
    ISBN: 978-3-642-54964-9
  • Repercusión de las anomalías torsionales sobre las prótesis de rodilla.. Desalineaciones torsionales de las extremidades inferiors. Implicaciones clinicopatológicas
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tey, M.; Torres, X.; Biosca, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/11/2001
    Start page: 39 End page: 48
    ISBN: 9788445810477
  • Repercusión de las anomalías torsionales en la rodilla. Desalineaciones torsionales de las extremidades inferiores. Implicaciones clinicopatológicas
    Name: Molina, A.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tey, M.; Siles, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/11/2001
    Start page: 29 End page: 39
    ISBN: 9788445810477
  • Aplicación de terapias celulares en la regeneración de defectos tendinosos.. Ciencias Básicas Aplicadas a la Cirugía Ortopédica
    Name: Monllau, J.; Ramirez, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/1999
    Start page: 237 End page: 241
    ISBN: 84-95033-08-9

Subjects taught

Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
  • Others
    Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module II. Hindfoot. Theory
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
    • - Final Master’s Degree Project
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
    • - Final Master’s Degree Project
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology

Academic training

  • Cirugía
  • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Medicina del Deporte, Traumatología Deportiva, Artroscopia de Rodilla, Cadera, Tobillo y Hombro
  • ISAKOS-Approved Teaching Center
  • Como optimizar el rendimiento de un consultorio privado
  • Centro de Estudios Colegiales del Col.legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona
  • Especialiasta en Cirugía Ortopedica y Traumatologia ( MIR 1999) Hospital del Mar.UAB
  • Licenciatura en Medicina
  • Universidad de Barcelona


  • Estudio de evaluación de cicatrización en ligamentoplastia de cruzado anterior de rodilla. Maduración de plastia de ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) por técnica de injerto con ligamento rotuliano de hueso-tendón-hueso (HTH)
    PI: Cugat, R. Start date: 01/01/2013 End date: 31/12/2015
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat; Cytori Therapeutics Inc
  • A prospective, Randomiz, doble-blind, multicenter Clinical Trial to evaluate the Safety an effecacy of the Z-lig medical device comared whit allograft for the reconstrucction or ruptura Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2012
    PI: Stone, K. Start date: 01/01/2012 End date: 31/12/2013
    Financing entity: Aperion Biologics
  • Función y contractibilidad muscular del paciente futbolista afecto de ruptura del LCA antes y después de su cirugía de reconstrucción
    PI: Álvarez-Díaz, P. Start date: 01/01/2011 End date: 31/12/2012
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat
  • Estudio ACTIFIT
    PI: Verdonk, R. Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012
    Financing entity: ORTEC Sports Medicine
  • Factores mecánicos en relación con el desgaste del polietileno en las prótesis totales de rodilla
    PI: Álvarez-Díaz, P. Start date: 01/01/1998 End date: 31/12/1998
    Financing entity: Fundación SECOT
  • Preservación del injerto hepático
    PI: Peralta, C. Start date: 01/01/2017
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2017SGR-551
  • Celution Device for the Processing of Adipose Derived Regenerative Cells for Meniscal Tears
    PI: Cugat, R. Start date: 01/01/2015
    Financing entity: Fundación Garcia Cugat; Cytori Therapeutics Inc
  • Estudio del desgaste del polietileno en las prótesis totales de rodilla. Influencia en las anomalías torsionales
    PI: Ballester, J. Start date: 01/01/1998
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)


Book chapters

  • Arthroscopy Techniques, Circumferential-Surrounding (“Sandwich”) Meniscal Repair: A Salvage Technique to Save the Meniscus
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Cuscó, X.; Navarro, J.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; Samitier, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramírez, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: e1467 End page: e1473 Vol.: 9 No.: 10
  • Journal of investigative sugery, Anterior illiac spine avulsion fracture treatment options in young athletes
    Name: Anduaga, I.; Seijas, R.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 159 End page: 163 Vol.: 33 No.: 2
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, A novel autologous-made matrix using hyaline cartilage chips and platelet-rich growth factors for the treatment of full-thickness cartilage or osteochondral defects: Preliminary results
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Navarro, J.; Cuscó, X.; Steinbacher, G.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Laiz, P.; Samitier, G.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 28 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1022-5536
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, Effects of autologous adipose-derived regenerative stem cells administered at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on knee function and graft healing
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Martinez-De la Torre, A.; Cusco, X.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Navarro, J.; Serra Renom, J; Nishishinya, B.; Català, J.; Laiz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 27 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1022-5536
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, Neuromuscular response. What is it and how to measure It?
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Llurda-Almuzara, L.; Simon, M.; Navarro, R.; Casasayas, O.; López-de-Celis, C.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • Annals of Sports and Health Science, Possible relationship between an increased alpha angle and the anterior cruciate ligament injury
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Fernández, L.; Ortiz I, S.; Ragazzi, P.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 1 End page: 2 Vol.: 1 No.: 1
  • Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, validation, and measurement properties of the Spanish version of the anterior cruciate ligament-return to sport after injury (ACL-RSI-Sp) scale
    Name: Sala, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Webster, K.; Cugat, R.; Tomás Sábado, J Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, The presence of patellar tendinopathy in the bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft may increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligament graft failure
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Gotecha, D.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Barastegui, D.; Seijas, R.; Cusco, X.; Samuelsson, K.; Lazarides, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 766 End page: 772 Vol.: 27 No.: 3
  • Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, Effectiveness of low-frequency electrical stimulation in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques in in healthy males: a randomized controlled trial
    Name: Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; Casasayas, O.; Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Martín-Sánchez, JC; Pérez-Corbella, C.; Blasi, M.; Ortiz I, S.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pacheco , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 469 End page: 475 Vol.: 59 No.: 3
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Meniscal fixation is a successful treatment for hypermobile lateral meniscus in soccer players
    Name: Steinbacher, G.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Alvarado Calderón, M.; Barastegui, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 354 End page: 360 Vol.: 27 No.: 2
  • Clinical biomechanics, Dimensional changes of the carpal tunnel and median nerve during manual mobilization of the carpal bones - Anatomical study
    Name: Bueno-Gracia, E.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A.; López-de-Celis, C.; Shacklock, M.; Salas-López, A.; Simon, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tricas, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 56 End page: 61 Vol.: 59
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessing long-term return to play after hip arthroscopy in football players evaluating risk factors for good prognosis
    Name: Barastegui, D.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Rivera, E.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 963 End page: 968 Vol.: 26 No.: 3
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Gluteus maximus contraction velocity assessed by tensiomyography improves following arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement.
    Name: Seijas, R.; Marin, M.; Rivera, E.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Barastegui, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 976 End page: 982 Vol.: 26 No.: 3
  • Arthroscopy Techniques, Articulated bone block for posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft: surgical technique to facilitate graft passage
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Cusco, X.; Navarro, J.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: e131 End page: e137 Vol.: 7 No.: 2
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Is tensiomyography a useful assessment tool in sports medicine?
    Name: Martín-Rodríguez, S.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Tous-Fajardo, J.; Samuelsson, K.; Marín, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 3980 End page: 3981 Vol.: 25 No.: 12
  • Actualitzacions en fisioteràpia, Tractament fascial en l'esport. Revisió bibliogràfica.
    Name: Navarro, R.; Simon, M.; Casasayas, O.; Miguel, M.; Ortiz, S.; Blasi, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Pérez-Bellmunt, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 11 End page: 17 No.: XIV
    ISSN or title: 2014-6809
  • Musculoskeletal Surgery, Hip arthroscopy complications regarding surgery and early postoperative care: retrospective study and review of literature
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O.; Sallent, A.; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tejedor, R.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 119 End page: 131 Vol.: 101 No.: 2
  • Case Reports in Orthopedics, Treatment of knee osteochondral lesions using a novel clot of autologous plasma rich in growth factors mixed with healthy hyaline cartilage chips and intra-articular injection of PRGF
    Name: Cugat, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Barastegui, D.; Navarro, J.; Laiz, P.; García, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Vol.: 2017
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2090-6749
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Return to prelesional Tegner level after anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 1695 End page: 1699 Vol.: 136 No.: 12
  • Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, Iliotibial band syndrome following hip arthroscopy: An unreported complication
    Name: Seijas, R.; sallent, A.; Galan, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 486 End page: 491 Vol.: 50 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0019-5413
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Comparison of tensiomyographic neuromuscular characteristics between muscles of the dominant and non-dominant lower extremity in male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 2259 End page: 2263 Vol.: 24 No.: 7
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Effects of anterior cruciate ligament injury on neuromuscular tensiomyographic characteristics of the lower extremity in competitive male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Ares, O; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 2264 End page: 2270 Vol.: 24 No.: 7
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Gluteus maximus impairment in femoroacetabular impingement: a tensiomyographic evaluation of a clinical fact
    Name: Seijas, R.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Marín, M.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 785 End page: 789 Vol.: 136 No.: 6
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Return to play after all-inside meniscal repair in competitive football players: a minimum 5-year follow-up
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Llobet, F.; Granados, N.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 1997 End page: 2001 Vol.: 24 No.: 6
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Return to sports after arthroscopic capsulolabral repair using knotless suture anchors for anterior shoulder instability in soccer players: minimum 5-year follow-up study
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Doblas, J.; Steinbacher, G.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Jose Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 440 End page: 446 Vol.: 24 No.: 2
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Effects of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on neuromuscular tensiomyographic characteristics of the lower extremity in competitive male soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 3407 End page: 3413 Vol.: 23 No.: 11
  • Surgical Innovation, Patellar fractures: an innovative surgical technique with transosseous suture to avoid implant removaf
    Name: Buezo, O.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Sallent, A.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 474 End page: 478 Vol.: 22 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1553-3506
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessment of gastrocnemius tensiomyographic neuromuscular characteristics as risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury in male soccer players
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 2502 End page: 2507 Vol.: 23 No.: 9
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Assessment of neuromuscular risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury through tensiomyography in male soccer players
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ramon, S.; Marin, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Boffa, J.; Cusco, X.; Ballester, J.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 2508 End page: 2513 Vol.: 23 No.: 9
  • Arthroscopy: the journal of arthroscopic and related sugery, Biologic enhancement of cartilage repair: The role of platelet-rich plasma and other commercially available growth factors.
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Ares, O; Wang, A.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 777 End page: 783 Vol.: 31 No.: 4
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Female Athlete Triad Syndrome: Prevention
    Name: Muradas, K.; Costa, L.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 205 End page: 209 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Arthroscopic Treatment and Injection of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in the Treatment Femoroacetabular Impingement of the Hip: Results with Two Years of Follow-up.
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Sallent, A.; Tejedor, R.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 182 End page: 187 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Etiopathogenesis of Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocation in Professional Rugby Players
    Name: Figuerola Ferrer, M.; Ferrer, M.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 202 End page: 204 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Pathogenesis and Prevention of Scaphoid Fractures in Motocross
    Name: Ramos Martin, J.L; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 188 End page: 190 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • International Journal of Orthopaedics, Role of Growth Factors in Bone-Tendon-Bone ACL Surgery: Time for Maturation of the ACL Graft and the Patellar Tendon Donor Site
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Català, J.; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 196 End page: 201 Vol.: 2 No.: 1
  • Foot and ankle international, Endoscopic Repair of Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome Due to Os Trigonum in Soccer Players
    Name: Lopez-Valerio, V.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Steinbacher, G.; Sallent, A.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 70 End page: 74 Vol.: 36 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1071-1007
  • Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Calentamiento neuromuscular estructurado como prevención de lesiones en futbolistas profesionales jóvenes
    Name: Mayo, M.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 336 End page: 342 Vol.: 58 No.: 6
  • World Journal of Orthopaedics, Partial anterior cruciate ligament tears treated with intraligamentary plasma rich in growth factors
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 373 End page: 378 Vol.: 5 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2218-5836
  • Orthopedics, Adductor tenotomy as a treatment for groin pain in professional soccer players
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Lopez, V.; Carmont, M.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: e1189 End page: e1197 Vol.: 36 No.: 9
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Treatment and evolution of grade III acromioclavicular dislocations in soccer players
    Name: Pereira, E.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 1633 End page: 1635 Vol.: 21 No.: 7
  • Journal of orthopaedic surgery, Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of patellar tendon graft remodelling after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with or without platelet-rich plasma
    Name: Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Catala, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 10 End page: 14 Vol.: 21 No.: 1
  • Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, Non-surgical treatment options in mechanical hip pathology: medical and infiltration treatments, role of rehabilitation
    Name: Sallent, A.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 25 End page: 40 Vol.: 64 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0026-4911
  • American journal of sports medicine, Successful treatment of painful irreparable partial meniscal defects with a polyurethane scaffold two-year safety and clinical outcomes
    Name: Verdonk, P.; Beaufils, P.; Bellemans, J.; Dijan, P.; Heinrichs, E.; Huysse, W.; Laprell, H.; Siebold, R.; Verdonk, R.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012
    Start page: 844 End page: 853 Vol.: 40 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0363-5465
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Conservative treatment of lumbar spondylolysis in young soccer players
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alentorn-Geli, E.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M.; Pellisé, F.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 2111 End page: 2114 Vol.: 19 No.: 12
  • International orthopaedics, Reply to: comments on Alentorn-Geli et al.: anteromedial portal (AMP) versus transtibial (TT) drilling techniques in ACL reconstruction: a blinded cross-sectional study at two- to five-year follow-up.
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Samitier, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 453 End page: 454 Vol.: 35 No.: 3
  • Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, Treatment of fractures of the tibial tuberosity in adolescent soccer players.
    Name: Ares, O; Seijas, R.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Aguirre, M.; Catala, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 78 End page: 82 Vol.: 77 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0001-6462
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Arthroscopic meniscal allograft transplantation without bone plugs
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Garcia-Balletbo, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Rius, M.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 174 End page: 182 Vol.: 19 No.: 2
  • Clinical journal of sport medicine, Arthroscopic meniscal transplant in soccer players: outcomes at 2-to 5 year follow-up
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 340 End page: 343 Vol.: 20 No.: 5
  • International orthopaedics, Anteromedial portal versus transtibial drilling techniques in ACL reconstruction: a blinded cross-sectional study at two- to five-year follow-up
    Name: Alentorn-Geli, E.; Samitier, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 747 End page: 754 Vol.: 34 No.: 5
  • Archives of orthopaedic and trauma sugery, Osteocartilaginous lesions of the talus in soccer players
    Name: Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ares, O; Steinbacher, G.; Cusco, X.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 329 End page: 333 Vol.: 130 No.: 3
  • American journal of orthopedics (Belle Mead, N.J.), Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the knees in monozygotic twins: the genetic factor and review of the etiology
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Mann, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009
    Start page: E152 End page: E155 Vol.: 38 No.: 9
    ISSN or title: 1078-4519
  • Knee surgery sports traumatology arthroscopy, Septic arthritis with Staphylococcus lungdunensis following arthroscopic ACL revision with BPTB allograft.
    Name: Mei-Dan, O.; Mann, G.; Steinbacher, G.; Ballester, S.; Cugat, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 15 End page: 18 Vol.: 16 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 0942-2056
  • European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Bilateral osteochondrosis of radial head
    Name: Popescu, D.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 367 End page: 371 Vol.: 17 No.: 4
  • International orthopaedics, Influence of autograft removal on rabbit patellar tendon length
    Name: Monllau, J.; Hinarejos, P.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Alameda, F.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 7 End page: 10 Vol.: 28 No.: 1
  • Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, Fibrosarcoma at the site of a metallic fixation of the tibia--a case report and literature review
    Name: Hinarejos, P.; Escuder, M.; Monllau, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Lloreta, J.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000
    Start page: 329 End page: 332 Vol.: 71 No.: 3
  • Journal of biomechanics, Load distribution across the knee relationed to torsional deformity. Experimental study
    Name: Ballester, J.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998
    Start page: 95 End page: 95 Vol.: 31 No.: 1
  • Journal of biomechanics, Distribution of stresses at the periphery of the polyethylene of total knee prostheses
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Molina, A.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998
    Start page: 89 End page: 89 Vol.: 31 No.: 1
  • Revista de Patologia de la Rodilla, Estudio Experimental de las tensiones epifisarias de la rodilla antes y después de la colocación de un implante protésico en normoeje, componente tibial varizado, componente femoral torsionado
    Name: Molina, A.; Escuder, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Ribau, M.A.; Tey, M.; Ballester, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997
    Start page: 10 End page: 18 Vol.: 2 No.: 4
    ISSN or title: 1136-3231
  • Role of Growth Factors in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Sports Injuries. Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation
    Name: Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Cugat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 10/01/2015
    Start page: 1653 End page: 1660
    ISBN: 978-3-642-36569-0
  • Common reasons of groin pain in sports. Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation
    Name: Cugat, R.; Seijas, R.; Ares, O; Cusco, X.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 10/01/2015
    Start page: 723 End page: 739
    ISBN: 978-3-642-36569-0
  • Osteochondral ankle injuries in footballers. Cartilage Lesions of the ankle
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2015
    Start page: 67 End page: 75
    ISBN: 978-3-662-46331-4
  • PRP in Football Players. Football Traumatology: New Trends
    Name: Cugat, R.; Cusco, X.; Seijas, R.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Steinbacher, G.; Rius, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2015
    Start page: 275 End page: 291
    ISBN: 978-3-319-18244-5
  • Patellofemoral Injuries in Soccer Players. The Patellofemoral Joint
    Name: Cugat, R.; Steinbacher, G.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Garcia-Balletbo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/2014
    Start page: 267 End page: 273
    ISBN: 978-3-642-54964-9
  • Repercusión de las anomalías torsionales sobre las prótesis de rodilla.. Desalineaciones torsionales de las extremidades inferiors. Implicaciones clinicopatológicas
    Name: Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tey, M.; Torres, X.; Biosca, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/11/2001
    Start page: 39 End page: 48
    ISBN: 9788445810477
  • Repercusión de las anomalías torsionales en la rodilla. Desalineaciones torsionales de las extremidades inferiores. Implicaciones clinicopatológicas
    Name: Molina, A.; Álvarez-Díaz, P.; Tey, M.; Siles, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/11/2001
    Start page: 29 End page: 39
    ISBN: 9788445810477
  • Aplicación de terapias celulares en la regeneración de defectos tendinosos.. Ciencias Básicas Aplicadas a la Cirugía Ortopédica
    Name: Monllau, J.; Ramirez, M.; Álvarez-Díaz, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/01/1999
    Start page: 237 End page: 241
    ISBN: 84-95033-08-9
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
  • Others
    Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module II. Hindfoot. Theory
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
    • - Final Master’s Degree Project
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
    • - Final Master’s Degree Project
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Urgent and Emergency Care
    • - Trauma and Surgical Emergencies and Anaesthesia
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
  • Others
    Fellowship in Foot and Ankle Pathology
    • - Module: Foot and Ankle Pathology
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System
    • - Sport Traumatology
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
    • - Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery
    • - Sport Traumatology