Welcome Session for new teaching and administration and service staff

The aim of the event was to offer new members of staff an overview of our University’s raison d’être, the characteristics of academic and educational activity, and the general functioning of the University

On Friday 22 October, around twenty teachers (PDI), who recently joined the UIC Barcelona community, attended the Welcome Session organised by the Department of Personal Development and Institutional Culture in the Delta Building Auditorium. The aim of the event was to offer these new staff members an overview of our University’s raison d’être, the characteristics of academic and educational activity, and the general functioning of the University.

The session was opened by the rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, following which other Vice-Rectorates took part, including Dr Esther Jiménez, Vice-Rector for the University Community; Dr Cristina Monforte, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer; Dr Hoyuelo, Vice-Rector for Academic Ordinance and Teaching Staff; and Dr Frederic Marimon, Vice-Rector for Planning and Quality.

On 7 October, another Welcome Session was held by the same Department for new members of administrative and service staff (PAS). This session focused more on the PAS activities, but followed the same structure as the session for PDI. The day began with a tour of the Barcelona Campus buildings that ended in the Auditorium on Calle Terré, where newcomers were given a rundown of the University’s different services.

Speakers included the head of Personal Development and Institutional Culture, Mònica Argemí; the minister in charge of the Chaplaincy Service, Albert Ribot; the director of Student Services, Roser Santigosa; a representative from Promotion and Admissions, Virginia Berjano; a representative from Marketing, Isabel Zárate; and the director and head of the Communications Department, Mayra Garcia-Nieto and Elena Castellarnau, respectively. The event was closed by office manager Rocío Goiricelaya, who provided an insight into how a faculty is run and how it coordinates with central services.