
International Symposium: Care and Neglect in the Family Environment

Institute for Advanced Family Studies & Faculty of Education Aula Magna

Registration form


Care and Neglect in the Family Environment. Impact on Child Development



9.00 h


9.30 h

Opening remarks

Framework of the Event: Parenthood and its Impact on the Development of Children´s Personality

10.00 h

“Parenting, Brain Development and Executive Functions” Professor Annie BernierUniversity of Montreal (Canada)

Sociological Framework. State of the Art

10.30 h

Round table: “Negligence as a Type of AbuseTowards the Child”

Moderator: Dr Ignasi de Bofarull. UIC Barcelona

—Mr Ricard Calvo i Pla, Managing Director of Direcció General d'Atenció a la Infància i l'Adolescència (DGAIA)

—Professor Anna Carballo. Universitat de Vic (UVic) and Universitat Central de Catalunya  (UCC).

—Dr Montserrat Dolz Abadia. Head of the Psychiatry and Psychology Service at San Joan de Déu Hospital.

11.25 h

Q&A session

11.40 h

Coffee break

Parenthood and School Learning

12.15 h

“Educating Attention from Neuroscience” Professor Rosario Rueda. University of Granada

The Role of Public Policies

12.50 h

 “Child Abuse and Neglect: Parenting Interventions" Professor Danya Glaser. University College London

13.20 h

Q&A session

13.35 h
