Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


The care of people and the environment must be the guiding light of UIC Barcelona in teaching, research, government and management. Accordingly, research will continue to be promoted in all areas and. Research focused on key issues related to the University’s mission will be strengthened. Social, environmental and governance factors will be present in management and decision-making, in accordance with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria, to nurture long-term a competitive, sustainable University that has a positive impact on society.

Central concepts

ESG and reputation

The objective of UIC Barcelona is to be a responsible efficient university which cares about students, staff, and the environment. For this reason, we want to continue reducing the ecological footprint both within the university and in the environment; promote equal opportunities; and improve the simplification of processes and rigour in management. Our aim is to be recognised as a prestigious international university to attract excellent national and international students

Purpose by objectives

  • Streamline decision-making and ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Make efficient and rational use of resources, to ensure the sustainability of projects and of the University in the long term. 
  • Increase prestige to attract excellent national and international students. 


  • Exceed the 70% satisfaction rate of graduated students.
  • Achieve 80% satisfaction for candidates in the admission process of bachelor’s degrees.
  • Define the brand in the master’s and postgraduate programmes.
  • Achieve 100% employability in the University clinics.
  • Increase user satisfaction with process efficiency by 25%.
  • Complete manager training with their participation in a minimum of 4 days per year.
  • Increase employee satisfaction by 30%.
  • Publish 100% of the new restyled webpage online for all stakeholders.
  • Design 50% of the new digital communication media within the implemented technology platforms.
  • Participate in at least 2 relevant forums in each field.
  • Integrate 20 students in the CUIDES clinic for work experience and 50% of the staff.
  • Strengthen the relationship with university health centres and study new partnerships.
  • Increase the final candidates to 5 in each competitive call.
  • Improve positioning in rankings.
  • Update the system for assessment and quality of teaching staff.

Focus research

The development of the professional research area and increasing the number of projects and funds from research groups is a fundamental objective for the University. In addition, UIC Barcelona wants to promote research in specific areas with the aim of enhancing its research excellence and becoming a reference in both Catalonia and Europe.

Purpose by objectives

  • Identify and define the areas and strategic lines of research
  • Propose driving actions and continuous support to research with a focus on identifying indicators of research excellence
  • Identify indicators of research excellence activity.


  • Design a longitudinal and transnational research project on the family.
  • Identify and define between 2 and 4 strategic areas of research.
  • Achieve 75% of open scientific publications and 2 spin-offs.

Social commitment

Environmental, economic and social sustainability are part of our commitment to care for people, families and the environment, which is embodied in the integral development of the person and in the equality of opportunities. We contemplate the promotion of SDGs with a view to responding to the needs of people and the challenges of society. We aim to do this through teaching, research and the promotion of solidarity projects and actions in collaboration with local, national and international professionals and institutions.

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote the dignity of the individual, the common good, justice, solidarity, austerity, the care of the planet.
  • Promote sustainability and equality in teaching and research. 
  • Promote solidarity projects and actions in collaboration with local, national and international institutions.


  • Achieve 25% student participation in curriculum solidarity activities.
  • Increase the number of students and teachers participating in cooperation projects by 75%.
  • Achieve 25% student participation and 10% of staff participation in solidarity actions.