
Conference: Refinancing Agreements and Bankruptcy Update

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Saló de Graus

The title of this conference:  "restructuring companies in financial difficulty: refinancing agreements and insolvency agreements" means that the topics discussed can create a benchmark to overcome financial difficulty when the debtor is in crisis. Due to the number of bankruptcy proceedings being undertaken the conference will look more in-depth into crises in companies; however, it will also look at the financial crises of individuals through “second chance”, a new programme introduced by Royal Decree 1/2015.

Apart from what was set out above, the other objectives of the conference are: (i) to update the knowledge of the attendees and (ii) for the speakers and attendees to exchange professional experiences.  In order to achieve the latter objective, the organisation team has ensured that the speakers and attendees can hold discussions throughout the conference, or before the conference takes place.

The conference will take place after two highly significant legislational changes which make an exchange of knowledge and experiences even more necessary in order to find out how these issues are being resolved.

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