
Experience Campus Open Day

Terré Auditorium on the University’s Barcelona Campus (c/ Terré, 11-19, Barcelona)

The UIC Barcelona Experience Campus is organising a face-to-face information session for anyone interested in learning more about the Senior University Graduate Programme in Culture, Science and Society, a university programme aimed at people over 50 years of age.

At this Open Day, Campus lecturers and current students will explain everything you need to know about the University and the features of this senior programme.

If you are interested in attending the session on 23 March at 10.30 a.m. in the Terré Auditorium on the University’s Barcelona Campus (c/ Terré, 11-19, Barcelona), please complete this registration form.

You can contact the Experience Campus by emailing campusexperiencia@uic.es should you have any questions or want to request more information.

Open Day itinerary “Back in the classroom”

  • 10.30 a.m. - Welcoming attendees
  • 10.45 a.m. - Words of welcome from the director of the Experience Campus Dr Jordi Miralbell following a brief explanation about the UIC Barcelona Experience Campus.
  • 11 a.m. - Round table “A new challenge for a new stage” with current students from the Experience Campus, who will share their views as students of the senior university programme.
  • 11.30 a.m. - Short coffee break
  • 12 p.m. - Talk “Education is a gift (at any age)” by Dr Salvador Vidal, lecturer and academic coordinator of the Experience Campus
  • 12.45 p.m. End of the Open Day


Why choose to study at the Experience Campus?

An increasing number of healthy and active individuals are reaching retirement with many plans and projects they wish to undertake. Society needs to harness their energy, talent and experience.

In this sense, people reaching retirement need to remain active and set themselves goals, maintain and increase their network of personal relationships, and embark upon new projects. It is a very fitting time to be offered this opportunity to go to university.

UIC Barcelona is launching the fourth cycle of this programme from the Experience Campus aimed at this collective, following methodology from the most advanced universities in this field. It applies academic rigour, personalised support, varied subjects that appeal to personal interests and a methodology that encourages participation and provides tools in psychological and instrumental fields that help participants to remain active.

The Experience Campus fosters an environment that encourages enthusiasm, and offers integration into the university community and research groups, as well as participation in all kinds of activities.

The Open Day is aimed at people who are approaching or have reached retirement, but also anyone else who is interested, such as heads of people management departments, organisations that work with older people, family members, etc.