
Conference entitled «The Annihilation of the Republic by General Franco and the Legal Administration in Catalonia (1936-1939)»

Faculty of Law Campus Barcelona

A conference entitled «The Annihilation of the Republic by General Franco and the Legal Administration in Catalonia (1936-1939)» was recently given by Dr Frederic Vàzquez Osuna, a Professor from the University of Barcelona.

The conference was organised within a series of conferences entitled “Our Legal Institutions” which was co-organised by the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona in cooperation with various organisations and institutions. These were the Catalan Society for Legal Studies, the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), Barcelona Provincial Council, and the faculties of law in the University of Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Pompeu Fabra University, the Rovira i Virgili University, the University of Girona, the University of Lleida and the Open University of Catalonia. 

Read the full programme here