
1st Conference on cybercrime and cybervictimisation

Registration Form

1st Conference on cybercrime and cybervictimisation
Keys to the prevention and prosecution of new cybercrimes: a comprehensive approach to protect vulnerable victims

There is currently a growing need to offer effective protection to minors and other potential victims, especially the most vulnerable ones. Over recent years, the ways in which we interact and form relationships have changed at a dramatic pace and those working on the prevention, investigation and prosecution of all types of crime need to be thoroughly familiar with the latest technological environments. Indeed, people now conduct their lives in a way which combines real and virtual environments to such an extent that they cannot be separated. To some degree, everything is influenced by the digital world. The same is true of crimes and evidence. 

Against this background, the risks of cybervictimisation have multiplied at an individual, community and workplace level. Amongst all these risks, protecting the sexual integrity of minors is worthy of special consideration. The Conference will analyse the new criminal offences pertaining to this subject introduced as part of the recent reform of the Penal Code. Additionally, some singularly important challenges will be discussed: Is it justifiable to cut back on procedural safeguards to combat, in an effective way, paedophiles who operate online? How can police work be improved to achieve higher levels of efficiency in preventing and prosecuting these types of crime? How does one tackle the issue of raising awareness amongst minor

Date: Thursday, 6 October
Place: Aula Magna | Campus Barcelona
Organize: Faculty of Law

With the support of:










Master's Degree in Cybercrime
Master's informative session: 
26 october | 7.30 p.m. 
More information and registrations