
Conference on the refugee crisis in Europe

Charlemagne Institute for European Studies The Saló de Graus room. Campus Barcelona
*Image of the refugee camp Za'atari

Registration Form

For the past few months the onslaught of news stories about refugees in Europe has been relentless. These stories have also been linked to terrorism and security in the past few months.  What is the situation?  What is life like for a refugee?  What role should the European Union play in all of this?   

The conference will begin with a talk from Ousman Umar, who is from Ghana and is also a University of Barcelona student.

Subsequently there will be a round table on:

— “The European Union and the Refugee Crisis”.
Ferran Tarradellas, European Union representative in Barcelona.  

— “The Spanish Response to the Current Refugee Phenomenon in Europe”.
Dr Montserrat Nebrera, a Professor from the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona.

— “The Balkans, the Crossroads between West and East”.
Dr Xavier Baró, a Professor from the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona. 

— “Urban Integration Strategies for Refugees in Europe”.
Dr Carmen Mendoza, Assistant Director of the School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona and Director of the Master’s in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture.

— “The Free Circulation of People and the Refugee Crisis”.
Dr Andreu Olesti, Full Professor from the Faculty of Law at the University of Barcelona.