
Advanced humanism in the ethical development of artificial intelligence


After postulates from transhumanists, post-humanists and ecodernists, a model of interaction between vital intelligence and artificial intelligence is being proposed and developed based on human-machine hybridisation and nature-technology. Will we be able to consciously guide this new stage in the evolution of humanity and the biosphere, based on universal ethical principles? Will that evolution lead us to a new noospheric level?

The speaker, who performed an in-depth analysis of these new trends of thought that have had a great impact on the development and application of emerging exponential technologies, on the interpretation of human rights (classic and new), and on the shaping of global governance, will analyse these issues. He will do so by proposing a comprehensive development of the individual in all dimensions, including this new interaction/integration with exponential technologies, as well as deepening democratic systems against emerging biopolitical totalitarisms and advancing towards a comprehensive ecology (both human and natural) through vital intelligence that will be at the forefront of the development of artificial intelligence.

Speaker profile:

Albert Cortina is a lawyer, town planner and essayist. He holds a Master's degree in Regional, Urban and Metropolitan Studies. He is director of DTUM Studio and a consultant in sustainable and intelligent management of the city, territory and landscape. He promotes a type of advanced humanism for a society where exponential biotechnologies are placed at the service of people, life networks and the common good.  He is a lecturer, researcher and author of various publications related to these subjects. He has worked on the National Plan on Values for the Generalitat de Catalunya and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Catalan Society for the Ordination of the Territory (SCOT), a subsidiary of the Institute for Catalan Studies.

Moderator profile:

This session will be moderated by Dr Gabriel Fernández Borsot, director of  OIANT, who is also a lecturer at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Humanities.

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