
Artificial intelligence: the humanities perspective

The Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies Online

While services based on artificial intelligence (IA) are extended to more and more aspects of our lives, countless experts insist on the need to incorporate an ethical aspect.  However, where will we find the wisdom that is necessary to guide that approach?

In this lecture, an expert researcher will analyse this question, putting forward the humanities perspective which defends contemplative practices.  It is the profound dimensions of the human being that allow us to promote a balanced direction for technological development, unfurling a type of intelligence that transcends calculations to move into the arena of consciousness and values.


Marco Schorlemmer holds a PhD from the UPC-BarcelonaTech and is a senior scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).  His research, developed in Catalonia, the US and the UK, focuses on the automatic demonstration of theorems, the representation of knowledge, multi-agent systems and computational creativity.  He has worked on the National Value Plan for the Catalan Generalitat, and is also one of the instigators of the País Conscient (Conscious Country) platform.


Dr Gabriel Fernandez Borsot is the director of the Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona). He completed his doctoral degree in industrial engineering at the UPC-BarcelonaTech and his undergraduate degree in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He has been teaching at UIC Barcelona since 2004, and carries out research into the anthropological implications of technology.

Connect to the online lecture here. (The session will be held in spanish)