
Family business succession

Bosch Aymerich Family Business Chair, Catalan Association of Family Businesses (ASCEF) and Catalan Association of Specialists in Succession Law (ACEDS)

On Thursday 18 November 2021, the Saló de Graus room at UIC Barcelona will host the first seminar on family business succession, an event that will address the most recent and relevant legal developments in the field of family business from a civil, commercial and tax perspective. In addition, some of the most important challenges regarding family business such as succession, corporate governance bodies and the importance of legal certainty will be discussed.


9.30 - 10 a.m. Welcome and presentation

Jordi de Juan Casadevall, director of the Bosch Aymerich Family Business Chair

Ramon Pratdesaba Ricart, president of the Catalan Association of Specialists in Succession Law (ACEDS)

Amadeu Jori Armengol, president of the Catalan Association of Family Businesses (ASCEF)

10 - 11.30 a.m. First discussion among experts regarding succession: “Retos y Riesgos de la sucesión de la empresa Familiar” (The challenges and risks of family business succession)

Jordi de Juan Casadevall, former state lawyer and partner at Crowe

Ramon Pradesaba Ricart, partner at Herento

Josep Maria Cervera Casanova, lecturer in economic analysis at the University of Barcelona and member of the Family Firm Institute (USA)

Moderated by: Antoni Bosch Carrera, Notary Public

11.30 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. - Coffee break

12.15 - 1.30 p.m. Second discussion among experts regarding Tax Consultancy: “Planificación sucesoria y neutralidad fiscal: lo rindo de la seguridad jurídica” (Planning succession and fiscal neutrality: surrendering legal certainty)

Ramon Santos Lloberas, partner at Crowe 

Emma Sanchez Corretger, partner at CIM Tax&Legal and Tax Committee coordinator at ACEDS

Alejandro Ebrat Picart, founding partner of Ebrat Abogados

Moderated by: Jordi by Juan Casadevall

1.30 p.m. Closing address

Amadeu Jori Armengol, president of ASCEF

1.35 p.m. Refreshments


Places are limited. To register for free, please email gmestre@uic.es.

Organised by:


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)