
Conference on "Succession and Family Businesses"

Faculty of Law

Conference on "Succession and Family Businesses" organised by the Family Business Chair at UIC Barcelona. 


1 p.m. 

The opening session will be led by Mr Joan Corona, the General Director of the Family Business Institute. 

1.15 p.m. 

Conference title: "Successory Pacts and Joint Organisation of Succession of Spouses in Family Businesses" 

  • Joan Egea Fernández: Professor of Civil Law in the  Pompeu Fabra University.  
2 p.m. 


4 p.m. 

Round table: "Successory Pacts in Catalonia: Practical Cases".  

  • Jesús Gómez Taboada: Notary Public
  • Lluís Jou i Mirabent: Notary Public
  • Antoni Bosch Carrera: Notary Public
  • Moderator: Tatiana Cucurull Poblet
5:30 p.m. 

Conference title: "Successory Pacts in our International Environment".

  • Albert Font i Segura: Professor of Private International Law  in the  Pompeu Fabra University.