
Presentation of a new book entitled ‘B-SMART. Connecting University & Business’


Presentation of the book entitled B-SMART. Connecting University & Business, edited by Dr Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent and Dr Dolors Gil Domènech, a lecturer from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona. The publication contains a summary of the main results of B-SMART, a teaching innovation project the main objective of which was to connect students with real business projects through challenge-based learning. The book provides practical examples of how to include challenges in subjects from various disciplines, and does so using the design thinking methodology. It also presents the experiences that were the result of the B-SMART project from the point of view of all stakeholders: companies, lecturers and students, and includes recommendations by all the interested parties in terms of replicating the experience in their subjects.

The publication of this book was possible due to the funding from the UIC Barcelona Teaching Innovation Classroom via the Puig Foundation, and the cooperation of several lecturers, including UIC Barcelona lecturers, as well as twelve companies from various sectors.

