Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


UIC Barcelona is aware that it must prepare its students for a global world. Our learning model must include tools that foster the capabilities to analyse and respond to intercultural and global issues. We want to provide a global vision to analyse and appreciate different perspectives and visions of the world and respond to the common good and sustainable development. Together with this global vision, which encompasses the local and the international, interdisciplinarity will provide an approach that allows for dialogue between different areas of knowledge. 

Central concepts

Global perspective and international vision

In an increasingly open and global society, we want our students to have the ability to examine and appreciate different perspectives and visions of the world at a local, national and international level, giving them the skills to interact with any culture or individual. Our learning model must include tools that foster the capability to analyse and respond to intercultural and global themes.

Purpose by objectives

  • Boost English and attract more foreign students to all degrees
  • Promote an international mentality. 
  • Establish joint programmes with other universities. 


  • Increase the mobility of teaching and administrative staff by 100% and student mobility by 25%.
  • Increase undergraduate degrees taught in English by 40%.
  • Ensure that 100% of new teaching staff has an advanced level of English.
  • Increase international advisers to key countries to 4.
  • Guarantee that English is spoken by 100% of relevant administrative staff.

Projection and reach

The collaboration between society and the University is an important factor of our development. UIC Barcelona wants to strengthen links with the environment, approaching different areas in our scope to obtain mutual benefits in the hospital, health, economic, and business sectors. It is also necessary to establish and strengthen alliances to promote the employability of our students, the transfer of knowledge, and patterns of financing and sponsorship.

Purpose by objectives

  • Create links and strengthen relations with the professional, social, productive and cultural world, and public administrations of the region.
  • Establish international partnerships with top-level universities. 
  • Promote job insertion 


  • Increase relevant annual contributions in prestigious journals by 80%.
  • Increase research indicators by 125%.
  • Obtain 2 unique research teams.
  • Offer 2 new bachelor’s degrees.
  • Promote the creation of a new clinic where students can complete work experience.
  • Obtain donations for grants for €3 million.
  • Create 10 student councils (national and international) with 2 activities per council per year.

Lifelong learning. Custom and focused programs

The enormous social changes that have taken place in recent years make lifelong learning a necessity for employees, businesses and, ultimately, society. Providing training opportunities is both a great challenge and a necessity. UIC Barcelona wants to offer courses and formats that adapt to the demand for skills and knowledge according to changes in society.  

Purpose by objectives

  • Develop postgraduate, master's degrees, continuous and incompany training aimed at professionals, companies and institutions in face-to-face, online or hybrid formats.
  • Develop outstanding, modular and flexible training linked to the needs of social change. 


  • Develop and implement a Strategic Plan for master’s and postgraduate programmes.
  • Complete the expansion of the Experience Campus and increase the number of students by 50%.