
2020 Cross-disciplinary workshop. The Kurdish-Syrian conflict

Facultad de Humanidades

On Monday, 20 January 2020, the Faculty of Humanities is holding its annual Cross-Disciplinary Workshop that will discuss, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the reality of the Kurdish-Syrian conflict.

This lecture series, given by journalists and university experts, is open to the whole university community.

Full programme:

9.00-9.45 a.m. Kurds de Síria: l'autogovern sota amenaça (“Kurds in Syria: self-government under threat”) Dr David Meseguer, a reporter specialised in the Middle East, lecturer of Journalism at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication.

10.00-10.45 a.m. Confederalisme democràtic i l'aliança amb els Estats Units. (“Democratic confederalism and the alliance with the United States.”) Jordi Llaonart, a graduate in Arabic Philology from the University of Barcelona (UB), a correspondent in the Middle East.

11.00-11.15 a.m. Break

11.15 a.m.-12.00 p.m. Rojava: de la lucha contra ISIS a enfrentarse a Turquía. (Rojava: from the struggle against ISIS to confronting Turkey) Amina Hussein, a Kurdish journalist and translator.

12.15-1.00 p.m. Patrimoni en perill: l’arqueologia en temps de guerra al Proper Orient. (“World Heritage in Danger: Archaeology in times of war in the Middle East”). Dr Adrià Breu, archaeologist, a member of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Group in Archaeology of the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East.