
Lecture “Música pràctica, música viva"

Faculty of Humanities

On 27 November, the Faculty of Humanities is hosting the lecture "Música pràctica, música viva” given by Joan Magrane, composer, and Víctor García de Gomar, Artistic Director of Gran Teatre del Liceu.The presentation aims to examine in greater depth two areas linked to the profession and to shed light on the work of a musical composer and the role of artistic director of a big cultural facility.


Joan Magrané Figuera has an extensive musical education, having studied in institutions such as Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Kunst Universität of Graz and Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris. His catalogue includes chamber music, for instrumental ensemble, for symphony orchestra and for solo instruments. His works have been performed throughout Europe by instrumental ensembles and soloists such as the Ensemble Intercontemporain, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the Orquesta Simfonica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, the Orchestra of RTVE or the Neue Vocalsolisten, among others. In 2019 he premiered the opera “Diàlegs de Tirant e Carmesina” at the Peralada Festival.


Victor García de Gomar is the new Artistic Director of the Gran Teatre del Liceu, where he took up the position in January this year. García de Gomar is a law graduate with a postgraduate degree in the Management of Cultural Institutions, Companies and Platforms from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He has also undertaken various management programmes at IESE and the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago. Moreover, he stands out for his advanced education in singing and piano at the Conservatori del Liceu and for his participation in the Orfeó Català and semi-professional opera productions. He is the author of the book "Y tú, ¿qué escuchas?” (“What are you listening to?”)  published by Huygens, and has been co-host of the radio programme of the same name broadcast by the radio station Catalunya Música. Before joining the Palau, he was director of the Nits de Clàssica Festival in Girona, musical programmer for the Palau de Congressos Auditorium and the director of the Festival of Religious and World Music.

The lecture forms part of the subject "Music as a Social Phenomenon", which is taught by the lecturer Àlex Robles Fito, and is open to the whole university community.