
Presentation of a book edited by professor Xavier Escribano, called “De pie sobre la tierra: caminar, correr, danzar”

Faculty of Humanities

The Saló de Graus at UIC Barcelona will host a book presentation on 13 November at 6:30 p.m. The title of the book is “De pie sobre la tierra: caminar, correr, danzar”, and is edited by one of our professors from the Faculty of Humanities and coordinator of the SARX Research Group, Xavier Escribano. It was recently published by Síntesis Publishing House.  

The book, which has a prologue written by prestigious Emeritus Full Professor of Surgery Dr Cristóbal Pera, consists of a series of philosophical interdisciplinary essays written by 13 different authors who propose an approach to a fundamental, and sometimes forgotten aspect of human nature: our condition as walking beings.  An innate physiological phenomenon in the human being used by these authors to separate the medical, pedagogical, artistic and technological implications from our daily lives.  

“We talk about our first steps in childhood and our difficulties with walking in old age; the experiences of people who have had a limb amputated and who want to walk again; how being upright and walking is related to architectural construction and inhabiting; why walking is one of the great metaphors to explain life; the pedagogical importance the ancient Greeks awarded to dance and other topics are all offered to the reader as an experience that is full of surprises and discoveries related to something that is very near-their own feet- while also very unknown” said Escribano.  

The presentation will be a colloquium moderated by professor Xavier Escribano, with participation from the following authors: 

- Dr Carles Escalona-Marfil, a physiotherapist, podologist, physical education (INEF) graduate, and professor at the U. Manresa (Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya) and EUSES (Universitat de Girona).

- Dr Rebeca Gómez-Ibáñez, a nurse and lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

- Dr Bernat Torres, a philosopher and professor in the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona.

- Dr Pau Pedragosa, an architect and philosopher, and a member of the Phenomenological Studies Group at the Catalan Studies Institute (IEC).  

- Dr Martín Curiel, a philosopher and professor in the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona.

“De pie sobre la tierra: caminar, correr, danzar” started its existence at the II International Seminar of the SARX Research Group, held at UIC Barcelona in 2015, with the same title.