
Round table discussion "Emergency Architecture: Ebola Response and Education"

School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona in cooperation with Congrés d'Arquitectura Arts Santa Mónica

On 17 October, the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture will organise a round table discussion entitled "Emergency Architecture: Ebola Response and Education", as part of the Refugee City series. The session will be moderated by Sandra Bestraten, co-director of the Master's Degree in International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture at UIC Barcelona.

The discussion will feature the participation of Nerea Amorós, a former Master's student and current researcher in the field of Early Childhood Development Education in East African refugee camps; Verónica Sánchez, an expert on refugee camps and founder of n'UNDO; Gonzalo Sánchez Terán, an expert on the implementation of projects in refugee camps who has worked for over 15 years in Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Chad and Ethiopia, and also collaborates with Jesuit Refugee Service International; and Daniel Ledesma, a Red Cross international delegate.

The aim of the Refugee City series, which consists of two round table discussions, is to raise awareness of and offer insight into refugee camps as a form of urban development. The refugee crisis is no longer an issue that exclusively affects developing countries: it has reached the doorstep of Europe. This makes us wonder what lessons we can learn from refugee camps and what role building professionals should play in this situation and how they can contribute. These questions and other key aspects such as camp reconstruction, integration and design are addressed in these two round table discussions. The aim is to propose a platform for reflection by providing examples of the different contexts and strategies surrounding refugee settlements.
