
Narrative Strategies to Alleviate Fear of Death in Documentary Films, seminar by Dr Outi Hakola, University of Helsinki

Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació Saló de Graus


Contemporary documentary films and advertising material about hospice care and end-of-life tend to use fear of death as a starting point for their narratives. Fear is a strong emotional experience that appeals to the audience and is very useful for audiovisual narratives. Many stories about death attempt to solve, or at least reduce, personal and shared experiences of anxiety when encountering end-of-life problems.

About the seminar

Dr Outi Hakola of the University of Helsinki will address the question of how death is portrayed in current documentary films at a seminar on 30 March at 3 p.m. in the Saló de Graus. The seminar will be held in English.

Dr Hakola, who is currently conducting a research project on the subject, is in a research outpost at UIC Barcelona with Rebeca Pardo, dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, on the occasion of her research "Visiblising the pain: “Visual narratives of illness and transmedia storytelling" (VISIBILIZANDO EL DOLOR: NARRATIVAS VISUALES DE LA ENFERMEDAD Y STORYTELLING TRANSMEDIA) (RTI2018-098181-A-I00), funded by FEDER/ Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). 

Outi Hakola's research project is entitled “Constructing Good Death: Encountering End-of-Life in Documentary Films”, and focuses on audiovisual media. In addition, Hakola has published in international journals such as The Journal of Popular Culture, Journal of Palliative Care, Mortality, Death Studies and Thanatos.

To attend the seminar in person, register through this short form.

At the end of the seminar coffee will be offered to the attendees.