
Round table on: Experiencias de emprendimiento delante de los retos actuales: ¿es posible emprender?

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Campus Barcelona

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52% of Social and Legal Sciences students would like to be entrepreneurs. This was published recently in El Economista. Entrepreneurship and innovation in business models is strongly connected to the creation of wealth and jobs, and this also provides a benefit to society.

On the other hand, Barcelona is increasingly positioning itself as a city of entrepreneurs.  Over little more than a decade the Catalan capital has become consolidated as a clear point of reference in the South of Europe in terms of the creation of new companies, particularly technological companies.  Barcelona also stands out due to its large number of specialised organisations, in the areas of transaction services and business funding, risk capital and private equity, which provide support and funding for the development of new companies. 

Being an entrepreneur is a passionate adventure, but the results are not always as expected.  You need both initiative and passion.  What is the key to success?  What background does an entrepreneur need?  What are the challenges and difficulties?  We will talk about all this and more along with:


— Jorge Lluch, CFO Wallapop
— Ana Viñals / Artur Massana, partner at Siakara
— Jordi Aránega, Vice-President of Hengrui Corporation
— Carles Escribano, Manager at Pupgam Studios
— Adrià Guerrero, UIC Barcelona alumnus and entrepreneur

Moderated by: Paco Solé Parellada, full professor of Business Organisation at the UPC. He was formerly the academic director of the Unit for Research Valorisation (which includes the Innova programme for business creation and the Patents Office), as well as the UPC Research and Innovation Park.