
B Academics Spain Research Workshop

UIC Barcelona

The B Corps are gaining more attention both in Spain and globally. These companies are differentiated by their strong mission to create positive change in their community, contributing to sustainable development and social justice. Currently there are around 3,500 companies certified as B Corps, dispersed among 70 different countries. Research on B Corps has grown exponentially in recent years, and a network of educators and researchers from around the world who are committed to accelerating the sustainable business movement by studying the global movement of B Corporation certification and benefit corporations has earned its own name - B Academics.

The objective of this workshop is to facilitate research in the field of B Corps, analyzing the differential characteristics of these companies, their unique challenges and the positive impact that their activities create in the communities where they operate. PhD students, researchers, lecturers and practitioners will be very welcome to participate and discuss different studies.

We invite your submission for this workshop in the form of structured abstracts (200-300 words) in the following linkThe participation in this workshop is free of charge.

Key dates

  • Extended abstract submission deadline: April 30rd, 2021
  • Registration deadline: May 5th, 2021
  • Workshop: May 26th, 2021, from 17 to 20 pm.


May 26th, 2021 programme:

17.00 - 17.05 pm Welcome and opening 
Nina Magomedova, Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, UIC Barcelona

17.05 - 17.15 pm Inauguration of the B Academics Spain Workshop
Frederic Marimon, Vice-rector for Planning and Quality, UIC Barcelona
Pablo Sanchez, B Lab, Spain.

17.15 - 18.30 pm Panel Discussion
Dr Maria Ballesteros, California State University Channel Islands
Dr Mara del Baldo, University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Dr Peter W. Moroz, University of Regina

18.30 - 18.45 pm Coffee Break

18.45 - 19.45 pm Paper presentations (parallel session)

19.45 - 20.00 pm Follow-Up B Academics Spain’s lines of action

20.00 - 20.15 pm Wrap-up
Nina Magomedova, Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, UIC Barcelona
Marta Mas, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science, UIC Barcelona


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