
III International Symposium: Care and Neglect in the Family Environment

Organized by Childcare and Family Policies Chair Saló de Graus. Campus Barcelona

The importance of time when caring for others

9:30 Opening speech

  • Professor Montserrat Gas, director of the Institute for Advanced Family Studies (IESF UIC Barcelona), “La cátedra como ámbito de investigación en políticas familiares”.
  • Mr Joaquim Molins / Ms Esperanza Molins, from the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation
  • Mr Francesc Iglesies i Riumalló, Secretary for Social and Family Affairs Government of Catalonia.

10.00 a.m. Round table: Time, caring and health:  Academic research

  • Tomás Cano, researcher, University of Frankfurt: “A matter of time: involvement of fathers and cognitive outcomes for children”
  • Marc Grau-Grau, Joaquim Molins Figueras Chair, IESF: “Analysis of the Catalan situation in terms of the time spent caring for minors”.

11.20 a.m. Question and answer session

11.30 p.m. Coffee break

12 p.m. Round table: Time and caring in cities: good practices from administration

  • Mr. Lluís Coromines, timetable reform, Catalan Government (here).
  • Ms. Carme Carrera Escuder, Barcelona City Council (here).
  • Ms. Ana Alonso, Argentona City Council(here).
  • Ms. Montserrat Zamora, Esplugues City Council(here).

1.20 p.m. Question and answer session

1.30 p.m. End of the event.